Strong EU based NC server

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Codek, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Codek

    I may need to find me a new community to enjoy this game to the fullest, and Miller may not be the best server for that. Which EU based servers have strong NC communities that are highly organized and focused on capturing all 3 continents at all cost during typical EU prime time? I'll need to wait till account wide unlocks and/or transfer tokens are available but am willing to transfer or reroll if Miller can't offer me what i look for. A fun team of people and tight teamplay is worth more than several months of passive cert gain with no one to play with.

    I don't want to discuss my choice of gameplay at this time. I just want to find like minded people so i can enjoy the game more than i am now. And please keep it NC focused. I like the NC and want to continue playing that faction.
  2. biterwylie

    Not Cobalt. I don't think there are any organised NC outfits there. But server pop is well balanced.
  3. Codek

    Ok. Pop wise Miller is ok too, but there are some very nasty and large Outfits on the TR and VS side and save for a few decent 1 squad Outfits the NC side seems pretty disorganized.

    So yeah, it needs to be balanced pop AND contain at least one large, well organized yet still casual friendly and accessible NC Outfit.
  4. Tiedemann

    I second that.

    If you want to lead by creating/joining an outfit then there might be potential. I got no problem finding ppl willing to work so it's just a matter of communication and maybe lending a hand to the newbies :)
  5. MarioO

    The whole server is quite unorganized. Also the TR has only a few organized outfits and that's not enough to capture a whole continent. I don't think the VS are much different.

    Is there even a european serer with many organized outfits? I think it's difficult because most people speak english very bad (even worse than me) and prefer sticking to people talking the same language.
  6. Sprintfox

    You're welcome to fry the VS and TR on Woodman! :)
  7. Bambolero

    I started on Cobalt and wasn't able to find what I'm looking for, which is the exact same thing as you.
    I rerolled on Miller and got even more disapointed ( I have a thread here somewhere that I started when I was very angry at Miller NC and where I dis every single outfit there and I feel bad about it now lol)

    The only server where I really enjoy NC is Matherson (US east).
    It has some very organized outfits that provide very enjoyable gameplay day in day out.
    The problem is obvious though, time zone.
    As far as connection and ping goes, for some reason I have the best ping on Matherson (30-40) vs 80-90 on Miller ( I play from Netherlands atm).
    Go figure.
  8. IMTasty

    I am offended and demand and apology alongside €500 and a comfy pillow. We are not nasty, we are actually very nice and pleasant individuals who just enjoy killing you a lot. There's a difference you silly wabbit.

    And just to mention 3 examples, I would hardly call 252V, WASP and Conz to be 1 squad outfits.

    Unless they are using illusion shenanigans against us! :eek:

  9. HadesR

    If you can get decent ping try a US server .. Places like Connery are always active and during what would be Euro prime time is very busy
  10. Codek

    Don't worry. You weren't the TR OF i was talking about. I won't derail the thread from its intended purpose to discuss that further.
  11. LordMondando

    Have you spent much time on the NC on miller? Not meant to be an accusation just out of intrest, there are days when you can come on and it'll look like a soap opera, but hey.. thats politics for you!

    The drama is greatly over exaggerated. Tonight for example has seen a lot of great cooperation between the NC. That is true of most if not all weekends these days. Increasingly there is also great team play on weekdays.

    FC, ABTF, IX and RTRS I'm looking at you! (sorry for anyone i've missed out from tonight defense of Esamir during prime time, i've had my head up my own **** a tad xoxoxox)
  12. Codek

    Yeah. I know there is a very good NC community there. Mainly US prime time though, which is simply unplayable for me.
  13. fish998

    Maybe I'm playing at the wrong time of day but I never really see any big NC outfits on woodman.
  14. Rusky

    I dunno man, my TR alt is on Miller and I see a lot blue everywhere. Can't be that bad ?
  15. tastyBerryPunch

    Please what ever you do don't roll as NC on Lithcorp. We just got a big surge of noob NC fanboys of some youtuber here and that brings their population at 40% most of the time But since they are purely a mindless zerg that barley work with the older NC outfits, these outfits don't really care for them. Most say they're unreliable and pretty bad at the game. Still I hope most of them stay and get better at the game. We could always use more players. But to keep things fair for the TR and VS don't make a NC characters on Lithcorp, till the populations even out.
  16. Codek

    It isn't. A tad heavy on TR pop sometimes, i had a few disappointments with the community, there's a large amount of well organized and skilled enemy presence(enough to sometimes make me wonder if we are able to counter them at all when they are active) and one enemy Outfit i'd like to give very wide berth due to my experiences with them in another game. I might give it another try since it seems to be the best place so far. Imagine that. For once i might not have picked the worst server to start at.

    Since i'm clearly not looking for the right things on server (quality and quantity of region and command chat, cohesiveness of PUG squads, overal map progression during my playing times including the empire losing serious ground while bogged down at chokepoints and Outfit tags observed at my current location), what ARE good ways to gauge the quality of a community while in game? (at least until April when the community tools get to a usable level)
  17. Sprintfox

    You never see GODS running out? Can't imagine that.