Devs admit they won't ever "fix" rendering issues...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Fenrys

    There is no need to make the render distance increase indefinitely with better hardware. Cap the maximum distance on the render slider at whatever value provides reasonable performance for a system with Recommended hardware.

    Everyone with appropriate hardware gets the same acceptably long render distance, and lesser machines have the option to trade framerate for render distance if they choose to.
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  2. phungus420

    Why not give those of us with high end rigs the option to play on a non render hard capped server? There are dead servers now, could even use one of those without increasing rent space. Hell I bet such a server would end up being one of the most popular.
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  3. Raital

    I thought PC FPS gaming was about ruthlessly exploiting the game engine. Running on the lowest settings possible to neutralize smoke, muzzle flash and all that clutter, forcing shaders to render improperly to see through fog, walls, whatever, replacing enemy textures with bright yellow smileys or whatever so they're as easy as possible to see, and just generally turning the game into a crap wire-rendered mess all in the name of the almighty owning of nubs.
  4. Phyr

    There's nothing to "fix". There's a hardware limitation on both ends and the only thing we can hope for is more improvement as they optimize code and data transfers.
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  5. T0rin

    For the same reason there aren't "subscription only" servers, etc. Their job is not to cater to minorities, but try to improve the situation for everyone, until the game's performance becomes "good". As someone with a sub, I would be glad to play on a server practically devoid of hackers, but why spend your effort on that, when you could spend it actually trying to reduce the amount of hackers for everyone?

    And still, with your high end rig, where you could say, render infantry at 500m, what happens when some guy with an "ultra high end rig" comes along and kills you at 700m? It just isn't a "fair" scenario, no matter how you look at it.
  6. Karragos

    Well, back in my day, we had to unplug our phone line and plug the computer into that line to play Doom. Then one day we got call waiting, and every time we had another call, I dropped my Doom Connection. Now that is a fatal problem to have.

    idclev 1 9
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  7. treeHamster

    First of all, message me your UserOptions, if you don't mind. I've been tweaking mine and can't get it to somewhere that is constant enough.

    That said, I would be VERY happy with a static rending distance. The problem is that it's not static, it's dynamic which means it'a ALWAYS changing simply based on how many people are around. This means I can't viably know where that render boundary is at all times. I can't even estimate it within reason because I don't know if the population is that low (in the area) or people just aren't rendering.

    For the devs:

    You guys are assuming the guys with larger render distances are going to be singling people with lower render distances out and killing them. The thing you aren't accepting is that you CAN'T know who can render you and who can't. In bigger battles, unless you're sniping, your rendering distance doesn't matter beyond 50m because there will always be someone to shoot in that range. So the assumption that the people with larger render distances will somehow have a significant advantage over the people with a smaller render distance is a false. We know this because of the MBT vs MBT stats (as well as overuse of Libs before the update) that proved players will play more opportunistically. This means for the infantry, they'll shoot something closer rather than far away. The only exception of course is with snipers and if a sniper with a super large render distance can nail me with a headshot from 500 meters, I say he da*mned well deserved that kill even if it's out of my render distance.
  8. {joer

  9. {joer

    There is a limit on "best hardware" and what matters is where you set that limit. Its fine and good to say you won't let the best hardware win, but there needs to be a losing hardware level where it just doesn't work and apparently you have that set rather low right now.

    I'm a premium member who has spent a good deal on this game so far, and I would be happy to keep spending but so far your early balance attempts are reactionary and make me want to play less and less despite my "investment".

    Performance for me is down with GU2, I don't bother to even fly anymore, and you seem to be pushing away from a skill based game. I have a feeling if you keep this track, you won't have to worry about render distance.
  10. Phazaar

    Yeah, because being hit by invisible people sure is making air combat a real selling point in the game...

    Forgive me but I abhor FNO, so wanted to confirm. Is the ****** there a word meaning like, good hardware, or less good?
  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    I can actually hear the howls of rage traveling back from the alternate futures where this gets implemented...
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  12. Cl1mh4224rd

    "Poopy" hardware, I assume.
  13. Bill Hicks

    They pretty much reached the technology limits. We just gonna have to wait.
  14. Gisgo

    Theres some confusion going on here!
    Everybody's talking about (player) rendering distance, saying "lets make it fair for everyone", or "lets make it better for better comps"... remember the issue is NOT the (player) rendering distance (thats 300m for everyone) it is the CULLING.
    Its that thing that is reducing the (player) rendering distance and removing players from the screen when too many players are around.
    Its the magic bubble of visibility.
    The (player) rendering distance doesnt need to be increased, 300m range has never been a problem, and could even be lowered to help reducing the culling.
    The problem is the amount of players that can be rendered at once, and which one are getting culled.
    The problem is people popping out of view at 30-50m, this needs to be brought at least to 100m, more if you are looking into a scope.
    People cant pop out of view on the other side of a veichle pad.
  15. treeHamster

    I don't watch FNO either, I saw the post in someone's sig and clicked to see exactly what the guy said. I then saw the date was 2/9/2013 (this past Friday) and knew I had to post since I had YET to see any other thread mention this.

    We're not talking about the landscape render distance (the slider for which is in the "graphics settings"), we are talking about infantry rendering distance.
  16. Gisgo

    Really? :rolleyes: Did you even read my post? I know its broken english but it still makes sense if you read it carefully.
    And gimme enough time to edit!!! :p
  17. Phazaar

    Completely disagree. 300m is far too short. Snipers are irrelevant, and moreso, being in a vehicle showing you outside of this 300m is gamebreaking given the prevalence of lock-ons and invisible missiles.

    I would like them to remove the dynamic render distance for sure; I'd certainly be happy for my fps to drop by 50% if necessary, but it's ******* stupid. But with that said, the 300m needs to get sorted if vehicles are going to continue to render out towards 1000m.
  18. AnotherNoob

    My take on this issue is that there should be a cap of lets say 100m minimum rendering distance, and also when you are in a vehicle, people beyond that distance, in more crowded areas, could render and move as minecraft characters for all I care, with simpler animation and bullet trajectory tracking, as long as they can physically shoot you/be shot. You should not be able to be locked on with a rocket launcher by someone beyond your rendering distance... Just no.

    Also a footnote, "rendering distance", as they talked about in the fno, isn't actually the problem, rendering people works just fine, its keeping track of everyone, aka cpu bottleneck, that is the problem.
  19. Gisgo

    If this is really the case we are screwed, the game is already heavy on the CPU (on quad cores o_O) , its not going to work properly before a couple of generations of hardware.
  20. treeHamster

    Yes but they fix it by not "rendering" the players which is just stupid. If you have bad hardware, face the music. A tower can be build with those recommended specs for under $450, maybe even $400. If you aren't willing to spend that on a gaming computer build, you're not likely to spend any money on a F2P game anyway. If you want to have less than the "recommended" specs, then it should be up to you to deal with the bad gaming experience and not make the rest of us deal with it.
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