Annihilator Squad+Drawing distance = Nothing leaves the Warpgate!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dvine, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. Dvine

    Sooo umm yea!

    1 squad with Annihilators and a few engies camping 600-700m outside a warpgate can shut down any air/armor coming out. Since NOONE can see where one gets shot from outside the 300m infantry draw distance and Annihilators lock on at 600-700m, good luck for anyone trying to leave be it tanks or aircraft!

    Congrats for the well tought out mechanics and the no lockon sound AND the projectile pathfinding buff.

    Lulz have been had!
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  2. HadesR

    Well infantry could draw at 1000m's for you but you still wouldn't see them due to their size ...
    Render need's fixing across the board we all agree. But don't expect to see infantry at long ranges even when it is
  3. Cevera

    Well atleast we would see where the rockets are coming from^^
    Getting shot by invisible rockets from invisible enemies without lock-on sounds sucks <.<

    Its already annoying in tanks, but it gets even worse in the air
  4. Gavyne

    Ever think about countering a squad of infantry with a squad of infantry? And people do realize before Annihilator, there were other, more powerful lock-on rockets available yes? Just how did people cope before?

    And most people do agree that if something's shooting at you, you should be able to see it. That I hope the coders can address soon because it's never fun getting shot at people you can't see. I do have to say though, chances are even if they get rendering all sorted out, people will still complain about annihilators.
  5. Simo

    Agree. Even if you cannot see the enemy due to render distance you ought to be able to see rockets and shells in flight. Shooting large flaming object ought to at least give away your position.
  6. Dvine

    Except noone knows where you are as there is no smoketrail, no lock on sound you just explode... :D There is no way to tell where the shots come from unless you luck out and spot them. (after that they just relocate to a diff spot)

    Before the annihilator that locks on any and ALL veichles, you had to decide between G2G or G2A launchers that had 400m-ish range. Now with the uber range on these you lock airplanes/armor two times further than you draw for them with no risk of being spotted.
  7. Jin Shepard

    Its SoE on the helm, and the devs are just wierd, how can you not know this would happen, it is impossible to really play with vehicles because there are always a dozen people locking up on you and you never see from where.

    Hell I was at the crown right ( I know I know..) I was in my prowler, behind the ammo tower, so the line of sight to the camping magriders on the ridge couldnt hit me, but my Hud was screaming with hits and I assume they were rockets, I never knew where they came from because nothing renders.

    How can you make a MMO FPS with this kind of bullocks =s how can I have spend money on this!?
  8. AuntLou42

    Sounds good but where am I parking my Sunderer? I can't even get it close without exploding.
  9. JustSe7en

    I'll put it to you plain and simple...

    Anything can be OP if you have an organized squad, or big group of players.
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  10. Cevera

    - A lot more people have them now, since its been quite some time since launch
    - The -50% sale on "buff"-day made that even worse
    - Annihilator is against ground+air, so people dont have to decide what to use.
    Before that, a group would have been weak against ground or air, depending on what they choose to use. (or mediocre against both)
    Now we have the Annihilator, that is great against everything^^

    The next thing is, that HA are also the best class for direct infantry combat^^
  11. {joer

    We've done this at the crown a lot but never a WG. Lock on weapons FTW, I guess.
  12. Dvine

    I will type this slow as you're apparently not the sharpest tool in the shed:

    While you're flying/driving, me and a squad of my buddies can one shot you outside infantry drawing distance without warning. We simply lock on you while you receive no warning and shoot at the same time. From your end all that happens is that you fly/drive your merry way to whenever, then you explode and go down like a sack of excrement. You have no way to prevent it, you dont know where we shot from as we dont draw on your screen.

    If you want I can draw a pretty picture too so you understand.
  13. Gavyne

    Just curious because I don't know the hard data, but what's the lock-on range difference between the Hawk G2A vs Annihilator?
  14. Gavyne

    I'm not opposed to changes to lock-on weapons, I'm definitely with everybody on fixing rendering issues so people can see who's shooting at them. But if you are warpgated, don't you think you would remain warpgated no matter if annihilator exist or not?
  15. MarkAntony

    your math. it is incorrect.
  16. Dvine

    WG is absolutely hilarious, they lave the bubble and then explode. No warning no way out, nothing to do against it!
  17. AuntLou42

    Let me rephrase your statement and maybe it'll help: " But if you are warpgated, don't you think you would remain warpgated no matter if you see your opponent or not?"

    Before you could actually fire back at the enemy and push out. Now you don't even see the enemy and your tank explodes before you are even in range to render them.
  18. TheEvilBlight

    You have two other continents. Go fight there while they *** in front of your WG?
  19. Madmojo

    I want to say reduce Annihilator range until the render issue is fixed, but that might as well be permanent. Also, this presents a problem against aircraft as they will just fly out of range everytime they get G2A lock-on. There is another problem and that is with the recent patch, lock-on warnings has been fickle at best. So, now "sometimes" you have no warning, no rendering and you just die suddenly.
  20. Johnnyseven

    Well if you're vehicles are being destroyed by infantry and you just cant get close enough in your vehicles to kill the infantry I would like to introduce you to a breathtaking new technique that may be just what you need to circumvent the anti-vehicle spam!

    Playing as infantry.
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