First the VS, now the TR, when will this all end ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by HellasVagabond, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Sowahka

    Prowlers were already pretty unstoppable pre-patch at close range, they could annihilate any other MBT, and it did need buffs, especially at long range, but I'm a bit worried that they've gone too far. An anchored Prowler anywhere on top of a hill now just rains absolute devastation, more than any Maggie ever did. We'll see how it plays out, but I'm starting to think that the Prowler is the new Mag.

    With that said, I can't wait until account-wide unlocks start so that I can roll out in one.
  2. Tigga

    Prowler is bugged in anchor, simple. The tooltip says it gives 20% shot velocity increase (balanced) the game gives 200% shot velocity increase (not balanced).
    • Up x 1
  3. Sostratos

    Yes, it does seem intended. That is, it seems that way until you get into the game and see the listed velocity increase topping out at 20% and the actual velocity increase is 200%. That's the bug.
  4. mags

    I guess the NC MAX is up next!
  5. MrK

    You missed the NC OP days in beta.
    I for one do not eagerly await NC being OP. There's a comfort behind the thought that your failure may not be your fault ;) Easier to accept.
  6. HellasVagabond

    I didn't miss the beta, that's the issue. I never even once saw that the Vanguard was op. It acted like a TANK should act but it didn't have more armor or damage than the other two so when people say Vanguard was OP during beta i really can't make heads or tails out of that.
  7. MrK

    Reaver was way OP in early beta
  8. HellasVagabond

    The Reaver Should have more armor to make up for the 30% more overall size compared to the other two. Yet it doesn't.
  9. MrK

    Yes, our OP days are over, and it's a good thing :)
  10. Karragos

    Spiderbots ftw!!! Now THAT would be an awesome supertank of some sorts :)
  11. Karragos

    I would argue we need more. I only take 2 shots max from terrain.
  12. {joer

    Apparently the % of speed was the bug, its faster than intended. If its not a bug then great we can actually win a fight vrs a mag now and then. Close range with MBT's is sort of a moot point in my view because at close range you get heavies poking out with rockets that will kill you very fast. Its medium and long range that matters and in that the prowler was awful.
  13. DankFist

    No, they haven't. The only thing those videos shown was that a TR Dual Mercy MAX will win if the NC Scatter MAX was stupid and stayed there the entire time and only if they are the correct distance away.

    Should that NC MAX decide to charge At or away from the TR MAX, there's not a whole lot the TR MAX can do.
  14. HellasVagabond

    Exactly what i was thinking. Something faction specific, a super tank, a BFR, a spiderbot, SOMETHING that each faction would have UNIQUE. All 3 factions currently have MBTs, Aircraft, Lightning, Sunderers, ATVs, Libs, Galaxies, the upcoming buggies, nothing specific.
  15. Moneypennie


    You're welcome.