NV and Cloakers

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Defaceo, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Defaceo

    It's a bummer I cannot see cloakers with NV anymore. Before the patch, you could see them but only the outer aura.
    So it would be great if you change that.


  2. jiitunary

    It's a bummer I that I can my bullets don't go through an HA's overshield....
    So it would be great if you change that.


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  3. Defaceo

    Your post lacks a point, never-mind the lack of wit.
    Request still makes sense to me. No reason a x1 scope cannot half-detect those cloakers.
  4. phreec

    I hope it's not a bug but an actual change. It's ridiculous how 30 certs totally neglects a class ability.
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  5. Jac70

    Yeah, give the Infiltrator's something - I support this change.
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  6. Vikarius

    Agreed, IR/NV only makes sense to see cloakers if the cloak was permanent and not broken (Game update 2 made cloak useless to the point now that not using IRNV you can see cloakers at 300m as if you had pre-patch IRNV.)

    Sure, bring back old IRNV but give infs perma cloak like PS1. I could live with that
  7. exLupo

    IRNV locked you into ADS move/traverse speeds with no zoom, long range visibility or peripheral. For what? A so-so view that could still be negated by cover, range or battlefield chaos. It's not like they were flicking DL.

    The infils that IRNV caused the most problems for were the ones that forgot the cardinal rule of stealth: Always assume your enemy can see you regardless of cloak or disguise.
  8. Defaceo

    It does not ignore a class ability. It a fair penalty of 1x and half-seeing a infiltrator.
  9. Guidaux

    i like infil, i love how they are glass cannons, but not being able to use cloak once you are spotted once because a 30 cert attachment is ridiculous. let the thermal the only attachment that can see infiltrators because that makes more sense. i'd be nice to have less of a shimmer on the cloak as well since on ultra settings i can see the cloaker from pretty far away.
  10. SenEvason

    I do hope it gets fixed soon as well.
  11. Negator

    Please explain how it did not ignore a class ability.

    What if using IRNV:

    *prevented light assaults from jump jetting if you looked at them
    *deactivated HA shields
    *prevented engineers and medics from healing/fixing

    Who are you to decide what is fair? Infils are pretty worthless right now
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  12. DumarDomar

    Wanna spot infiltrators? Turn the graphics in low and watch for dark shades. You can see them from 300m without issues
  13. frankenroach

    I'm pretty sure this is just a bug... earlier today, I was able to see infiltrators as usual (the white aura/outline), but after an hour or so of playing, there was one infiltrator that seemed to be bugged, and his aura/outline would no longer show in the IR/NV scope. As someone else had said, for all of the drawbacks that the IR/NV scope has, being able to see infiltrators was a well-deserved perk.
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  14. fish998

    Which is why there should be another way that makes them a bit easier to see, because no one paid a lot of money for a GPU to play with ****** graphics.

    Either it's an IR scope or it isn't. Why wouldn't an Inf give off a heat signature?
  15. HadesR

    I think the whole point of them being called Infiltrators and having a cloaking ability means they shouldn't be easy to see
  16. frankenroach

    On the lowest settings, infils are damn-near invisible for me :(
  17. Village

    I think you need to look up and understand the electromagnetic spectrum and see the difference between near and short-wave infrared, and MUCH longer wave thermal infrared.
  18. Village

    Not since the patch, go look at the infiltrator forum
  19. frankenroach

    Oh wow, I just saw the vids you posted. That's a pretty serious **** up (assuming it was unintentional) on SOE's part.
  20. Negator

    HAHAHA, OP doesnt like people that prove him wrong, so reports posts instead of deal with it.
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