without perma stealth itll never ever work

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by albeido, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. icesail

    Nobody ever complained about snipers.... This all thread is about CQC infiltrating, not popping heads from 350ms away. Snipers work great, CQC infiltrators need a better cloak and a way to disable vehicles (not destroy). We don't really need more weapons. Pistol to the head + knife works great, or if you are a TR, the default pistol works wonders at very short range.
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  2. albeido

    honestly though among other key features that i could list off the top of my head, the ps1 version of the infiltrator is staple to the title. without it, it just doesnt really feel like planetstide. and quite frankly the class beyond being a sniper is dead. sure you can struggle and have a little bit of fun here or there. but in all honesty if someone says they play soley a dedicated close quarters infiltrator and they sneak in and out of bases like a ninja and all that like we want to do. i call you a noob. also youve prolly got like .012 k/d ratio
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  3. Ztiller

    Pretty much every single one of your statement or assumptions are plain out wrong.
  4. Texicon

    I agree, you can learn to get around some of the classes quirks. While there are things I would like changed I think calling infil useless beyond sniping is a massive injustice to the class.
  5. AnotherNoob

    Depend what we are talking about here :eek:
  6. PaladinZERO

    They need to break this class into 2, the Sniper with limited stealth abilities, and the inf with unlimited stealth, but no sniper rifle. The inf would get the hack tools, and pistol/smg.
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  7. pnkdth

    It is working, just adjust the sound of the cloak. It shouldn't be the dead giveaway that it is.
  8. Haddos

    Someone obviously has not maxed out stealth on infiltrator. the stealth time is incredibly long at rank 4 and i have a down time of about 2-3 seconds. and being smart about stealth is the only way you can be a covert ops beast. go around objectives take an extra 20-2 minutes seconds to get a better spot to flank enemies rather than risking it
  9. icesail

    OO Stealth duration for the hunter cloak is exactly the same at level 1 and maxed... the difference is the recharge rate. On the armor cloak, you start with 3 seconds and each cert level gives you 1 extra second up to 6 seconds.

    Your idea of incredible long, at 12 seconds, must be different them most other people. I do not think most people would call 12 seconds incredibly long duration.....

    Keep in mind that all the requests for a better cloak are only related to CQC infiltrating. We all agree the current cloaks are balanced for the sniper. When you are in close proximity of enemies, our current cloak quality and duration is a liability more them an asset.
  10. Rhinzual

    I would so go for the second version.
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  11. Haddos

    there is nothing wrong with the cloak when infiltrating when infiltrating you have to play smart getting caught is not an option and using cover is just as important as any other class. stealth is just a utility to be harder to spot not make you fully invisible. as alot of good infiltrators say ''play as if you do not have stealth at all'' i think that was said by thekoolaidline on his youtube videos. that does apply to infiltration and sniping
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  12. OldMaster80

    We can be very effective at close range as well: I think semi-automatic sniper rifles are very powerful, and SMG are coming in these days.
    Nevertheless is just a fact that Hunter suite makes insanely difficult to sneak behind enemy lines, we lack recognition tools, EMP grenades do more or less half of what they're supposed to do (because their bugged and clearly unfinished), Decoy grenades are just garbage, and most important we lack a serious way to harm our enemies once we're behind the enemy lines. There's not a specific "Infiltrator's job" to do in order to lower enemy defences.
    The best thing we can do is hacking terminals so everyone can resupply and spawn a sunderer (but this just takes 4 seconds without spending a single cert!), and we can hack turrets but that's not always a tide changer. We need devs to redesign what's our role beside sniping.
  13. Ztiller

    Not really. Its actually quite easy. I have made plenty of videos and tutorials showing how i do it. I have a 90% success-rate.

    I admittedly don't use them, but they can be used to instashot someone with body****s. With a semi, or fully auto, you can rack up tons of kills by removing the enemy shields.

    I hear this complaint all the time. But apparently peopel are not happy with being able to kill, supress and hack. So tell me, What DO you want to do behind the enemy lines?

    And deny enemy armor and AA. How long does the enemy AA need to be down for a Zephyr-lib to turn the defense to ash?

    Also, please tell me what other class is a "tide-changer." A Heavy Assault can kill tanks. Not a tidechanger. A medic can revive, nto a tidechanger either. Engineer? Nope. What is it that the other classes can do, that the infiltrator cannot, except take out enemy armor?

    Peopel often say that the LA is a better infiltrator than the infiltrator. But the LA, apart fro mthe C4, have nothing the Infiltrator doesn't have.
  14. Hellhammer

    I think the cloaking needs some work, but not all is lost. As many others have said, lessen the cloak/uncloak sound, increase the invisibility time: 12, 14, 16, 18, 20 with certs
  15. DirArtillerySupport

    Classes killed the cloaker and so did integrating the sniper mechanic from BF2142. It's a direction they took and there is simply no fixing it now....the only way to fix it and make it Planetside again is to strip the cloaker of it's sniper abilities but it's too late for that. People have too much time and money invested in it.

    If you think the current cloaker is closer in comparison to PS1 as it is to Battlefield 2142 you must be mental. I don't think a cloaker should get anything more than a pistol, a knife and some infiltrator toys.

    Sony didn't ask us for this change...they just went ahead and did it...for our own good I guess since none of us were having any fun at all with the PS1 infiltrator. When and if PS1 goes free and populates I suggest those of you that have never played it go and check it out. It really was a perfected well balanced class in a classless game.
  16. Intolerant

    Outside of say 30 meters, cloaked players shouldn't render at all, at least until they find something better than alpha-blending to implement stealth.
  17. MooK

    I'm with you, and this has been discussed to death. I get the feeling they're not interested. Perspective? I played infiltrator 9/10 times on PS1. Now, I play Light Assault, because honestly, it's a much better infiltrator than the infiltrator.

    Like others have said: there's no fixing it. Give sniper its own class, and rebuild the infiltrator from scratch.

    A sniper class could be seriously robust. Scout snipers, long-range snipers, anti-vehicle snipers (anti-material weaponry,) ghille suits, advanced camouflage, etc..
  18. icesail

    I am able to infiltrate a air tower behind enemy lines in my AA max.... I know about cover.

    The problem is, we have a cloak, for which we gave up 100 HP and some other far better abilities, that does not work. Can you just see all the screaming if the LA jetpack would only work when you jumped, and you could only jump as high with it as without, unless you were falling, but you would still take damage? Yes, our cloak works great if you are not LOS with the enemy and if they are not looking..... But so is the HA shield, it gives him total stealth while he is under cover and the enemy is not looking.

    That is what our cloak does. We have it, but we have to play like we did not have it, not only that, to be the most effective, we cannot use it, we have to use the same entry points like every other class except LAs, we cannot do anything while in cloak, it has a deactivation delay before you can do anything AND on top of that, our cloak is not only highly visible, it makes tons of noise every 12 seconds, and we don't even have a running boost. 12 seconds is not enough time cross the courtyard at most bases.

    If using my cloak is not an option and I have to use cover 100% of the time, why the heck do I even need a cloak to start with? Give me a drifter pack, or a resupply ammo pack, or even IFF scrambler.

    And in case you wonder:

    PS - You have not address the issue of the "incredible long duration" you claim to have once you get the cloak to level 4 or maxed.... I called you on it that the duration is exactly the same at level 1 and level 4.
  19. Texicon

    Most fun I have had as an infil so far netted me the least amount of XP and kills.

    I saw a push being made by my NC bretheren on the entire front line of the TR. So I went N to S hacking every terminal and turret behind the front line. The front line fell and about 5 minutes later their entire fall back position fell. They couldnt spawn any vehicles or use and tower/base defenses...and in some cases I brought down all the shields as well.

    Thats a 2 sector change because 1 infiltrator wasnt focused on XP or kills. No other class could do that.
  20. Vorpal

    Perma stealth has been a horrible idea in every game in which it has been implemented.

    the infil has issues, but lack of perma stealth isn't one of them. It's utility (recon tool) is absurdly weak and no one ever says "I'm going to infiltrate just to put a recon tool down!"

    LMG's should give infiltrators who aren't trying to snipe a viable tool.

    Like LA's, Infils lack the versatility and utility of the medic/eng/HA combo and need something else.