[Suggestion] Enemies shouldn't be able to see how many people are in a vehicle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Slyguy65, Jan 29, 2013.

  1. Slyguy65


    How the hell would they know 12 people are in this sundy i have, or galaxy.

    Honestly, it takes away any sort of ruse element.

    No real tactical strategy can be had when they can see details like that.
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  2. ArcMinuteLight

    Well you gotta remember, does it even matter if they know how many people are in which vehicle?
    Which would you rather do, blow one up, or BLOW ALL OF THEM UP!
  3. Sowahka

    I've thought this was silly for a while. Most definitely should be removed.

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  4. Xind

    It should be removed and re-added as a "Passive" ability for Infiltrators.

    But yeah, why the hell can we tell exactly how full a vehicle is?
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  5. AzuratteV

    Aye, remove it, it totally removes the strategy of sending in a decoy galaxy/suderer or other such vehicle. This has bothered me from the instant I started playing.
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  6. Dictatorfish

    Well, yes, it is very important. If you saw three Sunderers, one full and the other two have just a driver, you'd target the full Sundy first, right? Now, if the game didn't give you that intel, the enemy has effectively got 2 decoy Sundies to increase the chances of getting a full squad of people to the objective safely. At the moment, the safest people in the unit are the drivers of the empty Sundy, and that's just Wrong.
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  7. Thagyr

    It's the power of the sunglasses everyone wears. They resonate on a sunglasses frequency so one can determine how many sunglasses are in a vehicle at any given time.
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  8. Yautja

    Should be removed.
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  9. Playful Pony

    Yeah, needs to go.

    Ah, well thats that problem solved. Leave it in!
  10. KAHR-Alpha

    Hopefully, one SOE dev will see that one, it's really a good suggestion that doesn't break anything and just adds more depth to the game (seriously, there's nothing less threatening than a 1/12 galaxy).

    With that said, I'm afraid it might be too deeply rooted into spotting mechanism to be removed easily, but it's not like I can look at the sources so...
  11. koolaroo

    I can't imagine this would be to hard to change and it would affect the meta quite nicely with not a ton of effort on soe's part. I say do this it's not a huge thing but it could make the game a bit more strategic which in my book is always good.
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  12. Barosar

    Definitely should not know the occupant counts for vehicles. Not only to enable decoy techniques but also to properly blur threat assessment. You shouldn't immediately know if a MBT has a gunner or not until you observe the gunner doings stuff independently of the driver. All you can be certain of is that it has a driver/pilot if it is actively moving. This does enable some expanded features for things like Scout Radar to help provide allies with info.
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  13. riker

    definitly needs to go, i have caught myself going halfway accross the map to kill a galaxy that had 12 people in it

  14. Slyguy65

    If you had 12 galaxies...with only a couple actually full...ya
  15. Reizod

    I agree that being able to see the number of passengers in a vech should be removed. Though, my biggest question regarding this is what was the reason why it is even there? I would like to know from a Dev what was the thinking behind it's implementation in the first place!? Very curious...
  16. Locke

    Yep remove it. Plenty of situations where it hurts the game.
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  17. JP_Russell

    I actually prefer it this way. I don't mind that the enemy can see there's a bunch of us in a sunderer when I'm in one as an attacker (we already have the advantage in this game by virtue of being the attackers, and it's not like a filled sunderer is in a ton of danger if it has adequate protection around it like it should), and I think having that information on the other end is essential to accurately evaluating threat levels. Being able to send in decoys and such is a nice idea, but in practice I don't think it's needed in this game, whereas I think not being able to see at a glance whether a liberator has a gunner or whathaveyou would remove information that I feel improves the flow of the game. I get why people have a problem with it, I just don't agree that it's a bad thing.
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  18. TheScapegoat

    Agreed it should be removed
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  19. KAHR-Alpha

    Actually, I think that stuff like that is just old debugging features that didn't disappear after the release.
  20. Talizzar

    This should be removed. Most of our outfit wondered why that information was given. How would infiltrators know how many people are in a plane? Psychic?
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