NC SplatterMax's need to be adjusted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Talizzar, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Rozonus

    I love using an AI MAX as NC, but even I can't wait for the flamethrowers to be put in! Fire > buckshot! At least then all factions will have decent close range AI weapons.
  2. PaladinZERO

    Except those were two stationary MAX shooting at each other. How many time do you see that? The NC MAX charge, and the BAM, it wins. I mean, really, you think everything is OK just because if the NC MAX remains stationary at 15 meters it will get taken down? Fine, then when these engagements start lets have a rule stating the the MC max cannot advance on the enemy, fair?
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  3. Wasdie

    Sure, take the one thing that the NC actually have that's useful in close quarters combat. Great.
  4. PaladinZERO

    Wrong, dual mercies will not kill a NC MAX at close range, nothing will.
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  5. Wasdie

    That happens to be the only thing the NC max is good at. It has 0 range. The only situation it is useful in is biolab defenses and defenses within buildings.

    Just because you can't seem to counter it, doesn't mean they need to be changed.

    To make this even more apparent, the NC has appalling close quarters weaponry. The MAX is truly all the NC has.
  6. PaladinZERO

    Really, you put that AV weapon on the other arm outside he bio lab and kill inf with it. Really, you don't have to have 2 shotguns on the arms at all times.
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  7. PaladinZERO

    This is where you are wrong. The MC max has plenty of range, the AV weapon is also very good on it, and it can also kill infantry. So outside the biolab just use the AV weapon.
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  8. Olek

    That's not true, I've done it a number of times, and I'm an average player, which is why I use the TR dual Mercies.
  9. Wasdie

    It has very little range and a tiny magazine worth of ammo. You're absolutely wrong.

    The AV weapon is also not the greatest. It has a relatively little splash and has a very long reload time thus it has a tiny RoF and is not very useful in sustained combat. You're wrong on both accounts.
  10. EvilPhd

    NC Maxes are at a disadvantage due to constant reloading and accuracy issues beyond 5m

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  11. mags

    Nah, all that's needed is to reduce the dmg splattermaxes do to other maxes. Should still kill faster if close, but not as fast.
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  12. Stew360

    ive ask since techtest to have the scattercanon like stuff to be common pool and to give the NC a Cycler equivalent with a little slower but stronger hitting , they did not lisen so now everybody are screw

    Personally the dual cycler as way much more potential the Scatter is only good in Maxs vs infantry figth wich the dual cycler is as well the scatter as to reload every 2 sec the dual cycler do not

    basically the scatter is garbage in almost all situation so

    get rid of the scatter as a whole ill be happy to get a dual comets / dual cyclers any time and it about time we got a equivalent to others factions stuff and if peoples like scatter so much the common pool will make them happy

    Also i can say thats any regular infantry shotguns especially TR and VS ones are as efficient as the scatter canon agains infantry ;) it do not kills faster than regular shotguns its only when dual + maxs health it could be more problematics but still the dual cycler can anihilated a entire squad whiout reloading wich is impossible for a scatter max
  13. Linedan

    You want to know the best thing about an NC MAX? It isn't even their power up close. It's the fact that they've achieved such a legendary "OH SNAP SCATMAX" status due to threads like this, they scare the effin' daylights out of the opposition. As soon as a MAX shows up you know he's going to draw all the fire for a half-klick around. Makes it easier to flank the enemy.

    And NoctD brings up a good point. For whatever reason it seems like every other guy on NC is an engineer. And we always fix our MAXes. Although...are any of the anti-vehicle MAXes any good? I tried the Falcon and it just seems...kinda useless. I'd rather have some sort of rocket launcher than that grenade that seems extremely hard to aim and very short-ranged.

    I don't get why people call the TR AI MAXes underpowered. I've never used one myself but I've been killed by them plenty of times and seen them wipe out entire rooms when properly supported. And unlike the NC MAX, they can fight at any range from point-blank out to medium or longer without having to go back to an equipment terminal and swap ammo types. They may not be as powerful at one range, but they're a lot more versatile. Now VS MAXes...they kill me, but I don't know much about them. They don't seem to hit nearly as hard as TR but I don't know what all the weapons do. Something is lacking about them, maybe they need more maneuverability, faster run speed or limited jump jets or something like that.
  14. centurionvi

    So.. 99% of the game? Range is completely useless on a MAX, they fire so slowly you can easily find cover, and they die so quickly a TR or VS MAX that tries to stand up to any semblance of resistance gets mowed down in seconds. Burst damage and CQC is the only thing any MAX is good for, where the NC MAX dominates everything at an obscene level.
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  15. PaladinZERO

    What, the NC MAX not shooting at you? Dual Hacksaw will tear apart dual mercies at close range, it's no contest. I use TR dual mercies all the time, I've had the NC MAX charge though my fire, and insta gibbed me at full health. The only time I win with the dual mercies is when I can back up and the other max cannot charge.
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  16. PaladinZERO

    No, I've used the AV weapon on the NC MAX, it has great range, and killing power. I've have also been on the other end of the NC AV MAX, and it can kill at range. It's not as useless as you claim.
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  17. Zakuak

    Man nothing is safe in this game if it's even half good at killing something. My MAX gets leveled on some runs by the enemy and other runs I do pretty good. Depends on the situation, if you keep dieing to ScatMaxs (enough to come throw up another OP thread) then maybe switch it up a bit.

    Nothing says "HI" like a rocket to the face, it's easy to do if you get the MAX to move first...he has a lag after running as he brings his guns up to fire. Peekaboo him around a corner and spread the love.

    I can't count how many times I've had a LA drop some explosives on me while I'm in a MAX suit, pretty effective
  18. Hosp

    Still waiting for devs to nerf the Mauler. Because I can kill MAXs with it in CQC, and infantry die in 1-2 hits.
  19. Lt Hills

    I disagree that the falcon is not viable against infantry and especially at range. It just takes a bit to get used to the arc as while the shotgun fires from your "eyes" and only the particles show as coming out from the gun, the falcon grenade actually travels from the edge of your screen and through the center at about 100m.

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  20. The Funk

    If groups can coordinate max rushes, why can't they coordinate explosives? Sounds like a people problem.
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