Are anti personal mines *invisible*?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by m44v, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. Chancellor Gowron

    First of all they need to fix this clipping through the floor issue.

    IMO they shouldn't detonate if you crouch-walk over them like claymores in BF3. Not realistic but makes sense from a gameplay perspective.

    They are designed to kill careless rambo players like me who run up staircases and through doorways leading to cap points.

    Gotta be some way for a very careful player to counter them.
  2. Mietz

    I got mines a few days ago, I have trouble with them all the time.

    Today I planted one squarely in front of the spawn at Crown when we were overrun and watched it through the shield.

    One vanu ran past it, nothing.

    Two Vanu, three vanu, an NC. Nothing.

    So i shot it, and it goes off.

    Do they have like a tiny range or sth? Because the walkway isn't that broad.
  3. Dhart

    Even AT mines that I place... I have to be looking directly at them to see them deployed. Periphery vision... not a chance. BB are a little more obvious... I can see those and others my faction has placed.

    (Doesn't stop idiots from standing on them when opps come running... fine die then).
  4. Dhart

    Agree and I'm surprised Engineers don't have some kind of ability to 'disarm' or detect explosives... just like Infiltrators can detect enemies with their #3 ability.

    Of course... if it was equip type ability...replacing mines or ammo pack... I doubt many will bother short of a mandate from their Outfit.
  5. Dhart

    I suspect when the 50% flak armor takes effect... it won't kill instantly... just take 75% of their health, etc.
  6. Baleur

    Yeah, which is stupid because, you know, the friggin thermal sights have such a low range that you CAN'T have them on permanently, hence you can't spot even anti-tank mines, even if you have the counter, thermal, because thermal has such an awful range that it is suicide to drive with it on.

    Lose if you do, lose if you don't..
    It's so silly too like, you can't be clever and equip thermal to deal with mines, because you can't use it to detect mines, because if you do you can't see anything in a normal medium engagement range where most hostiles will appear..

    Imagine if it was the same nonsense with the other equipment that has to do with preparing for a certain encounter.
    Imagine if mineguard only helped you if you deactivated your engines.
    Imagine if vehicle stealth only activated after you honk the horn.

    It's the same kinda concept, you equip the sidegrade to be good at or against one thing, but you can't actually use it because it ruins everything else.
  7. Tasogie

    Exactly, you dont think everything you have should be perfect against everything do you ?. There have to be trade offs, its up to you make the choice on whats more important. You should never be able ot have it both ways.
  8. Malgalad-NC

    Thermal > any sort of mines.
  9. Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh

    Or even better...

    >NC starts shooting at my Stupid Sexy Vanu.
    >Runs behind cover.
    >Go behind cover.
    >Put the spaghetti inside of my pockets.
    >Pulls out Assault Rifle, get ready.
    >**** you, AI Mine up in your ***.
  10. McDonaldsMaster

    Hahaha, made me smile.
  11. McDonaldsMaster

  12. Thenuclearwalrus

    A good player will place them around the corner of a doorway so that you can't see it until it is too late.
  13. fish998

    I'm sure they're invisible sometimes, I remember creeping into a gen room, moving inch by inch staring at the floor, seeing nothing, and one still got me. I've also seen ones I've planted become invisible after I respawned, but the little explosives icon is still there floating above where the mine was, and they still kill people, so yeah they're bugged.

    TBH I think they're a bit of a cheap way of getting kills at the moment. Bugged or not, they should all be made as visibile as the TR ones, so you actually need to place them cleverly.
  14. huller

    mines can be seen with the naked eye, with NV scope it is even easier. The problem is that players are sneaky with the placement of their mines and VS and NC AP mines lay flat and are therefore hard to spot. The fact that they have the same colour as most floors doesn't help either. claymores are far easier to spot and far harder to hide.
  15. Soloviev

    Yeah people are so skillful with their placement. They've been skilled since beta.

    Shut the **** up.
  16. MrK

    I've seen friendly mine icon hanging above thin air more than once. Mines are definitely bugged sometimes and can end up invisible.
    That's not a normal behavior and should be corrected. Nothing wrong with correcting bugs.
  17. TeknoBug

    Most of the time no, but on certain floors inside buildings they can be, especially near the generator.