TR WON!!! Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The King, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Elidion

    I tuned in to the stream for a bit while waiting for a base cap and I saw it was on Seananners...he was standing in a spawn room like he was AFK for at least 25 seconds before I saw another NC run up to him and TK him. I figured that summed up the night for the NC group there.
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  2. RobotNinja

    If you're going to have a contest where the outcome is decided by community vote then obviously the faction with the most players is going to win. Hmmmm...which faction is that again?
  3. Cougarbrit

    People have been tking seananners constantly from the start of him playing PS2 from what I've heard so I wouldn't be surprised if he couldn't give less of a **** about the NC. That said he's a nice guy so probably no hard feelings, but I doubt he'd have felt as enthusiatic as the others despite his usual upbeat attitude.
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  4. Cougarbrit

    The VS? I don't know who has the most, but it doesn't matter because it wasn't who had the most players that decided it, it was who had the most twitter fans.
  5. The King

  6. PresidentFreeman

    I take it there is a video there? Not showing for me on the mobile, thanks anyway.
  7. The King

    Yeah, you can also click on it and it'll go to where they have the other videos.
    The audio sucked though.... :(
  8. Tatanka

    Contest decided by social media and not gameplay? eSport peanut butter in my chocolaty MMOFPS?

    Yeah. Feeling real good about the direction this product is taking.
  9. BeneTleilax

    Meh VS should have won, but regardless I had a blast! I hope there are more events like this in the future.

    And besides VS have Magriders, so at the end of the day they still win
  10. Peanut Butter

    I am TR, and even I have to say VS won the challenges, and the fact that they won on pretty much every other server should have been factored into play.

    I think this is all due to a failure on SOE's part as to how we were actually supposed to win the UES.

    Why would you do that to me? What did I ever do to you? :(
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  11. Tatanka

    Aw, man. I feel bad now.

    I, um, really meant eSport chocolate in my peanut buttery MMOFPS.

    *waits for Chocolate to post*
  12. Zorlox

    why even bother having the event if it's just going to be a popularity contest? It doesn't have an impact on me one way or the other but I don't understand the point if that's the way it's going to go.
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  13. JojoTheSlayer

    Vote Now LoL
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  14. h00n

    The TR won because everyone hates the disgusting Vanu scumbags.
  15. Aghar30

    lol no TR won because people are sheep and listen to a Brit with a loud voice and crappy acting.
  16. wrenched

    As a TR

    I feel so dirty and dishonest knowing TR were declared winners unfairly

    So this is how the vanu must feel every time they take a base...
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  17. Allin

    I'm a TR.

    I don't accept that win. We lost. We need to try harder.

    Popularity votes? Wars are not won by a popularity votes.

  18. gudman591

    Whole faction disgraced. Why SOE? Why did you dishonour us?
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  19. Llaf

    TR didn't win. Stop acting like we did, we lost so bad we are hardly represented on the scorecard at all. As a poster above me said, SoE has forced disgrace upon our whole faction by shoving this fraudulent "win" in our faces. It's causing public outcry from the people who really won and the smart ones who know they didn't. I don't like VS, I think they are OP bastards, but I concede they won, by a ******* landslide no less. Give them their stupid trophy.
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  20. CBCronin

    I think TB made a mistake in accepting the "win", he relies on his integrity in his career and people could get the impression that he is too close to SOE.

    Accept a trophy for a real win, the majority of people will say you deserve it; accept a trophy for an orchestrated outcome, people will say your in bed with them. Don't want to see TB broadcasting in front of a Halo advert with bags of Doritos and Mountain Dew.