TR WON!!! Why?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by The King, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. MiZrY

    We are all winners here
  2. Mortucus

    and we beat you on connery lamo i was there
  3. orthus2

    so really the event: IE the gameplay part where they choose leaders to lead the factions to victory was pointless and really the leaders were only there for PR and to get a twitter trend and nothing else.
  4. Azzer

    In future, all outfits should log out of the game, log in to twitter, and tweet. It's the path to victory.
  5. Rail Tracer

    Guys, it's nothing more than a show put on to recruit more players. Don't take it too seriously. It's better to treat the whole thing as a joke and laugh it off so SOE won't pull another one of these again.
  6. TheWhiteLights

    I thought TR only won the people's award and the VS won the event? I'm confused...
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  7. Riekopo

    Kind of silly for the communitys' efforts to be excluded from what determines the winner.
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  8. Latros

    I fully understand this was a "PR" event... however it was handled pretty poorly... what did the players get out of this? if you were a connery player you probably got pop locked out of the event by BR1s... And if you were on another server your efforts ment little. There should have been rewards to players on every server that participated in the event that won their challenges.

    I speak from my expierence on Helios, we had great fighting between all 3 empires but in the end all of us walked away empty handed.
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  9. TR2TheDeth

    I'm TR2TheDeth, and even I think this is ****** up. Even though I thought the TR would win just because the TR is the best, I didn't want to win this way! PS2 and SOE will 4ever be looked at as a money **** from now on.
  10. The King

    Actually, the TR just won 2 times and the VS won 2x.
    Meaning it's pretty much a tie.
    The trophy was the people's choice award.

    TR: 1 round / 1st people's choice award
    VS: 2 round win
    NC: 3rd place x 2


  11. BKGeno

    I would like to thank SoE for completely screwing with the fan base. Yet again. Srsly, what was the point of promoting 'everyone can participate' if all it amounted to was pissing in the wind?
  12. Scufmark


    My outfit on Genudine helped to win every challenge. What did we get? Not even a pat on the back. I for one am very pissed over such.
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  13. The King

    *pats* Scufmark *pats*

    Seriously, everyone knows, even SOE and the LevelCap team along with the Buscuit, that the VS won. They even said it.

    So it doesn't matter if TB won the people's choice award.

    Have fun and enjoy the game.
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  14. PresidentFreeman

    That is some VS domination right there, surprised NC held our own on Briggs, good to see.
  15. Verisimilituder

    Anyone else notice for the UES picture where it shows an NC, VS and TR, that the NC and TR have their pistols out while the VS guy isn't pulling his punches and has... I don't even know what that thing is. LMG? Seems pretty douchey to bring a huge laser machine gun to a pistol duel. The VS dude's also looking down his nose at you while the NC appears to be distracted by the sun shining off his gun and the TR is trying too hard to aim.
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  16. MintiFresh

    If that table isn't an obvious representation of weapon imbalances, I don't know what is.
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  17. ArcMinuteLight

    Tactical Superiority.
  18. Fox Reinhold

  19. MaxDamage

    Feels good bro.
  20. PresidentFreeman

    I can't find any videos of seananners from the event on youtube, did he just not participate or something?