Ultimate Empire Showdown - The Final Scoreboard

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kyutaru, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. ReNiki

    Oh yes I ignored it, thanks for pointing it out! It was between two EU servers. Maybe I should go to sleep too. :oops: Well Doesn't look so even anymore. But still im happy with the balance of game. Even though it looks like I'm in the "losing" side right now. hehe.
  2. Xarx

    It wasn't though, I wasn't having any problems rendering infantry from my Scythe at all. Meanwhile Crown/TI Alloys/Ceres Hydro was the usual hotbed of activity.
  3. Urban_Scorp

    We held the Bastion because our outfits made a gamble on taking and defending it before the second round ever started. Props to Hythloday and Maer. Had to in order to stay in the game since we started with next to nil territory on the first round and at a ~10% local pop disadvantage.

    With some coordinating, we came, we saw, we barely scraped by. The Bastion was held more by TR and NC interfering with one another and the effect of extreme lag than any overwhelming defense.

    The third round was made possible because too many NC and TR sat in their major facilities rather than moving about the map, taking and holding. Plenty of TR and NC were taking, it was the sticking around and holding part you were pretty poor at. At least with regards to the smaller quicker to take facilities.
  4. Kyutaru

  5. Krugan

    Yea the VS have their crap together that's for sure. I would play on my VS more if the art style of VS wasn't so crappy.
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  6. vulkkan

    Great fights on Waterson, though battle at the Bastion was so laggy many of the people in our platoons thought the server was doomed to crash. SOE definitely needs to work on reducing server latency and lag...
  7. Windchaser

    Woot. The Vanu are perfectly balanced!
  8. Sinist

    The VANU and NC started off with the most territory, TR barely had any. Throughout the hour the TR captured the entire bottom 20% of the map, while NC and VS were in stalemate.

    It was not who held the most territory, it was who GAINED the most territory.

    You got a point for each territory captured.

    I think that would explain it but I will let SOE answer for sure.
  9. Rommel42

    It sounds like your the one who needs that Ego boost lol
  10. soeguud

    VS pursue their own agenda on Briggs. That said it was something like 50% NC 20% VS 30% TR in the first round, in terms of continent pop.
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  11. Krugan

    My Ego is in check sir or ma'am. No need for boosting here.
  12. Slifar

    Fair enough! It definately isn't the kind of thing I would expect a soldier to wear, that's for sure lol.

    But I've never been TOO focused on those kinds of things myself, as long as I'm not wearing rainbow underwear and hitting people with lolipops or something lol.
  13. witherstaff

    This just proves it. TR is OP and needs nerfing. It's the only explanation after other factions did better but TR is declared the winner
  14. Krugan

    But they wear purple leotards and shoot laffy taffy from their rifles.
  15. Maer

    Pretty pissed that Vanu doesn't have a splash screen on the launcher. Did so much work. There better be a Vanu victory thing up there at some point.

    And for anyone saying "Blah blah.. VS owned the territory so they won". Get real.

    We started out with 11% population and ZERO territory on Amerish on Jaeger. We lost the first event because it was absolutely impossible without a reset. I imagine the same thing happened on every server. It took us 15 minutes to even push out to one of those bases, and we still almost managed a victory. We won the other two events because of organization. Both other factions attest to that.

    The Vanu sweeping victory is because the EU servers were all asleep. Vanu are more mobile because of magriders so thinner spread forces succeeded. That's the only reason.

    I'm happy to have had a part in leading this event on Jaeger. Everyone involved did exceptional well.
  16. Smoo

    I think it mainly has to do with history. Back in PS1 the NC and TR had MAX suits specifically designed to fight inside bases, and VS maxes had jump jets, which are markedly less useful inside corridors. As well as HA weapons which were decent at suppression, while the Jackhammer had a lower TTK at close range (inside a base) and the Minigun which had a massive clip and with AP bullets could even make a dent on vehicles. Magriders were slimmer, and could cross water but was definitely a sniper tank versus the other tanks which could one-shot infantry.

    So... what to do? Organize. The tools needed to be used in specific ways to hold even, and with organization and population could still win. So the VS learned to do that. They did it for years.

    And those people went to PS2. They got weapons that are comparable to the other factions. They still remember how to organize.

    It's the difference in ANY faction, of 5 random people (attacking or defending) versus 5 other people who are working together. The 5 uncoordinated fellows get mowed down singly, while the 5 squad members support each other and win.

    That and the Bastion was a bit nearer the VS gate, the other 2 factions shoot each other, and the lag was absolutely horrible.
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  17. DankFist

    Oh god, my sides! the irony here is almost too much to bear.
  18. SlingBlade

    I think this is unlikely at the end of the 2nd event we were decimated in regards to territory because NC and TR attacked and surrounded bastion which is pretty close to our warpgate.
  19. Slifar

    What. Is.... is someone.... MAKING SENSE?!

    In all honesty that's a pretty good explination.

    The Vanu frequently do things like have entire platoons drop on a single zone at the exact same time when things are going bad, or will redirect an entire air fleet to go defend an outpost on their way to the main push. The other two factions don't seem to do ANYTHING like this.

    On Waterson I also notice they have a habit of thinking that the only thing they can stand behind are bright, glowy shields.... It's not hard to mow down a guy running right at you when you have cover and he doesn't :p The NC in particular like to do this it seems, at least, the ones that venture out of Amerish (Well, before Amerish was a event zone lol)
  20. Kameho

    Mainly due to the NC GODS outfit, cooperated with some VS outifts to gang up on the TR in round 1. Having a non-aggression pact, wich didnt seem to last in round 2 and 3.