Ultimate Empire Showdown - The Final Scoreboard

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Kyutaru, Jan 25, 2013.

  1. Peacemaker12

    I'm so proud of the Helios NC. We were hilariously screwed after the second challenge holding The Bastion to the point where we were nearly warpgated by both VS and TR but managed to pull off the third territory control challenge miraculously.
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  2. SeventhFrost

    "Vanu are OP" "TR are OP" No. Vanu is near perfectly balanced with their faction's abilities and drawbacks. The TR could use tweaking, mainly in rof AND spread increases (imho). The NC, however, are underpowered comparitively. It's easy to see from any real gameplay standpoint. The NC "up-sides/pros" are overshadowed by their cons, and even the game's current state as it is. It's simple. So no, the VS and TR should not be nerfed. NC should be changed. It'd most likely end in a resounding buff (in a different sort of way than most expect) but a big change nonetheless.
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  3. Omally

    vanu won the last challenge on waterson
  4. ChocolateLoveMuscle

    IF the VS are overpowered it means the players in the Helios and Genudine servers must be really skillful :)
  5. ReNiki

    Remember the EU players are sleeping at this moment. So count only the US server wins and loses.


    TR - 6 wins
    NC - 7 wins
    VS - 7 wins

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  6. Teoke

    The TR won on Briggs, Connery, Waterson and Woodman for the 4th challenge. Perhaps we should nerf the TR guns on those specific servers?

    As goes for the NC on the challenges they won. This seem like a good solution to me. That'll keep everyone happy.
  7. Richard Nixon

    Freedom won on Helios! Thank you to all the VS/TR players in those events. That was some of the fiercest fighting I've ever seen on the server.

    Livin' free in the NC!
  8. Griselai

    Genudine NC reporting :D
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  9. Axxm

    Can we please finally admit that the NC are crazy under-powered? Like seriously?

    The reason NC loses is because they have no players because no one wants to use their weapons that aren't as good as the TR/VS. It's so obvious...I don't know why a DEV doesn't admit to it..I really just want to see ONE of them comment on the NC being under-powered. Just once.
  10. Suriakk

    Preach on brotha! I had to turn my graphics down for that one. Man it was a blast though.
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  11. gunfox

  12. Riekopo

  13. CascadiaHermit

    I feel a sense of Pride, looking at the scoreboard and seeing the results. Though our one blemish was the first event... where the Vanu cowards cheated the results by capturing the majority of the continent minutes prior to the event beginning... as if they had someone telling them when the event would begin and what event would come first.

    ... Damned Vanu spies.
  14. Skadi

    So, proof the VS breed like ******* cockroaches.
  15. SlingBlade

    It's actually a little worse then you guys think. VS Won the 3rd challenge on Waterson by a large margin even though it shows TR winning. TR had the least amount of territory with 20%. So VS won even more than your scorecard shows ;)
  16. Pinback

    Congrats to the Vanu.

    That said I think we all need to remember that the NERF/BUFF hammer will continue on into the future.

    I for one am not saying that these results show anything. VS OP? NC need buff? No.

    Not to say that these results have no significance. Combined with more overall stats, perhaps it does. But balance in a game like this is almost impossible to achieve. Down the line the OP scream will be directed at a different faction.
  17. Anonynonymous

    Wasn't even a close victory, VS pretty much steamrolled on just about every servers where they're not outnumbered. Does this show that there could be some fundamental underlining unbalances in the game? Or just that for some mystical reason no that TR and NC are somehow made entirely of sucky players according to VS?

    Run that through your common sense.
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  18. wrenched

    I am just lucky its daytime here so I can see the vanu on the scorecard
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  19. -lOldboyl-

    Why even count the Euro servers when the Vanu just ghost capped everything.
  20. KraggTheGrim

    Easy to win a contest when you alraedy hold the objectives needed to win.

    On Jeager VS already held the Bastion, and already had 50% of the zones. OP weapons, population imbalance come in to play, but the major factor was they already had what they needed to win before the contest started. SOE should have wiped everything to neutral at the start of each challenge.
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