Yet another game ruined by cheaters

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by QRLegion, Jan 24, 2013.

  1. Potogasu D. Esu

    You guys should use something that isn't that easy to change. Volume IDs, MAC addresses are changeable in seconds.
  2. Arrowfaster

    No offense but I seriously doubt the efficiency of your "ways". Some time ago my outfit was flying in an air zerg. We encountered a single enemy liberator armed with a dalton. Anyway this gunner managed to shoot down over 10 reavers with 100% accuracy. He was one shoting anyone who appeared in his angle. Later when I was finally able to take him down he switched to infiltrator class and was killing my squad on the ground in close range using bolt action rifle (which we all know is useless in close range). Couple of days later we encountered him on the ground, he killed two of us while performing a perfect 90 degree snap. I had my entire outfit report him and I even submitted a ticket. The only reply I got was that you are not even going to start an investigation until I provide video evidence.

    Later I encountered a hacker who was fighting on my side (NC). He was making obvious hacks like flying through the ground to emerge behind enemies to kill them. I recorded him with ingame video recorder only to realize that a 2 minute long video clip is not only 800 mb big but is of also so low quality that I can't even read the guy's name thus being unable to tell you his name. Not to mention that uploading a 800 mb video was estimated to last over 10 hours.

    So yeah this is my rant about your "ways".
    • Up x 1
  3. Xris

    Someone managed to teleport a sunderer into the spawnroom of crown today. This is getting worse
  4. gh05t

    sure that's a bug, i've had it happen to me on occasions. Also seen a galaxy and a prowler get spawned into the warpgate room