[Suggestion] Nerf AA maxes

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tytos, Jan 23, 2013.

  1. Tytos

    No other AA unit is as powerfull as the AA max, so either buff the rest or nerf the max
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  2. Wibin

    I'll agree slightly with this one.

    AA maxes should romp, but being that they are what they are, they shouldn't be the best vs lets say a ... Skygaurd, which is a friggen AA tank.

    AA maxes shouldn't be useless either.

    AA maxes should also light up like a huge bomb on your radar whenever they shoot as well, as should any AA.
  3. TheEvilBlight

    MAXes are fine. If you buff other AA units, people will stop rolling their bursters and indirectly achieve a rebalancing of AA.

    Boosts to the Walker may decrease the number of Skyguards required, for example. And theoretical changes to the G2A may decrease the number of burster MAXes on hand (since being a dual AA MAX is fairly specialized, versus being a HA and being able to kill and earn certs).
  4. Hosp

  5. VictorDracul

    AA MAX is fine where it is. It is best at AA because it has the most drawbacks. i.e being practically immobile, being completely unable to damage any ground vehicle beyond the Flash and also being fairly vulnerable to infantry. If the Skyguard got buffed it would become OP because then you would have the best AA on a VERY mobile platform that has armour to boot!!
  6. ManowarKills

    If you consider making MAXs visible to IR and thermal again a nerf, then please do nerf them. I was really hoping that would be in the fix last night when I got the 15 minute warning. Every other unit or vehicle in the game glows under improved vision, how did they break it for MAX bodies only and why wasn't it fixed quickly?
  7. Keiichi25

    The Dual Burster AA MAX is not overpowered and doesn't need to be nerfed. Air Jockeys are going to be able to see them within weapons range according to the upcoming patch fix and in the air, if you are getting owned by them it is because of the following:
    1. Too damaged and ended up in their range to get smacked (Your own fault)
    2. Too damaged and flying in a predictable path (Your own fault)
    3. Decided to keep flying INTO the flak and not avoiding it (Your own fault)
    4. Getting flakked by more than 1 unit for more than a second or two. (Which some air jockeys say AA MAX armors should need 2 or more to take them down)
    5. Any straight line maneuvers and a lack of actually 'evasion', knowing you are going into an engagement area where flak and not bugging out (Your own fault)
    Note... The (Your own fault) part, stresses the fact that literally, it is YOUR OWN FAULT. It has nothing to do with how powerful a Dual Burster Max is... I have seen many Air units under the fire of my own Dual Burster setup who had not problem surviving me singly, seen Libs go to the crown and survive a few runs even with more than one Dual Burster up and running. The skyguard is not that much better than the Dual Burster as it does not have the 6 additional rounds over a standard Dual Burster setup, but only slightly makes up for the fact it can have MORE ammo and slightly better ranging capability of the Dual Burster.

    And while you think you should see them on the radar while firing. No. Unless the AA group has ranging and radar for aircraft when they are configured to do AA, you should not get the 'benefit' of sorting them out while firing. They already 'light up' with tracers so you have a rough idea of where they are or someone else will.
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  8. Keiichi25

    I flown with the IRNV on aircraft with the rocket pods. MAX light up, but like infantry as their signature is not as big as vehicles. Their size is only slightly larger than an infantry person. The IRNV was nerfed to force Air units to be in more of a threat range to the very people they were spamming with impunity.
  9. Vorpal

    There is only one other AA unit, the skyguard, which is terrible and needs buffs.
  10. voldoman

    AA max is pretty much only good at killing ESF's, and only if the ESF flies directly at you in a straight line.

    Libs take 3-4 MAXs to kill and an AA max is entirely worthless against anything else. Spending resources and a timer to MAYBE kill ONE type of player is reasonable. If anything AA max needs a buff against Libs.
  11. GraphicJ

    I thought the rendering problems of the MAXES was bad. Now the practically invisibility bug of the AA MAXes is driving me insane when I fly. This is not to mention the ESF's easy to use AA crap. I can only have faith and hope for Jan the 30th's patch. Hopefully SOE can get their head together.
  12. ManowarKills

    Only a MAX's weapons will glow, and yes a burster is almost as big as a person, but it is still strange to me that a seemingly simple fix (making the MAX behave like literally every other unit/vehicle in the game and glow when it is within range) hasn't been implemented yet despite another patch being put in place. It is especially strange considering how much focus they put on making the MAX render further out, only to turn around and make them not properly render while using IR or thermal, even at point-blank range.
  13. Tytos

    The only problem is that the skyguard isn't as mobile as a max and is a bigger target, so the max-AA is clearly overpowered to the skyguard, which shouldnt be.
  14. Keiichi25

    Actually, Tytos, the AA MAX is not that mobile. Mobility is more of how much ground it can cover. While it is able to be on different terrain aspects, it is the SLOWER than a Skyguard in all respects, even with sprint.

    And while the AA MAX can take cover in buildings smaller than what would allow a Skyguard, They suffer the following a Skyguard does not:
    • Cannot self repair - While they do have a 'regeneration', repairing a Skyguard is FASTER than even the highest certed Nano-regeneration boost.
    • Low Ammo Bins - Even with the ammo Cannister, at most, they will be able to get an extra 4 magazines (4x28 == 112 extra rounds) per gun. That tops them out at 168 x 2 + 112 x 2 == 336 + 224 == 560 rounds... Skyguard has at 4 cert levels into ammo 940 rounds, and not even max yet, so longer staying power.
    • Can take all sorts of damage. Even with Flak armor or Nano Armor, the MAX is not impervious to standard grenades or small arms fire, so even infantry not setup as HA or carrying plantable explosives can F-up a MAX armor playing shoot and scoot tactics with grenades and hand guns if need be.
    • Cannot traverse long distances in a short time. I have run in a MAX... Going from one place to the next without vehicle support is a LONG TRANSITION TIME.
    • Cannot bug out of a location. Again, if they are not near buildings, they have very little place to run. While Skyguards a 'big', they are also able to move on, especially against Vehicles and other infantry if they are paying attention. As a MAX, I can't bug out of an area fast enough against vehicles.
    As much as you like to treat the AA MAX as the unstoppable juggernaut for air, it's survivability is not much better than a skyguard.
  15. Kozmyk

    Nerf rocket pods!
  16. Phyr

    Nerf aircraft even more so we wont need to use AA MAX.
  17. Ubikuuu

    I agree:

    buff the rest.
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  18. Zakuak

    MAX is fine where it's at...I thought for some time that the SG should be the unequivocal AA champion and needed more damage but it's got mobility on its side. Now if they'd just make the DB work even better against infantry....=P
  19. matthewpeters

    The AA max does need a nerf....against infantry units. The SG on the other hand should get buffed again to the huge magazine size it used to have. And it would be cool if the walker was made to be more effective against air than the basilisk.

    Q: "Whats the trick to get the Walker to be effective on the back of a Liberator?"
    A: "Buy and equip the Bulldog."
  20. Keiichi25

    What the AA MAX and Skyguard really need is rangefinding and Flak working as flak. The AOE burst seems to be 'small' and not knowing how far away a craft is, you can't adjust how far you need to lead or if it is worth shooting at something, because rendering and size measurement is way off.