[PATCHNOTES 22/01] Hotfix

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wrenched, Jan 22, 2013.

  1. wrenched

    Players may note the following changes:

    A number of Server and Client stability optimizations have been made.
    The Heavy Assault Shield should no longer fail to work after respawning.
    The Deployment screen now features top defensive locations on the continent as respawn points.
    Instant Action will now send players to areas with more combat.
    New players will now be placed at a spawn point in a battle instead of being drop podded in.


    These aircraft are now easier to lock-on to with anti-air missles. By default you can lock on to them 1 second faster. This means it requires 2.5 seconds to lock on to an ESF and 1.5 seconds to lock-on to a Liberator/Galaxy.
    Lock on rockets and missiles should now hit more frequently and are harder to dodge.

    Lock-on weapons can only be avoided by the following:
    • Flares
    • Forcing the missile to hit something else
    • Outrunning it which requires you to be distant and burn a lot of fuel
    • A very near miss which should be very challenging
    Source: http://forums.station.sony.com/ps2/index.php?threads/server-downtime-01-22-2012.82662/
  2. Vertabrae

    I can hear the Lib/Gal flyboys winding up. Someone is gonna be mad.
  3. WitcherKing

    Sounds good to me.
  4. JPRampage

    I can't find a single thing that I don't like. I mean... reduced lock on time for larger aircraft makes sense... yeah...

    Overall, nothing huge but happy with what it does. (I LOVE the defensive spawning... if it works as I hope it will)
    • Up x 6
  5. QuantumMechanic

    Still waiting for one that says, "Increase in overall infantry render distance". You've had your 2 months of optimization, SOE!
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  6. wrenched

    Instant Action will now send players to areas with more combat.
    New players will now be placed at a spawn point in a battle instead of being drop podded in.

    Sounds bloody great

    These aircraft are now easier to lock-on to with anti-air missles.

    Bit of an unneeded buff or? For bigger aircraft yes. But for the ESF?

    They prob have stats.
  7. jamspammer

  8. phungus420

    Defensive deployment sounds good.

    Please tell me the lock ons only affect G2A and not A2A missiles.
  9. An Hero

    Oh look, crutches for the bads.

    Glad to see SOE has still not learned a thing.
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  10. Gribbstar

    Ah the sweet, sweet Libergaytor tears.

    I drink them by the galon.
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  11. Zapon

    So, this is the second batch of changes to aircraft?

    I'd make some comment about how they need to revert the (multiple) nerfs, then buff all night vision optics- and then go about addressing visibility smartly- but it'd fall on deaf ears i fear..

    As for the changes- no comment
    the drop pod thing is a HUH?? to me, but the rest- well, i'm not big on aircraft(i'm still a bit ticked at the way the scythe handles momemtum and not being able to neatly do the reverse maunever(which was nerfed in the last patch, reavers i hear cant do it anymore) - but then again, i'd be a bit foolish to expect pugachev's cobras out of aircraft here- and real alpha physics)
  12. VargTwo

    Meh wont change all that much, ill still let the poor HA lock-on and fire before i flare and my gunner bombs him after seeing where the rocket came from.
    That said mass HA with AA rockets will now be somewhat more dangerous.

    Edit: I do wonder though of this means A2A missiles will be harder to avoid as well, as a ESF that is.
    That would be..Less fun.
  13. 13lackCats

    The Deployment screen now features top defensive locations on the continent as respawn points.
    Instant Action will now send players to areas with more combat.
    New players will now be placed at a spawn point in a battle instead of being drop podded in

  14. GImofoJoe

    Magrider, ScatMax OP
  15. SubFighter

    • Up x 3
  16. Dreadnaut

    Buffing zero skill weapons is an AWESOME idea!!!

    /sarcasm off
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  17. MrPlanetbreaker

    They did not reduce the lock on on the ESFs. It was 2.5 on all before and is now on 1.5 on Gal and Lib
    • Up x 1
  18. RobotNinja

    Uh...any word on fixing the flying turret of death hack? That seems like something that would be a hot issue. Also, the fact that people are even able to do that, even with cheats to me...is just a complete failure on the part of the programmers.
  19. Darkhand

    I've locked on to ESF fighters at very close range. Fired the missle (from any of the AA launchers) and watched them just drop down or ascend at the last second and the rocket would just fly by.

    That is not working as intended.
  20. Badgered