[VIDEO] 134 killstreak in 20mins [5min video] 100certs exactly and SOE response

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by wrenched, Jan 20, 2013.

  1. wrenched

    ChipTunes is not exclusive to 90's :)

    Yeah this is Briggs. Personally I love Briggs, due to having one server in this region it seems to get a good population count and balance.

    In an update to all of those who TLDR the thread, the ban/suspension was lifted very shortly after receiving it and SOE were extremely polite and professional. I would love to update the original post if anyone knows how?
  2. HvcTerr

    Easy fix: Ensure there's a longer timer on how quickly you can get underslung-launcher ammo from ammo-boxes.

    The 4x-speed video looks like it replenishes at a rate of one-grenade per 5 seconds or faster. Simply change that (for underslung grenades) to every 15 or 30 seconds, and the spam problem mostly disappears. Most people won't notice it at all if they're using the launched-grenades sparingly.
  3. wrenched

    The truth is that you can often resupply as it stands and there is not a lot of grenade spam happening at the moment. It may need some balance but I think fixing the resupply bug is the best move in the first instance, then seeing the results. I don't think you would get overkill spam - its a much more situational weapon than a rifle.
  4. wrenched

    IT was not for the underslung, purely the streak. As stated, the suspension/ban has since been removed in a timely manner thanks to the fantastic SOE customer 'operatives'. I believe it was an automatic process, as it happened at 11:39ish pm PST as seen in the screen capture.

    I was fortunate to have the video to prove that this was really a case of the VANU being weak (faction trait) rather than any real skill on my behalf. I will be recording more and more I feel.

    You're probably very lucky that an outfitmate of mine went through this a few weeks back in almost the exact same scenario. It took him four days to get the ban lifted, the entire time of which they 100% insisted he was cheating and using third party programs(despite his own recorded video of the grenade spamming). Hopefully your quick ban reversal is a result of them learning from their previous mistakes.
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  6. HellasVagabond

    I wouldn't had unbanned you....Exploits are Not supposed to be taken advantage of, we are not 13 year old kids that don't know better (or at least i think you're not) so everyone in here should be responsible for his/her actions and that's that.
  7. TimeyWimey

    sorry, what was he exploiting again? It's the opponent's fault if he keeps spawning and running to die in the same spot over and over again.
  8. HellasVagabond

    From what i see he was exploiting a bug with the reload time and reload capability of the grenade launcher. That's an exploit and even he admits to doing that.
  9. wrenched

    Everyone with a braincell admits to doing that, but it's not an exploit.

    However, yes, I was exploiting the pathetic VANU intelligence. Currently uploading a slightly more embarrassing one of the equally horrid NC!
  10. HellasVagabond

    Even in the answer you received they clearly state its an exploit, according to your own words.
  11. wrenched

    Then I am sorry to say that reading comprehension is not your strong point :(

    The words I see state "we cannot suspend players for using their weapons in this way".

    I would say that's about the complete opposite.
  12. HellasVagabond

    So according to you it's not taking advantage of a game mechanic when you reloaded your grenade lancher a lot faster than you should be able (by switching back and forth with the primary mode) ?

    That aside i recall a time almost a decade ago when people said the worst about camplers in both PS1 and CS and now it's funny how many consider this kind of game as something nice.
  13. TintaBux

    That's just camping, hardly skilfull. Happy you got banned for it, that kind of camping should not be here in PS2.
  14. ElTango

    It isn't his fault his opponents let an engineer sit in a tree across from the landing pads in plain view and not kill him.

    I always check trees to see if people are up there. They should have as well.
  15. Zorlox

    I can't even grasp the lack of thought that goes into creating a program that bans for kill streaks(or whatever method it uses that obviously doesn't involve cheat detection). Either make software that actually detects cheats or change that software to a notification so the players can be checked out. This is as bad as banning for stats(well actually it is banning for stats) and we all know only certified morons would do that.

    Pretty simple to counter, use another exit and look for him. Campers are the easiest targets to kill when you know there's one around. There's a real lack of players that actually look up in this game even though there's a class with jet packs.
  16. quicKsanD

    OP I feel you pain I was reported for doing something that is not hacking and not an exploit, no 3rd party programs, no special actions taken to break the game, I got reported for No Clipping because people didn't know where I was such BS. You shouldn't get suspended for doing things that aren't exploiting. Jumping into a tree isn't exploiting. It is just plain unfair. One tank could have easily ruined your day.
  17. NightmareP69

    And this is why i hate TR, they go to the forums complain VANU is OP 24/7 and in-game they're constnatly abusing spawn camping, using cheap tactics and acting like immature brats.
    I have yet to meet one TR who doesn't act like a complete idiot, everytime we Vanu and NC start a nice like chat during ower fights, a TR player jumps into the text chat and starts acting like a huge ****** bag.
    Seriously, it's like every giant p**ck around the world joins TR, it's a faction compleatly made from the world's worst people.
  18. wrenched

    I never claimed this took any type of skill. In fact, the video description clearly states it takes no skill. Reading huh?

    I was not banned for it. Reading again huh?
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  19. wrenched

    There's no doubt vanu have an advantage in many area's at the moment. Just not intelligence!

    All factions have access to the grenade launcher so bringing faction equipment balance into play in this scenario is a little bit silly.

    I can see why people would act like an idiot towards you though.
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  20. Loegi

    Oh boy. If you constantly explode when going up an elevator, maybe you should spawn somewhere else, or use a different exit or something.
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