Miller - The Yesterday's Battle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fab, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. Taylorstar

    Big thanks from me at Consortium [CONZ], enjoyed the ops on amerish today thoroughly was a good uphill fight all the way saw many other outfits taking part aswell, the flash race in celebration was amazing, i hope it becomes a frequent occurance and that im there to see it all.
  2. UzeroK

    What outfit are you in? MinorDetail, what is your character name ingame?
  3. LordMondando

    Though the details are still a bit murky. As Morte points out there were a lot of units operating under a different framework than Conz 252v GAR and Zukhov tonight. I did see a single CONZ squad briefly but for the most part it was two separate fronts fighting just as hard.

    Details I'm told are to follow. All that I think should be noted, is at least 8 outfits were involved, there was a battle-plan (successfully executed in DL's sector at least) and command and control structure (our outfit leader did little but sit in 3 voip programs and the map screen all night, i.e it was a lot of effort and not a huge amount of fun).

    In short, though I could be wrong, two independent alliances of outfits contributed to the Amerish capping tonight. I can't speak to Southern at all, but the North western 2nd sector was very rough around Lithcorp secure mine.
  4. Tinbawx

    Tonight was awesome, I could get used to that :).

    Had a blast over at Lithcorp, together with DL, ATBF and whoever else was there. For me this event was sort of an eyeopener, I hadn´t seen such an amount of cooperation before.
    My special thanks go to the people who organized this, it was a pleasure to participate.
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  5. LordMondando

    You a XSG man?

    As i've allready said, excellent work on keeping that air off us so close to the VS warp gate.

    And from the way some people are talking you'd think the VS just sat in their warpgate then entire of prime time tonight.
  6. Juni

    As I have not fought on any other continent than Esamir on this character(By choice), I spend a lot of time on the TR part of Esamir on Miller, a lot of that time is spend between Mani and Nott, fighting to keep control.
    It is all good fun =)
    Had a nice big battle at Eisa today, we never got it, but it was long and brutal and we were eventually kicked out by the NC(The VS had Eisa)
  7. Altogether Andrews

    Some epic fights on Amerish, we should really be doing more inter outfit operations. Our success tonight is a clear demonstration that planning and working coherently can trump over number odds in Planetside 2 - for the majority of the operation the TR and NC both shared equal parts of the population, yet we completely dominated the southern end of the map.

    Props to all involved outfits.
  8. Tinbawx

    Yes, I´m from XSG

    And thanks for the compliment. Everyone there did a damn fine job. The Sundies in the mountains that where already in place as we got pushed out, the tenacious fighting around Charlie point (a real headache that one^^)...but the most important aspect of tonight was that NC was pulling together.

    To me it felt sort of like a "breaking the ice".
  9. Pig

    Fight Club had great fun. Great job all involved.
  10. Axler

    Not to mention by the end of the night he sounded like the he'd smoked half a dozen packs of cigarettes from all the order giving he'd been doing.
  11. LordMondando

    You can thank our Mountain terrain sundy expert 'pont' for that one (actually he did it at least twice I think). If there's a mountain he can't drive a sundy up in game, i've yet to see it. Or be driven up it. Or spawn on it.

    After their first counter attack, they certainly weren't expecting us to counter-counter attack from the mountains to the east. Getting down that cliff without dying was a ***** though.

    I love to know exactly how they kept getting back into Charlie and bravo point so quickly after each cap and counter cap. Because that was the real heart of the problem.

    Vicious, vicious, fighting, made stalingrad with its factories look utterly tame by comparison.

    DL will happily work with you lads again, again you did an excellent job.
  12. LordMondando

    What sector were the FC lads in?
  13. Pig

    All night spent fighting the TR. Waaaay down south holding the TR At Firearms with 252 and others... Then holding the WG with Wasp, Zukhov and others at the end.

    Zukhov " Every Prowler in the TR army has just turned up at Cyber" he wasn't lying... Great battles down there.
  14. Sinoby

    Had awesome time on Amerish with Zukhov platoon. Thanks TR for nice fights ;)
  15. Altogether Andrews

    Deffo. They tried forming up a small tank zerg at one point, almost got up to the tech plant even, but we quickly pushed them back in. From there on you could literally count the TR % drop in population in the map interface by the minute, rofl.
  16. Tinbawx

    There´s a hole in the mountains right by the Carlie point building (west side) and a path leading up from the plains on the VS side of mountain range. The hole is one way though except for LA´s ofc, it´s to steep to climb.
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  17. LordMondando

    They managed to get a sundy in there the first time, but by the second time we were sweeping that area with LA's.

    Unless someone in XSG or ATFB took out a sundy in the hills without telling us (btw guize, plz use prox voip, I was the only person screaming about freedom. Not how it should be.), how they got the base back so quickly and got that many men into the B and C points is currently a mystery.

    Even then, the men with the sparkle cannons, spandex and lobster robots in high heels were pushed back that day and the liberty levels were put back within acceptable parameters.

    The battles over what we termed the 'happiness hut' in the bit between the tunnel from the spawns to B and C was particularly vicious. Many a knife kill was earned that day.

    I really can't stress this enough guys, ATFB XSG you should feel proud for hardpointing the entire VS at barely even 3 platoons in strength for near enough 2 hours.

    We didn't win through numbers, thats for sure.
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  18. LordMondando

    Indeed Grendel is one of the heros of tonight.
  19. Weirdkitten

    Missed all the fun I see. Stupid family dinner :p
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  20. BaptistsK90

    Baptist here, igonre the silly Maxine thing, long story.

    Anyway Amerish ops last night was amazing, was great to see and hear the communication on Command chat, massive props to Karma for holding it togelther, must have been stressful, and all the outfits who aided in the event, WASP 252 and zukhov, sorry if Im missing some people, my head was dizzy with all jumping around.

    I do know that JNJ DL and GAR seemed to be doing there own thing, which, although helped take the continent did so at a slower pace then necessary, and I heard Karma ask on command chat to at least relay positions of their squads to him in cc so he didn't send any of the ones he was organising, this seemed sensible and fair to me.

    And yet no one in any of these outfits even acknowledged him, I know it was annoying as hell for me to be leading my squad to an objective, and find DL or GAR already their, Karma was using Conz squads last night like band aids or fillers, and when we where ordered somewhere we hustled, we where needed in 10 places at once.
    Someone typed up Grendel from DL was in 3 Voip channels last night, just so you DL guys know Karma was in 9 channels + non stop Cammand chat, which gives you an idea of what he was pulling off, at least show the man some curtesy and relay that little bit of information which would have helped us all.
    I've spoken to Grendel in the past and so I'm surprised that he didn't do this, as I had come to respect Grendel and DL.

    That's my 2 cents, I went to bed dreaming of Planetside 2 was amazing night, and whatever the reason why nice to see us all on the same continent bashing heads :)
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