Miller - The Yesterday's Battle

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fab, Jan 4, 2013.

  1. HuorCQB

    Yup, The Vanu warpgate.
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  2. Osiris371

    And to those that didnt get mentioned (252v, zukhov, and of course Consortium, thats the CONZ tag not CONS (fyi)). cheers KarMa for keeping your head in that map and directing the flow of battle.

    P.S. yeah, we were at the warpgate.....jumping between the TR and VS warpgates....where were you guys?
  3. Verinas

    Thank you to everyone that participated, was an awesome operation. and WASP thanks everyone that joined in.
  4. ZanIRA

    If you didn't see conz today in the battlefield it was because YOU were in warpgate sitting.
  5. UzeroK

    Kudos to everyone involved.

    But please get your facts right before you spew up wrong informations about the people involved.
  6. sigur

    Cuz we were fastah! RED CONZ uns run fastah!

    Thanks to Karma for leading so many people in such a gracious way

    Were CONZ working alongside the platoons from Jianji, GAR, WASP, 252 and a few other outfits that were working their way through Amerish for three hours? It's nice to see some inter-outfit operations on the NC side for once :D Sadly couldn't be there due to revision for exams :(
  8. MinorDetail

    That could explain why so many of our troops got send over your way! :)
  9. HuorCQB

    glad you actually did see us then. Then again this is not a game won by one outfit, thanks for the backup.
  10. Beany

    Amerish was fun tonight. Great job organising.
  11. Monkas

    What outfit are you in?
  12. Vattic

    The fight on Amerish was excellent tonight. Everyone involved did a great job, WASP, 252nd, Zukov, and anyone else I've missed (those are the guys I saw most). More nights like tonight is what's needed.
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  13. MinorDetail

    Not flaming here but the back-up you needed (though it seems unlikely with 8 squads) kept our squads on their toes at the other side of the map at the TR warp-gate. We had to do the same job without CONZ support, and then claiming it was "their" doing, seems a bit overdone. We ALL did this, not just CONZ or their leader, neither did CONZ lead us to victory, we all did.

    So this was a victory for NC not for CONZ!! /peroid
  14. HuorCQB

    +1 Yup Sunday Night OPS are awesome
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  15. redpoint

    Don't feed the troll guys.
  16. GamerOS

    Flames/trolls for his first couple of posts on these forums, then proceeds to claim the moral high ground.


    Not that I disagree with his point.

    Kudo's to WASP, 252ND, CONZ, GAR, Zukohv, the outfits I don't remeber and all the randoms for this successful evening.
    It was a very great way to spend the night and the results are not to complain about.

    PS. Originally Cons was our tag, but after some changes to the chat filter it got turned into **** so we changed the S for Z.
  17. MorteDeAmgelis

    Karmas Squad wasn't the only ones operating on Amerish this night.

    Digital Legion's 3 Squad Platoon and XSG (Bloody good AA support ;)) holding a lot of the VS at Lithcorp Mining for a good while!

    Lets do the same thing next sunday!
  18. HuorCQB

    it's just a pity to know that probably when we login tomorrow again, either TR or Vanu had their night ops to fully cap it back lol.

    one for all and all for one!
  19. MinorDetail

    Now ^^^ this is a worthy post, but you would start questioning an outfit that makes a false claim on the forums to promote their own. Nothing trolling or flaming about it.
  20. KarMaSk89

    Never claimed i was the only Squad. Or the only outfit. Never claimed ConZ was the reason we won. But We worked damn hard in leadership chat and on the ground tonight. For some people to say they did the work. Good Job to everyone who was active in game chat in command and in there respective outfits.
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