This game is dying...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by bendplz, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. VelcroPudding

    I love your logic
  2. Stigma

    I'm not saying that there aren't underpopulated servers - but "the game" certainly isn't dying.

    Just on Miller alone we have people playing 24/7, and even in the middle of the night/morning large battles rage on. Contrary to popular belief its not all ninja-capping going on.

    Maybe Miller is the exception I don't know... We don't have any real population number to look at, which is stupid IMO. Why hide pr. server and pr continent pop numbers to begin with? If pop numbers drop too low I am all for merging servers. I mean why not. Everyone likes a healthy server with lots of population. Its a win/win that's good for both players and business. They can always re-launch a server later if demand grows and simply give everyone a free transfer token that can be used to transfer to that specific server.

  3. bendplz

    the only problem is it just came out
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  4. bendplz

    i play miller when its low pop time on my server, and Briggs at nightime
  5. IshanDeston

    So? Its still gonna die. A Baby just being born is still gonna die eventually too. So yeah, of course Planetside is dying. Its the nature of the beast. Everything does die eventually.
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  6. Curse_Gamerkin

    I get there arent alot of fights, how about going to the fights? join an outfit.. they start the fights. some continents are empty cuz terrain sucks and as soon as u start capping enemy pop jumps to 80% and everything u did to get the last cap next to warp gate is foiled cuz the zerg just showed up and u have no way of fighting them so u try to fight back and their squads of 1 or 2 men ghost cap everything around you. Still an enjoyable game, and the if u expect a fight staying in on place ur an idiot, most of everyone is in an outfit so an entire outfit works together to attack in one continent, not split up in each one. u need META game yet most the people crying about nothing to do play CoD.
  7. TOGSolid

    This thread is dying! Most of my friends have stopped posting in it and I don't want to post in any other threads!
  8. khord

    Its not waterson, it's walterson!!!!
  9. Lockster

  10. Lockster

    So you're saying we should just let babies die when there's medicine available because they will die later anyway? I guess you could demonstrate your commitment to this logic (you would never post on a forum again though)
  11. Eacaraxe

    How modest of you to propose that.
  12. JudgeDeath

    Roger that .. solid info that game is dead .. on some server OP had only 1 friend online and 5 guys in AMERISH warpgate. That makes it official.

    Better tell my outfit to pack up and leave in droves. I should allso tell it to the enemies that tend to show up in minimum of a platoon strenght.
  13. Zultanath

    I think people are a little to quick to judge. Most every game that has any kind of hype will have a huge jump in numbers when it first came out. Planetside 2 did just that. Its a new game and it has problems, bugs, and more content to come. Eventually it will be really great, bugs will be ironed out, optimization will be more complete, content will come out, and balances will occur. Players will come back, new players will start to play, and you will get higher pop servers.

    People seem to think that every game should be amazingly popular and high pop. Lets be honest, that just doesn't happen. Especially when everyone compares any new MMO to WoW. That game has had years to build up to the amount of content and bug fixes and balancing that it has, and there are still problems to this day they are constantly trying to fix on all 3 of those issues.

    FPS games don't have that great of a player base on PC compared to consoles (if they have a console version). Its to easy to drop 150-300 bucks on a console and play them rather than people spending 600-1000 on a gaming PC. So you have to think about that too.

    In the long run this game will pick up with fixes to optimization and bugs, not to mention more content/meta game. They really do need to make you feel more accomplished for taking an entire continent and maybe when they add a few more they will make it where they are locked out so the other 2 empires are forced to go to other continents for a few hours at least lol, granted Indar seems like it is the only place not locked down on a lot of servers. Granted it does get locked down by the Vanu a good bit on mine even though its the most fought over.
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  14. Jin Shepard

    I dunno when you play but right now at this very moment MIller is quite dead. And continues to be untill peek hours.
  15. Aerius

    7PM EST Matherson on Indar had 1 NC and 1 TR platoon detected on the map last night. Compared to say 2 weeks ago when half the map would be "enemy platoons detected", that's pretty bad.
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  16. Stigma

    Well last I was online, like 2 hours ago - there was an epic struggle on Esamir vs VS and TR for TR to neutralize the VS cont. bonus. There certainly wasn't any lack of a fight to be had. Hard to guesstimate numbers, but we had about 2.5 full squads on the VS side (+ probably a few unaffiliated randoms) and we were still quite badly outnumbered by the TR.

    Yes the fighting was pretty focused but it certainly wasn't lacking.

    You also have to keep in mind that this was at 08.00AM CET - an insane time of day to be playing to be frank... now its 10.00AM CET and its still way too early to actually expect people to even be awake in europe. Considering this I can't grasp how people would complain about the population. Short of having one universal server for all timeszones there will always be a ebb and flow of action. I'm just pleasantly surprised that there is this much action even at the extreme off-hours.

  17. IshanDeston

    Where am i saying anything like that? Or anything that even remotely suggests anything like that?
  18. FleshIcon

    My 2 brothers and I had our game crash and were hit with graphic glitches a number of times today so yeah, it is kinda dieing. Seriously, when you're on chat to each other and you hear "ah man, my game is bugging out again" its not a good thing. Not only that, but all of us had our games crash at the same time at one stage.

    ...oh, you ment the other "dieing". hehe :p
  19. Bambolero

    Not on a death bed yet but let's not kid ourselves, the game is on a rapid decline.
    If next patch doesn't deliever enough performance boost, XP boost, cert cost balance and faction/air/vehicle balance it might enter a freefall though.
    That's my prediction.
  20. CupidStunts

    How can the game be dying when peeps like us are still playing, huh! ;)