[Suggestion] Seriously tank Mines?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkhand, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Fallout10mm

    hmm 100 certs +75 (150) res a mine for a guaranteed kill on a sundy or 700 certs +100 (200) res per c4 to set the sundy on fire (add another 200 certs plus another 100 res to kill).
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  2. Tasogie

    your fault, none els is at fault in any way. Take responsibility for your short comings an accept that you got your sundy blown up....

    Defend it, an get 2 gunners with IR on guns to defend it.... place mines around the sundy, and ont park the bloody thing in stupid plac es.
    I use all explosives an am justified every single time I score a kill. End justify s the means every single time.
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  3. FateJH

    I'm fine with that, but why even have a delay then? You can place a number of tank mines before the first one arms (then goes off). I wouldn't mind them not automatically exploding since I only use this tactic when my opponent has so badly failed his spot check, I may as well posthumously spawncamp them. In the case of movement, I can still just shoot/grenade them to make them go off.

    In this case, I opt for the real problem being the development team not having proper explanations for anything. If they had this "flavor text" available we'd be able to base whether the mines are working as intended by comparing to thorough worldbuilding documentation.
  4. HappyZaps

    No, I'm afraid that dog just won't hunt. You're attempting to make up your own rules for the game, independently of how the game actually works. There's a word for that. This has been covered to death already but they are proximity mines. After a short delay they go active and will detonate in proximity of a vehicle. Note that absolutely nothing in that description requires the vehicle to be moving. That wouldn't even make sense.

    But really, that doesn't even matter. The fact is there is functionally no difference between me running up to your vehicle and destroying it with anti-vehicle mines and me running up to your vehicle and destroying it with C4. You can call the placed explosives whatever you like. It doesn't matter if you call them proximity mines, remote detonated explosives, banana sandwiches, or kerploodles. The fact is they are things that blow other things up, and I will always use them -- correctly, as intended -- to blow things up.

    Even if they did have the trigger requirements you wish they had, I would still use anti-vehicle mines to blow up your deployed Sunderer. I would simply take the extra step of shooting them after deploying them, or just dropping a grenade at my own feet so I can take us all to hell together.

    And even if they removed anti-vehicle mines altogether, I would do exactly the same thing with C4, or kerploodles, or whatever form the explosives might take. Your Sunderer will still die. It's a high value target and so it will be targeted. If you don't defend it, it will be destroyed by whatever means people have at their disposal.

    So you see, your re-imagined argument about "dual purpose" is quite irrelevant.

    No. Two words: arming delay. That's not hard to imagine, right?
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  5. Village

    Terrible, terrible idea, just get mine-guard or DEFEND your sunderer, you know the meaning of the word defend?
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  6. Aerius

    Fully certed mine guard takes something like 7 mines to destroy a Sundy. C4 will only take out a Sundy if it's an engineer with 2 sticks + a utility pouch seeing as 2 C4 sticks won't destroy it. Want your Sundy to stop blowing up randomly? Cert MG.
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  7. VanuKillerForHire

    If the enemy lets you get close enough to lay c4 or mines on or around your sundy you definately deserve to lose it, for mines i think laying them close and having to shoot them would be a better mechanic imo the benefit to this that c4 wouldnt have, if you get your mines down but killed before you can shoot, you or any other teammate can shoot or grenade them to kill the sundy - with c4, if you die before pushing the button they become useless, that would give mines a slight preference to some players i think

    Logically mines are defense weapons to slow tanks or kill any drivers who dont take care to look at the road ahead and just drive full speed ahead, if they make this change i think lowering the resource cost to them would also be a good idea, might make people want to use them more to help in defense
  8. Cpu46

    Probably not. Because C4 is weaker than a tank mine and requires player input on placement and detonation. Currently an engineer can just suicide run a sundie with his tank mines in hand and throw them down with his last bit of hp and pull off a successful kill. Seen it happen to sunderers on both sides and even my own. C4 is a lot harder to suicide with. Not impossible but a lot harder. At least it makes tactical sense though.

    I would like to see mines have severely reduced damage but allow an engineer to get more of them. Maybe cut their damage by 1/4 but give the engineer 4-6 of them at the first cert level. Engineers can still take down an undefended sunderer with them but it takes longer and promotes actually laying down a good sized field to dissuade vehicles or clustering them all in one spot to kill vehicles. Nothing changes but a time investment and actually increases the use of the weapon.
  9. Fallout10mm

    wut? Tactical sense? You can still detonate your c4 after you died, and it places at the same rate as mines (just does a bit less damage then them vs a nonmineguarded sundy)
  10. FateJH

    Actually letting us hold a few more in general would make better sense because then you would get people envisioning tank mine fields, falling short, then recruiting four or five people - rather than dozens - to attempt one. As it currently is, if I cert for five mines (three normal, plus two in utility pouch; I ask for more because this gets expensive in multiple ways), I can only ever place five mines. The sixth mine I place erases the first mine's location, and the resources are still wasted as if I now had six unique mines placed at once. That's why mines are not as cluttersome as you would think they'd be, I realize now: they not only overwrite if you try to lay more than you can carry, but they despawn if you log out or crash.

    So, yeah, running up to a vehicle and dropping them in hopes of destroying the said vehicle is a cost justification maneuver, I suppose. Even if you lay them in good positions, you just keep wasting resources if you get to advance and need to move the mines to a new position. Maybe we'll get to passively disarm mines eventually.
  11. DarkElite

    You do realize that even if they activate it by motion sensor it will still get your Sundy killed. When it starts moving... BOOM, when you find and kill them... BOOM. They are thinking of doing just that but it's no better that it is currently. Won't you be angry if you didn't see if an engi has deployed the mines or not and you whole squad gets wiped out after you roll out
  12. Eacaraxe

    I agree tank mines ought to have to be driven over to detonate, but then people would just use C4. Considering out of several possible outcomes to this, the best-case is your sundie gets blown up.

    It's easier to just not, y'know, get stupid with your sunderer.
  13. Conq

    Yeah, tank mines are in a pretty stupid state and I'm a pretty good judge considering how often I use them.

    Here is the thing, you can't guard a Sunderer with just one guy. I never, ever get killed by a single guy, even if they are watching in the right direction I can just zig-zag full sprint or bunny hop right around them, I just need to get to the Sunder and it's dead. You need AT LEAST few people with no other job than watching for Light Assaults with C4 and Engineers with mines in every direction AND you have to have your Sunderer out in the open where it's more vulnerable to vehicles and rockets. I don't think that's balanced.

    I think there should be an arming time where enemies have 15 seconds to harmlessly destroy mines before they detect vehicles and explode. Make me defend my mines and I think we'll all have more fun.
  14. bendplz

    seriously... i support this... its the whole reason why i stopped being a sundy man, cause it was so annoying being blown up by random engineers and stuff all the time..... its not viable!
  15. Th0ughtful

    What OP meant to say:
    I know this item has an easy to earn and effective counter in game, but If I cry hard enough about it, maybe the devs will nerf it so that I won't have to cert into defense or protect my sunderer. That way I can keep my XP tricking in while I'm 500 meters away trying to get 360 no-scopes at the crown for a cool montage at no extra cost to myself.

    Seriously though. Mines are fine the way they are. Unless you're rolling with a tank column that needs the extra ammo. there is NO EXCUSE not to be using mineguard. And I know this, because I both ninja-kill sundies, and use MG on mine. It's great, it's fairly cheap, it makes taking care of a sundy a breeze. The only reason I can think of that other people don't use mine-guard is out of sheer laziness.

    Until you've actually tried out the provided counter, you have no room to complain. if you still think mines are OP after putting a few points into Mineguard (no need to max it) then come back and explain why.
  16. bendplz

    actually there is, ammo dispenser and armor is useful too. it sucks that we have to use mineguard.
  17. Th0ughtful

    I've found the armor to be pretty "meh". in a headed fight, and engine or two healing it (alternative, move it somewhere out of the line of fire) will keep a default sundie alive for a good long time. The ammo dispenser is good two, but works while on the move, and deploying an ammo sundie prevents armored and Mine-guarded sundies from deploying near by. You trade off defense for the ability to do everything.

    I still feel that they're balanced, but if I had to make a change, rather than nerfing the mines I'd move the mine-guard to a different equip slot. Possibly in the place of a performance upgrade.
  18. Zorlox

    I don't really like that use of mines really. That's what c4 is for. Peoples argument that they will just switch to c4 should be a point in favor of mines not being able to be used in this fashion. Use the right tools for the job and mines shouldn't be the right tool for that job.
  19. RblDiver

    I <3 Mineguard. Sure I lose out on ammo, but it's worth it to be able to run over mines, smile and keep going.

    Also, the bulldog (I think it is) is great for defending against incoming enemies to the sundy.

    In short, mineguard and/or (preferably and) stick with the sundy to defend will make mines no longer a problem. Sure it is more boring, but you're a more valuable teammate.
  20. Tamon

    How about we just change the name of "Tank Mines" to something like..."AMS F***ers" so that these kind of endless complaints end.

    And get Mine AMS F***er Guard for chrissake.