[Suggestion] Seriously tank Mines?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Darkhand, Jan 18, 2013.

  1. Darkhand

    Parked in my Sundy for about 3 minutes teammates spawning in. 100% healthy then


    SOE needs to make it so you can't drop tank mines if enemy vehicles are within like 10 meters of you or something. Or if you do drop them they won't arm until the area is clear for a few seconds.
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  2. Daemeon

    Or better still they need to force people to guard their Sundy from attackers and not just plop it somewhere and try to farm spawn XP....

    Protip : If you have your Sundy parked too close to buildings or spawns and no clear LOS to all attack angles... it will get blown up. This is no different than if you parked it and it was shelled by ESF or C4.
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  3. HappyZaps

    Let's say they do exactly what you want, and people just switch to C4. Will you make another thread, or will you try to defend your precious team asset instead?
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  4. Kevorkian

    This game is not for you.
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  5. Greenfrog

    sure they do - right after they make it possible to lay *fields* of mines so that approaches to bases can actually be *mined* forcing enemies that want to deploy sunderers to spend time and effort *clearing* the minefield before they deploy

    until then, I'll settle for *mines* really being specialized shape-charge anti-vehicle c4 packs
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  6. jm20

    For just under 200 certs you can get mineguard and watch as engineers waste resources one after another trying to kill your sunderer.
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  7. Ranik

    I agree on wanting actual weaker but far more plentiful mine fields back.

    But the current meta of "LOL C4/AT MINE ZERG RUSH!" is not at all fun considering you have to kill that suicide rusher 100% of the time to stay alive. Meanwhile he has to get lucky once to kill you.
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  8. FateJH

    Why? because you weren't paying enough attention to what was happening around your sunderer? or because you don't want to buy into a comparatively inexpensive certification line that protects from mine/C4 damage from underneath?

    If your sunderer didn't have an AMS, or no one was sitting inside of it, it wouldn't even be worth the cost in infantry resources for those tank mines in my opinion. There are more dangerous creatures on the battlefield that those mines could surprise.

    Your position is known and compromised. It's safer, and less lethal, to move and redeploy somewhere else. Besides, if you didn't park in a terrible location, that means the Engineer was quite resourceful in navigating safely through enemy territory, though he may have died a number of times to get to you. By the time he ultimately succeeds, if he's died often, the cost benefit for the time wasted trying to destroy the sunderer is probably so low he's either doing it for satisfaction or he actually thinks he's playing the game. if he was going for points, he'd do better to set up a MANA turret.
  9. Doodles89

    While I agree tank mines should be DRIVEN OVER (thats how mines work in every other game/IRL)

    In high risk areas like the Crown or the bottom of any fortress like base, you should have anti-tank armor. It's very cheap compared to other upgrades and you can survive up to 3 mines at once!

    In other words, it can be negated relatively easy. In fact, more often than not, I'm seeing sundy's being smart and getting this armor and I'm left with 0/3 mines and no sundy kill! On the flipside, I have the armor and laugh in their face when their cheap tactic (which I use too of course) fails.

    I wouldnt call it working as intended cause of the whole vehicle should be moving thing, but it is balanced by a cert that cost as much as the anti tank mine cert.... so...
  10. Hydragarium

    Seriously tank mines... what? What was the question you were asking the mines?
  11. MasterD


    but seriously Sunderers are an objective and need to be defended just like any other objective.
  12. Ripshaft

    c4 can do it too, and yes, it's kind of silly. Not sure what they're planning to do about this, I think doing something similar to what they did for galaxies in beta, by having their deployed resistances jacked up would work fine here.

    Edit: though im aware that's not easy since c4/at mines dont have a special damage type that can be tweaked safely... well at mines kind of do, but not c4, and you wouldnt want to upset the balance for other explosive weapons =/
  13. Ripshaft

    You know of any defence objective at all that's compromised by someone simply arriving there? How bout those gens that instantly explode, or those points/bases that immediately flip? It's mind boggling how stupid that defence is. How bout a biolab fight where your spawn drops if someone runs through the door? Just guard the door! what's so hard about that.
  14. Darkhand

    My Sunderer was parked over 400km from the base and behind a on the back side of a tall hill behind trees. Can't get much more stealth than that with a 2 ton APC.

  15. Darkhand


    Because I'm okay with some weapons being able to destroy my Sunderer that's just part of the game. But getting a dual use out of tank mines like this is just lame.

    Personally I believe it's very lame that someone can walk up to your Sundy and just one shot it like that. Because (as someone mentioned previously) you have to constantly kill them, but they just need to squeeze by once and BOOM you lose.

    But that's for another discussion. This is just about tank mines being dual purpose and it should not work like that.
  16. Compass

    Even easier with C4
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  17. dionnsai

    I use tank mines.

    That said, it does feel kindof cheap just dropping them under (or on top of) a target and having it just blow up on its own. The mine should require that the object be in motion before going off, emulating the "vehicle driving over a mine" behavior. C4 doesn't feel cheap by comparison just because of the fact that I have to place the c4, then switch to the detonator and set it off, giving defenders a few more precious seconds to kill me and defend my target.
  18. VanuKillerForHire

    Personally I think mines should have to be driven over in order to detonate, if a mine would activate by proximity to vehicle alone it should blow up as soon as the engineer lays it so it would kill him aswell

    Mines should be for mobile targets and c4 should be stationary, just my opinion anyway
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  19. beta alpha nu

    [quote="VanuKillerForHire, post: 1050620, member: 24636"if a mine would activate by proximity to vehicle alone it should blow up as soon as the engineer lays it so it would kill him aswell[/quote]

    Without flak armor, the mine usually ends up killing the offending engineer already. Also, C4 does have a big advantage over AT mines. It can be used by light assaults, who can abuse the fact that no one looks up in this game. In addition, it is much harder to get infantry kills with AT mines compared to C4. Finally, there's no reason a deployed sunderer should lack mine-guard. Since you're stationary, you won't be near the more maneuverable tanks for ammo resupply and if you're taking multiple hits from rockets and tanks, you're kinda screwed anyway.
  20. IMTasty

    Equip fully certed Mine Guard and watch the mine layers waste their infantry resources. Better yet, guard the sunderer. If you park it under and air tower you really need to have people watch out for the teleporters as well.