AA turrets are useless

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Veridio, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. Dubious

    Turrets need to auto repair, like the turrets in the caves in PS1, for that matter, why dont we have those turrets?
    as long as Turrets are specific against only 1 target (in theory), the AA turret could use a top shield (like soldiers), so you would need to be Horisontal with the turret to ignore shield
    AV turret would of course have a different shield so you have to hit from above to ignore shield
    Shield = 1 dalton, so noting major
  2. Noktdaz

    Either buff the overall health/armor of turrets or place somekind of bunker or armor plates around them so they aren't so easily destroyed by just firing in their general direction.
  3. JWizzle

    Buff their armor, nerf their damage and accuracy. Fixed.
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  4. Stormlight666

    Or his timing is off. A Liberator can shred an AA turret from full in 4 seconds, faster than you can hop out after hopping in immediately after repairing.
  5. Stormlight666

    Their accuracy and damage are already nerfed. They do need 100% more health though.
  6. MeowMix986367

    Pretty much all turrets are a death trap. They have crap damage, crap health. Unless you have two engineers behind you, they're kind of pointless. Not sure why they're in the game to be honest. Maybe replace them with barriers instead, it'll help defending more.
  7. LameFox

    ITT we complain about the armour of a free turret we get paid to resurrect indefinitely.

    No, OP, one AA turret should not be enough to drive away a healthy liberator on its own. Especially not one you just hopped into while he was already in place. Instead of blaming the turret for not being epic enough, maybe you should sort yourself out.
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  8. Dubious

    Main issue still remains, RANGE!

    Yes, it can shred ESF up close, but it still sucks at range, where ESF and libs can outrange it and turret wont do any damage at all
  9. Skadi

    A AA Turret fired at me from crossroads while i was near Ceres at 900 meters, i was like "DAAAAA FUUUUQ?"
    Seriously why cant i do this :(
  10. LeanV

    They have zero drop and the spread is identical to the MAX. Exaggerating to make people pity your plight just makes you look silly.

    I know this ****. I've earned a gold medal in the AA Phalanx.
  11. LeanV

    Libs can dominate the turrets, but I can assure you an ESF won't be outranging you in the Phalanx. If he's actively trying to kill you, he has to fly straight at you, and the AA gun will be wrecking him long before he'll be at any range to get any decent accuracy with his nosegun/rockets. The range on the Phalanx AA is actually very far as you can easily hit planes that have landed on the crossroad landing pads from the Crown turrets. I do it all the time.

    Strafing ESFs have always been a free kill, however that doesn't stop a Lib from roflstomping you with the dalton. =/
  12. LeanV

    They.... don't? You get one Dalton and the party is all over. Sounds like someone's still trying to kill AA turrets with rocketpods.
  13. LeanV

    ...So you're trying to explain that a plane should never be afraid of anti-air. Ever. We're not even talking about KILLING the liberator. You literally just said that a solitary liberator should have no need to even heed the AA turret's existence.

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  14. Idono

    I was refering to you'r sugestion in trying to have them moved so that ground units can't shoot them.
  15. LeanV

    Understood. Really though, moving the turrets back would just prevent the tank zerg from dissolving them indefinitely. All you would need is a light assault to C4 the turrets though, so they're still relatively vulnerable.
  16. Nogrim313

    you sir are utter fail
  17. Dubious

    There is range and there is effective range
    anyone can hit anything at any render distance range

    Yes AA can hit far, but they wont do any significant damage until very close
    Lib can bomb from 800 meters, a range AA turrets cant effectively hit
    ESF can go below AA turrets depression, which is just stupid (all turrets should have free look at any direction)
  18. LameFox

    For the sake of avoiding assumptions I suppose I'll just ask... are you mentally deficient in some way?

    I don't think you understand the meaning of the word 'literally'. Anyway, no, what I actually implied was that one AA turret should be defeated by a healthy liberator. This is actually quite unlike not heeding its existence, because one involves ignoring it and the other involves encountering and neutralizing it in order to continue operating there. If you think that a single AA base turret should (or will ever) be enough to drive away a heavy gunship designed to annihilate ground targets, you're going to spend a lot of time being disappointed. You're essentially pitting two things that counter each other against one another, and one of them is a free single-operator turret that you are rewarded for rebuilding when it's destroyed, while the other is an expensive 2-3 man gunship with a vehicle cooldown.
  19. JWizzle

    Nerf it some more. It still makes ESFs pop like ballons.
  20. forkyar

    read the upcoming game update on January 30th