[Suggestion] Certification Refunds

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SpaceHamster27, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. SpaceHamster27

    It would be nice to have some kind of cert refund system. Who has not regretted how they spent some of their cert points at one point at another. Maybe some limited refund system would be good (like being able to refund 300-500 points a month or something)
  2. Garakan

    most realistic might be a buyable cert respec for a high amount of SC, and i am all for it.
  3. Kurreah

    If I recall correctly, they did not introduce this into the game because, unlike most MMOs with a respec option, there is no limit or diminishing returns on certs earned. If you want to spend your certs on a different option, you can just earn more and do so.
  4. DRXH

    No cert respec ! PS2 is not WOW !
  5. CMurphy3639

    Seriously? Nobody said PS2 was WoW. The fact is that some **** STILL doesn't work as intended, other things have been changed since they were purchased. They were NOT what they were when they were purchased. There needs to be some kind of reset, either a once per character reset or a paid reset.
  6. Bambolero

    It doesn't matter if theres a limit on certs or not.
    Whenever you start nerfing items and render them useless you need to introduce a single respec free option, after every patch basically.
    Common sense.
  7. Cymoril

    I posted this a month or 2 back- I am in full agreement. As they tweek the game, and make adjustments for better or worse for weapons and classes and vehicles they should offer a payed option respec, thats just good business sense or offer respec options at different battle ranks, i.e. one every 10 ranks. Thus your play style might change from rank 10 to rank 20 on what your preferences for an enjoyable end game at that time.
    So I like payed or an option for every 10 BattleRanks.
  8. Karragos

  9. Daemeon

    This thread is new and original. Certainly there has never been a suggestion like this posted before.

    Oh wait... there has. It was dumb then and it is dumb now.

    Just grind more certs for the next FOTM build if your current one got nerfed.. sigh.
  10. Geekker

    SOE is aware of that community requset and they are likely to implement it.

    Matt Higby alreay commented on that in an Interview on 11.26.12

    @ 12m 34s
  11. ent|ty

    Since the certs are earned by me, or already paid for through boosted XP and gameplay time, technically I own them , and should be able to reCert as I see fit, without financial penalty.
    Perhaps a time period inbetween where you cannot abuse the system anytime you feel like it, but no need for money to be paid for it.

    The Certs are limited, so if you have to take it off your HA and apply it to your Engie or vice versa. Any stricter than this, and it seems PS2 is trying to be WoW.

    "Oh you can't do that... your HA class doesn't know about that Forward Grip yet.. he's a different character"... Yeah.. umm okayy.....
  12. Cymoril

    Good point. I also brought up in another post maybe offer a cert respec every 5-10 battleranks. What peoples playstyles are may change due to grouping, clans,or personal friends to playing solo.
  13. ent|ty

    I know I'd make some changes to my classes right now. I certed into things that didn't even match my playstyle, or were just plain mistakes.. So it would make me very bitter and uninterested to put any more money into PS2, if I was nickel and dimed on this stuff.
  14. Garakan

    you dont own anything in PS2, its all property of SOE. at least thats the way the EULA is written, normally.
  15. ent|ty

    Technically, no. Figuratively, yes.
    My point is that they're not losing anything from what you 'created' in the game, it costs them nothing but a few database queries to change the details of your certs. Much less than a 3 second 1 vs 1 firefight.

    So to charge or deny such a service is just plain greed.

    And we will remember that greed the next time SOE tries this type of payment model again.
  16. Flarestar

    Until you get into the issue of SC-purchased weaponry, which might've been on sale, or might've been purchased using SC bought during one of the bonus SC periods, or etc. etc. etc. At which point you've gone from a cert reset to a cert bonus.

    Cert reset, if it happens at all, will probably be a SC-purchased option - and I doubt it will happen simply because certs are not capped.
  17. Garakan

    i agree with flare.
    i would like a cert respec token, buyable with SC, but they would have to check whats bought with SC and what was bought with Certs. Also, in the long Run, they might lose money/players with it.