Rocket Launchers?! WTF are you waiting for?!?

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Brainsmasher, Jan 1, 2013.

  1. hostilechild

    G2A rocket is just horrible, don't even use it anymore.
    The AV rocket is not a lot better. You better be at the same level or higher than the vehicle or its going to hit the ground(locks bottom of tank?). vehicles can move back and forth 1m and make them miss/lose lock unless you are a good bit above them. Currently you have to see like 75% of vehicle to get a lock.
    Decimator well it lives up to its name, does a number on vehicles and they don't know its coming, 75% to a max, instagib everyone else. Hell its the new sniper rifle of the VS HA they seem to rarely miss with it and sure doesn't look like the huge drop from NC/TR or snails pace.
  2. Zenox

    Nonsense, lock on weapons require little to no skill, why on earth do they deserve 100% hit rate? That vehicle your shooting at costs resources and has a cooldown, it also takes ability and skill to use it properly. If I had my way I would remove lock on weapons of any kind and replace them with weapon mechanics like the AT4's in Battlefield Bad Company 2.
    • Up x 2
  3. Hordak

    *2 Aircrafts Lib and Fighter
    *Counters(Fighters with A2A,Burster Max's,Skyguard,2 Lock-on Weps,Turrets)

    WTF else do you WANT to take out Aircraft. If rockets hit 100% you can forget about Air Wings. This game is a combo of Air-Ground Vechs-Foot soldiers. You take Air out of that and your left with a pretty boring game. Dev's have given you enough AA. Lock on weps are more of a assist to Bursters and A2A pilots. Its not meant to be the Cream of the Crop. If you want Cream of the Crop get in a ESF and go A2A or hop in a Burster max suit.

    I wish all my bullets hit 100% I wish my rockets got the last hit 100% of the time. I wish my ESF didn't get shot down by other ESF's....blah blah blah. Stop crying for 100% ownage and learn what roles things fall into. Lock on Weps are not meant to be #1 killer of ESF.

    The end.
  4. Nehemia

    The issue was addressed in todays hotfix.
  5. BlacKnight

    I have better aim with the default rocket launcher than the one with lock, really, I'm glad I didnt buy it
  6. FearTheCow

    What does cost have to do with anything?Just because you use resources to get something doesn't mean you get to die less, it means the developers are limiting you to how often you can use the vehicle.

    Once you lock onto an aircraft, unless the aircraft pops flares or hides behind something, it should get hit at least 90% of the time.
  7. Playful Pony

    I noticed, good stuff.
  8. Zenox

    90% is not 100% is it? He's advocating a weapon that is essentially a no-skill hitscan weapon, i.e. you fire and it hits unless you chaff.
  9. JWizzle

    I'm once again reminded that your average PS2 forum goer is an absolute moron.

    Edit: Apparently m-o-r-o-n is censored.
  10. R4g3qu17

    Indeed, the infinite angst-fest that these forums have become is getting incredibly grating. I fondly remember the excellent community that the Crysis 2 forums built, and I had high hopes that the PS2 forums would be the same. No such luck. Also, no comments saying that Crysis 2 had nowhere near the number of problems PS2 has. The PC release of Crysis 2 was horribly buggy, and took 9 major patches to fix.

    Why does every support post have to turn into a flamewar? I've posted in these forums in an attempt to help people and have received outright abuse from some people in response. Seriously? What is that? These forums have become a breeding ground for hostility, and it doesn't assist in building a helpful community.

    SOE, could we please have some appointed moderators for these forums? Allow the community to self-regulate and we'll start seeing more useful discourse and more pleasant attitudes.
  11. JWizzle

    And it does hit 90% of the time? Why do I feel like everyone ******** about air has never flown before (besides crashing and burning)?