"Tank revamp nobody but OP wants"
Battle islands. Matchmaking for outfit scrims. Better perfomance.
Planetside not only havent improved metawise, its actively degrading in this area. Last time I played, the sole reason to play the game was to get...
FYI, there are lots of people not giving a single Higby about alerts in any given moment. This is an FPS game so why not enjoy the main aspect of it,...
I am truly disappointed by SOE actions, yet again they swing balance from useless to OP, just to nerf it to even worse state later after. As a...
Look at BF2142, its already here for a long time.
Sounds and visual weapon models are awful in this game. They've made improvements, but its still very bad. Battlefield series put this game to shame.
This is preposterous, Esamir has great infantry only bases. Stop writing bs.
I told him to tone down his HSR just because he has pretty average accuracy to successfuly land headshots at all ranges. I've been there myself....
Dont bother with that at all. If you want to pad your HSR so much, just dont engage people at those ranges, run from them, ambush them. Again...
Better yet is to find some bored fps vet enough to practice with you on test server.
I never understood why there is a need to paint tracers in ES colors (like you cant know whos shooting just by the sound) and BLUR them afterwards....
FBVanu, are you even having fun in game? I struggle to believe in that.
OP asked how to improve, not how to be bad.
Separate names with a comma.