Jan 16, 2013
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May 4, 1993 (Age: 31)
Oregon, U.S
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  • About

    May 4, 1993 (Age: 31)
    Oregon, U.S
    • Connery (US West)
    Bunch of random details about me!


    *My preferred class is Light Assault, and egotism aside, I'm actually quite ninja with this class. My favorite pastime is blowing up your tank with C4, and sneaking up behind three people and headshotting them all.

    *When I'm feeling lazy, I'll do some pro-quo sniping from some mountain or other. If you try to come after me, I'll just shoot you in the back or blow you up with a proxy mine.

    *Also when I'm lazy, I'll play as a medic. I'm front-running medic, though, and like to jump into firefights and revive people that just died, because it's awesome to get shot and killed, and then get back up again to shoot and kill the noob that shot and killed you.

    *I love the Magrider, and am quite good with it, due to its strafing capability. I'm also an ambitious Magrider driver, so if you're my gunner then you're probably going to be somewhere in between 20 enemies at any one time.

    *I'm very good at leading shots, and have shot down more Mosquitos and Reavers with the stock VS HA rocket than I can count. Until I have serious issues with my aim for some reason, I'll probably never buy homing rockets.

    *I'm a master at precision burst-fire with automatic weapons, and can gun down hostiles at 300+ meters under the right conditions

    *I'm a believer in being as flexible as possible, and will change classes on the fly to suit the situation, even if I haven't died.

    *I like Sunderers.

    *I'm the worst flier you'll ever meet. If you see me in the sky as an ally, you should probably stay clear as I might crash into you. If you see me in the sky as anyone else... easy XP.

    *For some reason I can't fathom, I have at least a 50% rate of flipping ATVs and Harassers... even outside combat.

    *My KD ratio is less than 2.0, most likely because the first few months I played this game I was the worst player you ever knew until I started figuring some very basic things out that are dissimilar from most FPS games I've played... and I died a LOT.

    *Coming soon, if I ever feel like it.