OP this is your answer.
All it will take is a few EMP's thrown at the wall of a point building. Now if they got rid of the EMP's wall penetrating features...
put falcons on that request too because once the ravens get nerfed they'll become the new fotm and they're so much better at AI.
I've just picked them up a few weeks ago and they're pretty much my main jump jet. They are super fun and when i'm not using them for high altitude...
A while ago the combat got tweaked to reduce the hipfiring of most guns and even though each empire had it at the time i felt hipfiring was a...
i thought i had more time...
Happened last night switching between camos. Remnants of their past plans for dual camo? [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
Unbanned now!
i just tried to relog into planetside after a session to find out i'm banned without notice too? I'm hoping it's because i see the servers labeled...
If thats your goal you'll have a much easier time certing an AI ESF.
I wish i read this thread before last night when i completed the directive. It took me awhile and it was super frustrating but i figured out aiming...
How did you manage to find an NC tower not populated by Raven maxes?
What weapons did you end up using? After the BASR's i just can't find myself to continue with such a horrible selection of "sniper rifles".
Separate names with a comma.