Get Rid of 1-Shot Kill Sniper Rifles

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by wtfcharles, Dec 28, 2012.

  1. Dasmasterneko

    You missed the important part of my post that tribes ascend is unique (i left allot of things outside the message like the hitscan and the fact that every class can travel at 200km/h). Not to mention the part where i said that death in planetside 2 is just a momentary inconvenience. Unlike in Tribes ascend where you have an objective to CARRY back. Death in planetside 2 merely means you respawn at the sunderer. Nothing at all gained unless someone can capitalize on those precious few seconds where they are one man short.
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  2. Frosty The Pyro

    yeah huge diference between hitscan and not so hitscan weaponry. Sniper rifles are fine in ps2.
  3. iller

    Well you've got me there....

    ...but you'd probably wouldn't have as good a case if our draw distances weren't so short (killing engineers & stranding their vehicles 800m from the nearest respawn is just as good as 1-shotting the Vehicle itself).
  4. Dasmasterneko

    Haha i love doing that. Not to mention run up to them and surround them in anti tank mines then run in front and taunt them xD
  5. Ghoest

    worst post ever

    If he had just said "I dont think one shots are good for game play" then he at least would have made sense. Instead he gave us a bunch of rambling hooey.
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  6. Bloodmyth

    They should separate infiltrators and snipers, there would be less snipers and more playing the infiltrator class properly, as is the class is designed to almost not infiltrate, noisy and visible cloak just for starters!!

    However there should still be the option for OSK snipers, they give up a lot to play like that, miss and you give your position away, miss and most likely lose a kill. The time spent getting into a good position, waiting for a target or two and then relocating only to be repeated if killed is the slowest form of cert gain going, so if someone puts themselves at that disadvantage then they must really like that play style, so why take it away. I'm killed via every other class followed by vehicles far more than the odd headshot.
  7. wtfcharles

    My apologies, turrets can be hacked. I forgot.
    On a negative note, that's only 1 other thing. Big Woop.

    You have corrected me on some points, and yes, a majority of it has nothing to do with the title of this thread. I was simply looking forward to a response to all of it. That's all.

    Thank you for your feedback.

  8. wtfcharles


    This post was made by me, but the comments came out of an outfit mate of mine. I just wanted to see what kind of feedback could be sum'd up on here compared to my outfit forums.

    That is all.

  9. wtfcharles

    I very much agree with where you're going with that, but that further drags the idea of the Inventory System. Where any person can carry anything so long as it fits in their slots. Unfortunately, PS2 Devs do not want to mix some of the qualities of PS1 with the modern style of PS2. The Devs are more fixated on mainstream games currently being played nowadays as opposed to investing their time on ideas that were previously successful. My guess is that they do not believe the difference between Modern shooters and PS1 will satisfy the current demand.

    Anywho, it's their game vs my opinion.

  10. TheBaronofSD

    It is actually fairly difficult to get consistent head shots in this game on targets that are actively trying to not have a hole added to their brain box. the travel time for anything of decent range combined with frequent fps dips into the teens if an explosion happens to go off near your target area along with what seems like very sketchy latency spikes as well.

    there are some hit box oddities too. there have been times where i have had the cross hairs quite literally between their eyes and i'll either miss completely or get a body shot. high angles are really bad for this. also if a target is moving towards you head shots are also iffy at best, kind of like they aren't registering.

    then of course there are the decked out heavy infantry guys. today on two occasions i shot a heavy infantry 4 times to the body and didn't get a kill with the long shot. granted, it was really long range but still ... and you want to take away the one thing that makes sniping fun?

    nothing should be done to the infiltrator until performance is improved and until vehicle spam is given a good long look.
  11. gunshooter

    You did not shoot someone 4 times to the body and not get a kill unless you let their shields regen multiple times. 2 body shots to kill a HA.
  12. Adamar09

    To address the title of this thread, you can take away one OSHS, it seems. Nanoweave, uh, leaves the opponent with some health. Wonderful game design...
  13. Hydragarium

  14. LameFox

    Is the OP written in some kind of code?
  15. Timeraider

    1-shot is part of infil and the only usefull thing we have.

    People thinking otherwise, i dont care what you think :D

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  16. TheBaronofSD

    but i did though. the first time i was on top of the biodome outer ring thing shooting at one of the outer bases. like i said, they were really long range shots.
  17. gunshooter

    Bolt action rifels have 0 damage dropoff
  18. Stormlight666

    The fact that you throw in the word noob means that you probably use an aim bot program to help encourage those noobs to leave.
  19. TheBaronofSD

    look dude, i know what happened. possibly a bug? idk but i hit a heavy 4 times to the body on two occasions and didnt get a kill. you're telling me what i saw, which is most certainly unusual, didn't happen.

    you can tell me that all you like i know what i saw.
  20. Dortmunder

    Yup. I've shot people directly in the face before. People not moving at all. RAMS .50 shot to the head. No hit registers, not even a body shot.