
Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rendezvous, Dec 27, 2012.

  1. Uben Qui

    I thought we pulled the hat trick twice... No?
  2. Fear The Amish

    meh yall only do it when everyone is asleep so by the time i get on its gone ;)
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  3. Uben Qui

    Look what you typed with them dirty fingers.. go wash yer hands. :)
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  4. TheShrapnelKing

    And as if to prove that numbers DON'T always mean everything, NC and VS have pushed back TR on Waterson. I was just on Esamir and TR had ~45% of the map.
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  5. Garrix

    Rooster teeth, angry joe, and totalbiscuit all play on the same server (waterson), on TR. I THINK we might have our other 'leaders' starting up outfits here, but I have seen neither hide nor hair of any of them.
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  6. TheShrapnelKing

    Well they better hurry the hell up. If we're really going to prepare for this we need organization NOW. TB already kind of has it because he takes this a bit (though still not very( more seriously than Nanners, and Toby, well, I don't think he ever gave a **** in the first place. We'll need to rely on people who aren't our 'official' leaders - people who know WTF they're doing. None of them will be big youtube stars or anything, but if we get some competent people then maybe we can embarrass the actual youtubers at their own game.

    I'm not sure what the plans for the showdown are, but having it on Waterson, TB's home base, would be terrifically hilarious if we beat him.
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  7. Garrix

    The biggest issue with this whole showdown is TB is a very well known Planetside figure who has supported and promoted the game since alpha. The other two guys don't have a single video on it. They should have picked someone equally new to the scene for TR, it makes no sense to have a massive PR figure as a leader for one faction and two unknowns for another.
  8. TheShrapnelKing

    Guess it's a good thing they aren't up to par tactically eh? We can tarnish his crown. I mean yeah there's some really good TR units but the majority I see are just zergs.
  9. Uben Qui

    It is not like these guys are going to be on a server warring. It is a promotional thing. On the 25th all the servers will be in the event at the same time. All those guys are is mascots promoting. Each server will have to rely on the real leaders to do whatever the event is..
  10. TheShrapnelKing

    Maybe they'll finally implement a way to win the war or something. Like capturing the Warp Gates.
  11. Garrix

    Seananners just uploaded a livestream of planetside to youtube. Looks like he's playing on Helios. That makes sense.

  12. Uben Qui

    It is only a matter of time till Helios blames all of their problems on him... :(
  13. CDN_Wolvie

    Heh, those poor bastards, NCSO had a taste of his "prowess", definitely gives the impression of just being another zergfit leader type. Oh well, maybe he has gotten better? :p
  14. Spartan 117

    Had a blast fighting on Easimar yesterday. Even though we were fighting right outside our warpgate & outnumbered 2 to 1, it was neat to see like 20+ fighters dogfighting in the air, flak everywhere & tank columns firing at each other from each side.
  15. CDN_Wolvie

  16. Sarmane

    Im liking this little meeting of the Waterson crew/clubhouse. Ill be looking for you NC scum more so now when you do stray inbetween the TR zerg and VS defenders.
  17. Rendezvous

    His videos on YouTube and propaganda supporting the TR shot up their population by ~10% making TR the most populated faction throughout most of the day in Waterson (the server Totalbiscuit plays on).

    His fans say he is a skilled player because they support him. If you haven't checked his profile, he is a BR 10 with a K/D of 0.5 with Light Assault as the most played class. Usually people who play LA would maintain a healthy KD on the field. I can understand if his KD is sh*t because he plays Combat Medic the most, but he doesn't which shows that he has little to no experience with this game.
    He says KD and BR doesn't matter. To me, it's not the most important thing, but when someone dies more than they can survive for my faction, I wouldn't want that person on my team, especially if his/her main class is LA.

    The other thing I don't understand about him is that he talks trash about the NC most of the time but I've never seen him talk trash about the VS. Maybe it's because his 50% population can't beat a group of 25% organized players to capture continents. Over the past few weeks, despite TR overpopulation, they have only captured Esamir and Amerish for 3 hours from NC when most of [DVS] are offline.

    When NC population gets to around 30%, which is when a lot more [DVS] members come on, [BRIT] just switches continents. One time, they were close to capturing our last base in Amerish and they switched over to Esamir when 2 [DVS] platoons switched over to Amerish to save it.

    The amount of idiocy he has created with his outfit is insanely too damn high. His fans can bash me all they want, but their points will mean nothing to me. I don't take comments from a group of people who take credit from the entire TR in Waterson even though I've rarely been killed by [BRIT] members. Yesterday, his members tweeted him "TB, we captured both continents for you! [BRIT] did it all by ourselves!" On my side of the battle, I killed more [BRIT] members than I can count. It was other TR outfits that did the job. TB's outfit was just a meatshield.

    Rumor also has it that SOE gave TR have some of the best guns because Totalbiscuit plays TR and he brought a lot of his fanboys over to this game as TR. Because of this, SOE will make their guns better so the fanboys are willing to pay money to SOE.
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  18. DoomBlackDragon

    You forgot about Angry Joe. Both TB and AJ plays on Waterson. >.> Also GG sony for giving the TR the most op weapons in the game. I wonder why the TR are so broken. Oh yes that right. The lead combat dev is a bloody TR fan. Thank you Josh
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  19. Rendezvous

    I believe all the members of the balance team are TR and maybe one or two VS; I'm not sure. The only known staff member for SOE that plays NC is Higby and he's not part of the balance team.
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  20. Root

    Any other Waterson VS have 3x as many TR kills as NC? It's kinda funny the kill spam you can get against them, I'm not even that good but they make me feel badass sometimes. It's like the NES game Lemmings, my Pulsar LSW or HE Lightning cannon or what have you is the cliff, and the TR just keep walking into it. No aim required.