Please recommend best NC sniper rifle?

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by trolltoday, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. trolltoday

    That does most of damage, have best velocity and smallest bullet drop ?
    thank you.

    For now i am using default sniper rifle and it's nice it have OHK on headshot.

    Also what is worth to spend my Cert Points on when upgrading a sniper rifle?
  2. VKhaun

    Upgrade to either one of the high velocity bolt action sniper rifles. One is more accurate (slightly noticable at very extreme ranges) the other hits harder (slightly noticable when hitting the body or shooting MAX suits) but both are effectively the same in most situations and kill in one headshot or two bodyshot. I think technically the higher damage one is more velocity, but again the difference is very slight.

    Both are MUCH faster than the original and that's the key. Eventually you'll outgrow the original. As you get better at sniping you'll find the need for faster bullet to make shots on moving targets that change direction or are headed for cover, and you don't want to have to re-learn the bullet timing from scratch, so you should just upgrade to one of those ASAP and get used to it from the start.
  3. cardboardbacon

  4. Hydragarium

    For long range sniping for me it's the LA80 - the Alpha Squad one. It has an actual magazine and next to no bullet drop.
    For actual infiltration I like the Stalker - it is automatic and it can actually take down most enemies if you ambush them.
  5. VKhaun

    Longer reload time, longer refire time.

    Just to be clear. 'More Damage' literally means 50 damage. Your average carbine does around 150 damage (They range from 143-200 @10m and damage drops off from there) so a third of a point blank carbine bullet worth of damage is how much 'more damage' you get for your refire time reduction.

    Not saying it's a bad choice. More is more. Just laying all the cards on the table.
  6. Timeraider

    Longshot, i prefer kills from very long distances and even though the bullet velocity is only slightly better then the LA80, it still made as much of a difference on me that i switched my LA80 for the Longshot.

    that spreadsheet is not up-to-date i think as the bullet velocity of Longshot is higher then the LA80 one after last patch which decreased the LA80s bullet velocity

    "The LA80 projectile speed has been reduced to put it in line with the other empire sniper rifles."

    thus it has been reduced to 600 instead of the 650 in the spreadsheet
    • Up x 1
  7. Meiu

    That extra 50 dmg from the Longshot makes it the ONLY rifle on the NC side that can one shot a fully nanoweave heavy. Every other rifle takes 2 shots for a full nanoweave heavy. And yes, that is even if your shots are headshots.
    • Up x 1
  8. Uzii

    This. People underestimate how important the extra 50 damage is. At the ranges you should be engaging at damage falloff comes into play, and Headshots are not always OHK. I have yet to switch to the Longshot, but the amount of people surviving headshots now is becoming quite a problem, usually about a quarter of my hits. And I don't miss the head, I know what a body shot will do, and its not that. Also worth noting, its not just HA's, all classes except the Infiltrators can survive headshots, with the appropriate distance and Nanoweave.

    Interesting topic to keep an eye on:
  9. Meiu

    It is implied you are sniping at optimal distances, only a bad infiltrator will be shooting at a distance to not one shot people (disregarding nanoweave heavies since there is no distance that is optimal for that, only a specific weapon).
  10. Soylent

    I'm pretty sure all classes have the same HP, so an Infiltrator with max nanoweave will survive a headshot if a heavy can. The only thing making the heavy have more hp is that extra shield of theirs.
  11. Ipecac

    Infiltrators are actually the exception, all other infantry have equal health. LA/Engi/Medic/HA have 500 shield and 500 health, infiltrators have 400 shield and 500 health. This means if rank 1 nanoweave will protect an HA from a headshot at some ranges (and it looks like with the 750 rifles it can), max rank nanoweave will do the same for an infiltrator, but nothing before that.
  12. Meiu

    Where is that info from? I was pretty much under the impression INF has the lowest, the rest are even, HA has slightly more, at least from anything I have seen? If you have a source it would be appreciated otherwise I will have to disagree :/
  13. Ipecac

    This is far from the last word on the matter, but it's the same source most people use for all their numbers in weapon and gameplay discussions

    Anything more convincing would have to come from in-game testing. I would propose testing with a semi-auto scout at <10m range. From the same source, they deal 334 damage within minimum falloff, enough to 3-shot with base 1000 health and 4-shot with nanoweave 1. An infiltrator should die with or without nano 1, and any class with 1000 base hp would see a shift in shots to kill. You could do this with a trial scout rifle and 1 cert per class for nanoweave 1.
  14. Laika

    I use the SAS-R. Most of the time i snipe midrange. And this rifle has the best reloadtime and the same damage in the midfield range as the LA-80 when it comes to bolt-action. Bulletdrop and holding breath(i dont use) for the distance i snipe is not a problem. And with the 4x zoom i did a far better job as with the scoutrifle or LA-80.
    Ofcourse al depends on your playstyle. Very long distance snipe i dont do because of the render problems i have.
  15. Uzii

    I don't know where this came from, I was completely agreeing with your post. An "optimal distance" is whatever you find effective with the equipment you have. I would argue that a "bad infiltrator" as you put it, is one that engages too close. I'd rather not land a OHK and have distance and time to escape on my side, than force myself into a dangerously close position just to ensure a OHK. Even then, OHK's are not guaranteed without the use of a Longshot.

    The damage falloff only applies to the people with Nanoweave equipped, a non-Nanoweave will die from a headshot regardless of distance.
  16. VKhaun

    Heavies have more than base HP
    Infiltrators have less.

    Sniper rifles have no damage drop off. There is no 'optimal distance'. Get as far away as you can to maximize your advantage. The only limiting factor would be how close you need to be to get a major cap credit.

    I have one-headshot-killed freshly spawned heavies on a sunderer literally AT render range where their heads were smaller than my mildots and stepping back a few times made them not render. If someone wants to test and show me a video of a full nano heavy surviving a CLEAR headshot at point blank (because again, damage doesn't go down.) from an LA80 I'd like to see that, but I've never ever shot a heavy in the dome and seen them survive it. Ever. Even in beta when they were handing out free certs like candy. Maybe we're assuming max nanoweave and the shield up?
  17. Uzii

    I have heard differently about the Heavies, but I honestly have no idea myself.

    Again, please read this thread, tests have shown otherwise.

    My only answer to that is that I have seen otherwise, for me at least, proving you wrong in my eyes. I haven't recorded it, so I have no proof to show you. Just because you haven't witnessed it, doesn't mean it is true. I am constantly seeing people survive headshots, either because of nanoweave, damage drop off, or a combination of both.

    I know what I've seen, whether others believe it or not, I don't really care. Sooner or later you will experience it.
  18. Ipecac

    Ran a quick-and-dirty check with a friend earlier today. He had a fresh character with nanoweave 1 on each class, I trialed a semi auto scout (nominally 334 damage at 10m). Stood very close (about 5m, falloff doesn't begin till 10m), shot him three times, then healed/revived and tried again.

    Without nanoweave, 3 body shots:
    • Infiltrator died.
    • Light Assault died.
    • Medic died.
    • Engineer died.
    • Heavy Assault died.
    With nanoweave rank 1, 3 body shots:
    • Infiltrator died.
    • Light Assault survived with 3 bars of health.
    • Medic survived with 3 bars of health.
    • Engineer survived with 3 bars of health.
    • Heavy Assault survived with 3 bars of health.
    Health seems to be even or very close between the non-infiltrator classes. MAX was not tested because honestly, I didn't think/care to check it. As to why they survived showing 3 bars rather than ~2 as you'd expect from +50 health, I couldn't say. For the time being I'm willing to chalk it up to inaccuracy of the health display gauge, but there could be something more significant at work there.
  19. VKhaun

    Insane thread. Thanks for the tests.

    All the game info extracts I've ever seen have said snipers have no fall-off and heavies have more HP. Of course they've also said ridiculous things about vehicle splash damage radius and min CoF so... I can't say I'm surprised if they're wrong.
  20. IshanDeston


    Because thats untrue. Everyone has the same HP.