Medic revives.. decline. here's why..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sebo, Dec 20, 2012.

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  1. }{ellKnight

    Well, it's not helping you out that much if he revives you at 10% health with 3+ enemy gun barrels pointing at you :p

    I tell this to everybody that switches to medic in my outfit. Always heal to full HP if you can, otherwise you're not helping.

    I have my med tool at level 5 and I'm roughly 30 certs away from level 6 and I can't wait to get it because I won't have to stick around to heal the guy at from 75 to 100% anymore.
  2. Monnor

    Yesterday i yelled 5 times ,i need healing, to a medic, which just run ******et around in my front, and healed a guy with full health in his front. So i shot him, cause i dont like traitors.
  3. Scorponok

    i could NOT agree more...this is F...annoying...i got 1 rank left before im capped and i saw a lvl 1 guy run over and overress what i i did and the guy got up 20secs later and he barely had any life...that or REMOVE the hole system with % of life on ress...
  4. Leal

    On the flipside, after I revive you OR if you call for a medic, and I rush across the battlefield, dodging tanks and snipers, to patch you up:

    DON'T RUN FROM ME! I think one time I spent like a full minute running around chasing a guy with my medic gun out trying to desperately heal him before deciding screw it and let him have his fun with 10% of his life left.

    You glow green, your health starts to go up, you get a message "Being healed by" STOP MOVING
    • Up x 1
  5. Biytor

    A solution to the Fly-By-Night medics would be to base the XP off the amount of health the person comes back with after a res. 15% of the XP for 15% health and 100% XP for a 100% revive. This would weed out those level 1 guys right quick, they would have to want to be Medics. Healing alive players would pay off more then resing dead ones, this would remove the farmers and give people out there getting resed some more confidence that they will come up ready for the fight, not as walking wounded.

    Then make it so the higher the level of the Medi gun an even higher level medi gun would be required to override it. No more Nubcakes coming in behind you and screwing someone with a pissy little res. It such an easy fix, but it seems SOE doesn't give a **** that the mechanic is screwed to hell to begin with.
  6. Adjuchas

    All of these solutions are terrible... if you take away the reward for healing and ressing, people will stop playing medics as there are far better combat orientated classes. People just have to accept that sometimes getting a large number of people back in the fight is more valuable than getting one guy up and fully healed, who will probably suicide seconds later again anyway. Often there are several medics, and always one who heals those who have been ressed.
  7. BuzzKapow

    I was under the impression that the revive xp isn't he same for someone with a level 1 gun than a level 5 gun. The amount of XP is higher the higher your gun, and your exp per heal is higher, to make up for less time healing? Overall, reviving and healing to 100% is the same xp, but those with higher guns get more xp faster?

    Also, i don't accept revives from Medics. For the reasons stated. 10% health when you get up, run around the corner so they can heal you and.... where did that medic go? Oh, he's running around ressing people... who are getting shot the minute they get up... oh look, he's ressing the same guy... again... again...again. Is there a solution to this? I dunno. Just seems to be making medic revives completely useless, since most people don't accept and just respawn. Also one of the reasons i don't play my medic (gun level 5) anymore.
  8. Fyrdoc

    This is the most screwed up idea. Just because you have a full upgraded gun does not mean you should override those that are just starting. They need the XP to build that gun up. The incentive for them to res is to get the XP, granted they may not understand how the system works. Instead of basically telling the new guy your a piece crap since your gun is only a level 1, try teaching the new guy how the system works and how to be a good medic to their squad or outfit.
  9. wolfva

    A good medic is worth his wait in SC. Sadly, there aren't many good medics out there. The ones I hate are those who will shoot you in the back so they can get heal exp. Or revive. Hey; if you just killed me I am NOT letting you rez me.
  10. Leal

    I dunno about reviving, but you don't get xp for friendly fire damage. Irritates the hell out of me I'll be healing someone who is almost dead just to get no xp at all cause he thought it'd be hilarious to throw a grenade onto the capture point.
  11. Wibin

    I don't think a lot of the medics know that revive doesn't come with full Health.

    That and the enemy will sit there and shoot at your corpse while they can see it being revived because they know its free XP.

    I don't blame them either. haha.
  12. Trysaeder

    Current: 75 XP for revive
    Proposed: 50/70/90 XP for revive with levels 4/5/6 medtool. Level 1-3 medtools take up to 30% longer to revive but revive on 50% health.
  13. StormHawk

    If this were to be implemented, we should get a small XP bonus (like 10-15) for an "attempted revive" because otherwise no medics would bother trying.

    My problem as a medic is either that people get up and run away or that there are too many people that need reviving. I'll revive a bunch of people, then pop my ability to heal them all (typically). But what usually ends up happening is the people I revive get up and run away just to get one-shotted by some random infiltrator.
  14. Spectre63

    It depends upon the situation but I'll let the medic rez me in most cases. I will reward those who are making an effort to support the rest of the team.
  15. Talizzar

    I will accept a revive under the assumption that things have cooled down. Lately, people just revive in the middle of mayhem that don't have the full revive so you are dead a second later again. I guess this is a way to farm exp. Hide behind a wall and hope. If an outfit member is doing chances are he has the full revive and heal so I accept.
  16. Talizzar

    We run away to attempt to find decent cover. When I am revived with a sliver of health I look for immediate cover and move. Standing around where you just got killed is asking for another bullet.
  17. H0urg1ass

    I almost never accept a revive anymore unless there's no other way that I'm going to stay in that battle. Medics will revive in the most ridiculous of situations. You ran into a room full of bad guys and died, they stand just outside the doorway and try to revive you... I mean what kind of sense does that make? The second I stand up I will die immediately again.

    Second, I like coming back with all my gear like expended C4 and Grenades, and I can't get that in a revive.
  18. PoopMaster

    I don't play medic much but I always try to fully heal after I revive. What annoys me is the number of medics who have tunnel vision, run right over your body and ignore rezzing you because their buttbuddy outfitmember who's at full health is so much more sexy they keep their eyes on them rather than revive me.
  19. Akrasjel

    Like it matter
  20. Sowahka

    I nearly always decline if it's a stranger reviving me. Mostly because I know that an enemy was just looking at that spot and likely wasn't killed, so when I'm revived I'm likely to be gunned down by the same enemy a second time. Not gonna be an exp pinata for both allies and enemies to farm.
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