Medic revives.. decline. here's why..

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by sebo, Dec 20, 2012.

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  1. sebo

    there are too many medics running around just looking to farm quick points by using level 1 or 2 tool then running away without healing you. i would rather not be revived only to die a second later.. so i just hit decline from now on. sorry, i know there are some good medics out there (including myself who has invested all certs into medic tool so players are revived at 100%) but these people running around just reviving people and running to the next person just pisses me off.

    so rather than just "complain" about the problem i propose a solution: do not grant full XP until medic heals person to 50%> heath. ie: they'll only get half the XP for revive and the rest when they continue to heal past 50%.
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    Honestly I hope they just reduce revive exp, or make it scale with how much hp you're revived with. Every zerg vs zerg infantry battle I see anymore has 20-25 medics standing around in an enormous clustercluck desperately trying to get revive exp. If they were all HA or LA the fight would actually get somewhere.
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  3. Fyrdoc

    I will revive and wait for the person to get up and heal them them completely, my issue is once revived they think they are good to go and run away with only partial health.
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  4. Faithwolf

    agreed, healing needs to be a somewhat thinking mans class. braindead ? then stick to something easy like HA. big machine gun and rockets. leave healing to those who wish to do it properly. not just exp harvest
  5. Edmon

    I notice this a lot. A medic revived me with 15% health then ran to revive the next guy. I stood next to him spamming "heal me" over and over and he ignored me.

    Then some other medic who had just arrived came over and finished the job...

    EXP rewards really taint this game in some places.
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  6. UzumakiW

    I busted my *** to get all the certs to max my medic tool. It's so worth it to have it maxed out. Shame not everyone feels this way.
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  7. Mansen

    Here's a tip - you can actually observe where you died when on the deployment screen. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to say no to a revive when bullets are flying everywhere on your death screen.
  8. Xind

    When I play a medic I do my best to clear the area before reviving and wait for the guy to get up so I can burst him to full health. I also spend a lot of time trying to heal people mid combat. It annoys me that no medics actually try to keep people up. When you play medic, your primary role is not that of front line combatant.

    When I play non-medic. I NEVER accept revives. It's always someone that didn't check to see where death was coming from and quite frequently upped me into oncoming fire from which I could not escape...and they didn't even try to get me to full hp.

    Why the HELL does revive give you so much exp? It needs to be cut to half and the exp needs to be upped on the value of incombat healing.. IE: your heal recipient kills someone while you were healing them (and actually restored health). You get an assist bonus.
  9. SenEvason

    I don't see this problem. I have a bigger problem with having the guy I just revived run away from me.
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  10. UzumakiW

    That's not even really the issue that's being discussed. The issue is that some medics do what they do more to get exp, rather than to revive and heal the person up, that way that person can effectively get back into battle.
  11. Mansen

    It is entirely the issue - If you don't agree to revives in dangerous situations, your issue with them leaving you is gone. Medics who don't heal people they revive are losing out on XP. Even their AoE heal is quite potent. And why are you running around without a medkit anyway?

    No one is forcing a gun to your head - you can agree to the rez, or spawn elsewhere.

    PS: Stop using orange text like that. You're burning out eye sockets.
  12. UzumakiW

    Yeah, if you're in a dangerous situation, it would be stupid to accept a revive, whether it leave you with little to no health or would revive you in full health. As a medic, you if you don't have the max med tool, you should wait and heal the person in full, that way that person can get back in and help, otherwise that person is just going to run around asking you or others for a heal, regardless if they're in a big battle or that person was killed by just one person somewhere.

    I don't run around with a medkit because I honestly think it's a waste, mostly because I play medic most of the time myself. I don't get bothered if someone ditches me with little to no health after reviving me because I can just heal myself with my AoE heal, but I understand when people get annoyed that a person will just ditch them after reviving them with barely any health.

    And if this orange text bothers you, I have to question how you're able to play any kind of game on your PC.
  13. Esxraptor

    I actually go after the medics first now in small squad battles.

    Revive.... accept only from a Squad mate who knows what he is doing .... fed up of being revived in the middle of crossfire by randoms. Much rather re spawn at a safer location and run back if required.
  14. Biytor

    Should allow us with top level medi guns to override the low level ones. Pisses me off to see someone revive at 15% when I can do it at 100%
  15. IshanDeston

    Wait you are saying people are playing to get more exp to get more certs to pay for the obscene cert prices? Preposterous! People playing for exp! That'll be the day!
  16. IshanDeston

    No they shouldn't. They should just give us the exp we heal the revived person. That will make everyone cert into it, because it gives more exp and is faster.

    And people like me that actually got max level won't be punished for certing into it that way. What good is overriding the rezz when i am not getting the healing exp. I make more exp just running around and healing those the Medic farmers rezz with 20% HP.
  17. Veri

    SOE underestimated how pathetic the human race is.
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  18. Flarestar

    I've seen quite a few assaults fail to be carried simply because nearly half of the attacking force was comprised of medics sitting around with their heal guns out just waiting for someone to die. It's kinda funny, really. During a Crown defense the other night I killed a group of medics four or five times apiece, they were just reviving each other over and over. Never once shot back at me.
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  19. Seiha

    They could add an extra bit of info "X wants to revive you (tier Y)". On the other medics would be declined too often.

    What they should do instead is this : you get full health with a temporary revive sickness (-%hp). The medic can stick around and "heal" the sickness off or just leave...

    Even if you are left with the debuff, you are still on your way to full health. This would remove the bitterness of being revived with only 15% hp with no medic in sight. Just take cover and get back to full hp...medikits could also remove the debuff but I think it shouldn't last too long (think slightly better MAX auto-regen).
  20. Mafia Puppet

    Shoot them. Camp their corpse. When they ***** at you, casually explain why they are ****. If you can't keep them TK'd long enough, you wouldn't have lived much longer after a real revive anyway so let it slide.
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