Recommended Certs for Beginners [Guide]

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by RobotNinja, Nov 29, 2012.

  1. Bill Hicks

    Here's my guide
    1.spend real money to get station cash money get rocket pods.
    2.Proceed to farm
    3. rake in thousands of certs
    you just saved yourself time and the money you spent was repaid in mere days of farming.
    and now you have the ability to max every cert out.
  2. Duvenel

    Can battle rifles really be shared? First I've heard of it. Got any evidence, screenshots/video?(I'm trying to update the wiki)
  3. Spectre63

    Not sure what you're looking for...I use a battlerifle on both my TR and NC toons and switch back and forth between Engineer and HA regularly. Most of my recent kills with HA are using the TMG-50, but I had quite a few with the AMR-66 too.

    The info is actually in the Wiki:

  4. jamieprittpeter

    Nice work. Thanks.
    • Up x 1
  5. Duvenel

    What I meant was if I bought a new battle rifle for a HA, would my engineer be able to use that newly bought weapon without me having to buy it again?(that's what I think you're trying to say?)
  6. Spectre63

    Correct-a-mundo! :D
  7. Duvenel

    Hmm, thanks for letting me know. Will update the wiki if it needs to be added(don't think i've seen this mentioned). Are there any other classes that can share bought weapons?
  8. Bill Hicks

  9. riker

    i would have to agree with the other dude, im a noob in many respects since its taken me 2 weeks to get 900 certs, i would not recommend the AMS since a lot of people are relying on you to not screw up, if i were a noob i wouldnt drive a sundy at all, people are relying on you to not screw up and are often impaitient, unless your a skilled team player, its not something that you need to do right away, even tho i did, but otherwise this is a great post, im actually going to get the medical aplicator now, is it universal across all classes?