Annihilator Rocket Launcher - Well F Me I Guess

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ToolMan, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. Yeo-Yin

    I wouldn't mind if it was possible to purchase the game (like for 60$ or something like that) and then have an unlock rate similar as the one we have in CoD. Yes, i really mean a unlock rate that make you feel good all the time. Not at "unlock everything at the moment you buy it" but delay it just in the rate that i will feel i unlock everything i want when i want it.

    Is it possible to buy this game ? No, unless you spend undreds (and maybe thousands) of $ for it. So, yes, they are greedy.

    Just compare ps2 to firefall, LoL or dota2.
  2. VoidMagic

    WTB old G2A launcher... how much... SOE and when.
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  3. Bullwinkle 01

    Triple SC on the 21st. That extra launcher really only costs you $2.33 if you just gotta have it (I don't).
  4. blzbug

    I'm confused...

    Is the new launcher a useless piece of garbage not worth touching?
    Or is it a pay2win SOE cash grab for a fantastic gotta-have-it weapon?

    Schizophrenia on the boards. That is the new normal :) Well, ok. That was *always* normal on the internets.
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  5. Przemogce

    i havent used it yet and im not even sure if its already avaible via store but if i were you i would never buy any rocket launcher.
    As we can see nowdays newly introduced weapon is working only for 1 or 2 weeks max, than SOE brings new patch that breaks the weapon, nerfs it so weapon becomes worthless and later on SOE introduce brand new weapon that works like previous rocket launcher the day it was introduced to players AMEN
  6. EvilAlbatross

    Oh, the sweet, sweet sound of awesomeness. I do think that a Javelin style weapon in PS2 would be a wee bit overpowered, though. As it is, tanks have to cert for either side, top, or front armor. Given the current threats to armor, you can either be protected from side hitting infantry rockets, front hitting tank rounds, or top hitting ESF missiles. It's rock/paper/scissors in it's current inception and I believe it works fairly well. This would give an even greater advantage to infantry than they already have, IMHO.
  7. Fligsnurt

    I'm sorry but I really have to speak up, I noticed your signature in another thread a while ago and kept it to myself but I have lost the will to resist the urge to bring this up. Don't mean to split hairs but being a part of my life and interests I tend to get nit picky about stuff like this.

    I know this is a game, and I know the weapon system you are referencing is from a game. But if you are going to use a reference that is correlated to a RL weapon system please get your facts straight. What you are referencing is a Wire-Guided Missle System examples: BGM-71 TOW and 9K113 Konkurs, both are vehicle mounted or stationary wire guided anti vehicle launchers. You also have the M47 Dragon and 9K115-2 Metis are both shoulder fired wire guided launchers. The M136 AT-4 that you bring up is a dumb fired, one time use disposable launcher. There is no guidance system on it what so ever, and the only variation of its design that I have ever seen or known of was a version that was adapted to lower the back blast for urban use.

    Now I am all for adding in a wire guided/TV guided missle system, easily balanced by making it slower and lower rocket count. I believe the NC in PS1 had this, Pheonix I think. And a bit more on topic I think that this continously adding in launchers and or weapons is not so much creating diversity as just plain confusion and its going to be that eventually one of them will be the goto system like the GD-7F is for the NC carbines. And I honestly think that there needs to be a default available to everyone G2A missle system. One that is dumbfire only, faster missle speed and explodes when within a certain range of the air vehicle, like 10m the closer the missle to the vehicle the more damage it could do. Like an impact being 100% damage falling off every two meter by 10% damage. Meaning a grazing hit, 10m from aircraft weapon detonates, causes 50% weapon damage. This would be harder to use then the G2A but give it an advantage in its own way to slow flying / hovering aircraft and would be available to all troops so that they would have a way to deal with air w/out needing to spend 1000 certs / $7 or bringing out the one armed burster and wasteing inf resources.
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  8. AtomicGerman

    It wont be able to do the exact same damage to air and ground targets as the standard AV and AAs would, its for versatility, not specialty.
  9. Hoki

    We all know the AT4 in BC2 is a fantasy weapon. They also have a tracer dart gun where when the tracer hits a vehicle, it turns a soviet RPG into a stinger missile.
  10. Vortok

    Okay, quick and dirty googling shows me the following.

    Over $2,200 for everything in League of Legends according to that thread that was made back in April. I'm sure content/available deals have fluctuated since then, but PS2 has bundles and deals as well so those are mostly a wash to try and compare.

    This page lists the current cost of buying all the weapons for a character of one faction in PS2 at $327 and (it looks like) an additional $375 for all the cosmetic stuff, and was posted late November.

    Not the most in depth examination, but I'm seeing a bit of disparity in price on my end.
  11. Yeo-Yin

    you are counting all the skins in lol that have NO impact at all on the gameplay (ok, the surfer skin of singed remove 1 point to the damage of the ult of leona ...). Plus, lol is way older than ps2.

    In lol, you cannot buy runes, as they are a direct upgrade. You can buy champs but they are all different and not more or less powerfull. You cannot buy skins but they have no effect on the gameplay.

    Plus, in lol you have a matchmaking that will ensure that you meet people as strong as you. Even if it was possible to buy strenght (and it's NOT) people who pay will quickly be only with other people who pay and you'll never be smashed by someone only because he used his credit card.
    In ps2, i don't have a box that i can check that allow me to never meet someone who pay. Even worse, i don't have a box i can check that allow me to meet people just as strong as me.
  12. Sancus

    Those are indeed pretty cool but in order to fit with the Planetside 2 trend of gimping the hell out of awesome real life weapons and then calling them "futuristic", this would take 5 hits to kill an enemy tank and it would have a lock-on range shorter than the MINIMUM range of the real FGM-148. It would also mysteriously lose its anti-helicopter and anti-building firing mode.

    [Note this trend isn't specific to AV vehicles, all the weapons in PS2 are very underpowered compared to their real world counterparts, vehicle-mounted weapons the worst, in fact]
  13. Turiel =RL=

    So this means, I cannot use it to snipe players from 200m distance like with the Hawk? Also, it would be nice if you could define "slightly". These "slight" adjustments that SoE is known for, are a bit too drastical for my taste.

    Also I would love to see an explanation or an official statement, if I get my money back on those useless other rocket weapons that you put out on the market while knowing exactly that you would follow it up with this one.
  14. Zotamedu

    Yesterday, we were five heavies launching rockets at three tanks. We had a medic and an engineer, They had an engineer. After little over a minute, we were all dead and the tanks didn't have a scratch on them. How much teamwork do you need to take out a tank? One man should be able to take a tank if the tank is stupid enough to stand still for long enough to land many hits. As it is now, only other tanks or air is a real threat to tanks.

    So a slow moving but heavy damage rocket for anti tank use would be great. Also a fast moving rocket with less damage to scare of aircraft would be nice. I'm not talking one shot, one kill here. Just give us something that will force them to actually move around a bit. Now the don't even need to bother to dodge rockets. That would also help to counter the terrible base design since then tanks would be less likely to stand in one place and spam the spawn.
  15. Goden

    Slightly less damage? So it can essentially handle both AA and AT situations with the "downside" of only a tiny decrease in damage?

    I'm sorry but this game is getting very close to the pay2win situation.

    This is also a huge "F- You!" to anyone who bought the dedicated AA/AT rocketlaunchers.
  16. Fox234

    If the Deci is the hardest hitting dumb fire and this uses AA and AV then I know what I would buy.
  17. perspicacious

    Slightly lower damage is no excuse for being able to lockon to every vehicle in the game.

    Half the damage? Maybe.
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  18. CobraBoss

    Well it looks like they removed it half way and changed the patch notes , there was the announcement of the annihilator and something about decals , but now its gone lol...

    How the hell are they working ?????????????

    Oh i get it now they had to make the sale on infantry weapons 1st and forgot ...
    i'm really thinking they think they can toy with us all they want this is getting on my nerves
  19. Fox234

    So let me ask, what good would the launcher be if it did 50% of normal damage?

    Hate to say this but everyone should have seen this coming. Its part of active development. There will always be new weapons that include or combine new modes.
  20. HoriZon357

    lol nice video...Ya infantry...ok...ANY plane I encounter on foot i'm dead in two bunny hops...and all I find on the ground is Air and Tanks...Didnt ANYONE play Pside 1? ffs lock on air and vech too much? I dont think so, softies are screwed on the ground...period. In Pside 1 the Seeker would lock Air, Vech, oh, and even max'es, OH AND DUMBFIRED. GO PSIDE1...