Flak armor 5 is way too expensive

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. Hoki

    Flak armor 4 = 150
    Flak armor 5 = 1000

    This is almost rage inducing considering every tank in the game is running around with HE shells (because theres no downside) so hay I guess its balanced because 50% flak resist is available.
    Except flak armor 5 is 1000 certs.

    Come on.



    Come. On.
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  2. Hungus

    Yes the delicious mix of grind and pay to win.

    Why don't you just spend 20 bucks on membership and boosts, then it'll only take you 20 hours to grind.
  3. raw


    imo they should up NW 5 to 5000 certs

    and hit people with a cluebat
  4. Hoki



    Come. On.
  5. akajefe

    Look at it this way. You are purchasing 50% explosion resistance for a sum of 1211 certs. There are a couple of ways they could set up acquiring it. They could have only one tier for 1200 certs. They could break it up in 5 equal chunks at 240 certs each. They could break it into 5 chunks, but get more expensive in a more linear fashion (5/25/100/320/750). Or they could break it up into 5 chunks, but get exponentially more expensive (1/10/50/150/1000). The end cost will be the same. I prefer the last method because you can acquire the majority of the benefit for a fraction of the cost.
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  6. Kommissar Klose

    Mmmmm, sweet, sweet diminishing returns.

    So why is Flak Armor 4 not good enough? That extra... what, 10% (haven't looked at how flak armor scales not to be honest) just that important? Its not like it jumps from 0% to 50% reduction. There are intermediate steps. Getting that last little bit is valuable, and should be something to reach for over an extended period of time.
  7. Delax

    Diminishing returns at it's finest.

    I like to think of F-1 race cars when I read these topics. They pay hundreds of thousands to shave off a fraction of a second on their lap times. They'll even build brand new cars to get this half a second advantage over everyone else. The same applies to about everything when it comes to the extreme.
  8. Xil

    Progressive system of diminishing returns. It's nice getting those first levels for cheap.
  9. Esxraptor

    Save yourself the crying and pain and cert something else out 1st

    Unless you have some misguided thought that Flak 5 is going to make you a Demi-God
  10. Compass

    No downside except getting creamed in an actual tank fight and getting labeled as an Infarmer.
  11. supahitecjetfyta

    i havent even done the 150cert flak armor yet but ive put over 3000 into my Flash, have Mine Guard on all vehicles and i certed a Bulldog to protect the Sundy that i rarely use.
    the 1000cert things are for long term, not the first month.
  12. Hoki

    Or you could make it cost less than 1211 certs.
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  13. Hoki

    Because they're likely balancing the infantry ****** shells/bombs/grenades based on the justification that flak armor 5 is possible to attain.

    Like a zephyr for example, you might be able to survive 3 bombs with flak armor 5. Maybe.
  14. nukularZ

    Grind? Really? If you have that mentality, that is 100% YOUR PROBLEM. If you can't figure out how to just enjoy the game for the sake of... enjoyment, than that doesn't mean they should start handing you stuff for free so that you supposedly can.

    I'm perfectly happy right now having 95%+ of all things still locked.
  15. Kommissar Klose

    But how different is 4 from 5? Also, they'll be balancing the game knowing people could also have nanoweave armor, or ammo bandoliers, or the shield armor. They're not going to magically assume everyone is going to have flak armor just because thats what the metagame says is good.

    My point is 4 is "good enough." 5 is the max, the ultimate goal to achieve after months and years of play.
  16. Udon

    What annoys me to no end is even with Flax 5 things can still one shot you with explosives because the damage output is so much higher than your HP's. Flax 5 doesn't buy you near the resistance that you would expect for it's cost and it's only really useful for shrugging splash damage when your sitting near the edge of the blast radius.
  17. FredBurger

    These are both assumptions. You have bugger all proof behind either of these, and so they are more or less invalid.
    And furthermore so, they are also not very thought out.

    In the case that SOE balanced Infantry and Vehicles Infantry killing weapons after Flak Armour 5, they would balance the game after the minority of players who are willing to commit to Flak Armour 5. And so they would without a doubt lose customers because of everything being so "imbalanced" for the good old fashioned Flak [1-3/4] grunt.
    We can all agree SOE aren't the best with business plans, but if we are to be serious, a company like SOE would more than likely know not to mess a large majority of players up.
    Even though they sometimes do that, by balancing one thing and seemingly forgetting about another.
    But what do I know? I'm just a mere grunt.
  18. Jestunhi

    All upgrades are very minor and situational.

    But why?

    I have yet to see a reason which is anything more than "I want it nao".

    Stop trying to rush to the top tier of upgrades and then complaining that it takes longer than the lower tiers.

    Top tier stuff is more end-game, when you no longer have cheap things to buy and can leave your cert points piling up with no worries.
  19. Hungus


    Ok for one I never said they should start handing me stuff for free, it was never even implied. Secondly I can enjoy the game as it is, it would just be significantly more fun if I felt like I could customize my my classes at a respectable rate. Even World of Tanks has less grind, and that's saying something.

    Also just for the record before any one says something totally stupid about it, I have already put money into this game and I play on putting more in on Friday.
  20. Phyr

    Because a tank shoving a large explosive up your nose should be a totally survivable thing.