CQC medic, shotgun setup?

Discussion in 'Combat Medic' started by dennaavhien, Dec 17, 2012.

  1. dennaavhien

    So usually for cqc i tend to go with shotguns when i play any fps, to be honest, i go with shotguns all-round because i just generally like them.
    I have read up on some site that medics with a shotgun are actually quite good.
    This got me very interested, as i like to play as medic AND i like shotguns, perfect match, no?
    And to be honest, 4x scope sniping with my gaus doesn't really... make the game for me,
    but as i hadnt seen any thread on shotgun using medics i was wondering, do they even work,
    as nobody posts about them.

    So, my question to you is: Do you use shotguns with your combat medic, why or why not, and if you do, what is your setup if you don't mind sharing

    EDIT: i'm an NC medic
  2. eRage

    I've been using the haymaker shotgun almost nonstop with all my classes since i got it a few days ago, been playing medic or engi a ton lately and i gotta say a shotgun is amazing as these 2 classes, with any class really if you know how to maneuver and get behind enemies. Just unlock extended mags on a shotgun and you will be good to go.
  3. dennaavhien

    ah yes, i forgot to mention, im NC ;3 will edit that in post in a bit
    so you say extended mag, that was kind of a straightforward choice
    so the thing is, should i choose for a shotgun with fast reload and 2 less clip (ext mag excl) or for the more clip?
    do you use slug ammo or have you ever tried so? And for optical sights, i assume laser?
  4. eRage

    Type of shotgun is preference really, I went for the 8 round semi auto shotgun, not sure what the NC version of its called but it does reload a little slower, but the 2 extra rounds come in handy quite often. Never used slugs and I don't plan on it either. I like to use shotguns how they were meant to be used in extreme close quarters.I thought about getting laser sight on my shotgun too but I haven't gotten around to it. And I haven't got any optics on it either, just extended mags so far

    Also keep in mind shotguns have REALLY short range PS2, seems much shorter here then in other games. I've had to fire at people like 6 or 7 times from what felt like 10 feet away to kill them.
  5. dennaavhien

    well, about that really short range, i thought that was why people used slug ammo, so the spread isnt that big and you actually can hit things from further than knife range
    anyhow, i guess i'll look into buying some sc this friday (something about triple sc?) and i'll post here what i think about it :)
    if anyone has any info on slug ammo or what specific nc gun is 'better' in what circumstances, please do let me know
  6. Sento

    A shotgun medic doesn't sound to great to me. The reason medics get AR is because they are not really meant to be frontline soldiers so they need that extra range. They stay back and heal for the most part. And if you are storming a building its best to let the Maxs, HA or the Carbine classes in first. The shotgun could be useful on Biolab battles but in general I can't see them being anything more then situation, even more so for the medic.
  7. }{ellKnight

    The TRV, highest fire rate and CQC DPS out of all the medic guns and one of the best CQC weapons in the game, would like to say hi to you.
  8. dennaavhien

    Allright, overall that might seem a medic's task, but there are people that like to play their class differently.
    for example, me, i really like to go with the first few and get some damage out whilst trying to keep the push going.
    For that i usually find my assault rifle kind of lacking in heavy damage, i will still use my ar but only if we are for example trying to take over zurvan, and you can easily use an ar wiht 4x scope to shoot off defenders from just about anywhere.
    So in my shotguns i am looking for something that decreases my opponents lifespan (and thus increasing mine) when i'm going from room to room in a base.
    To be honest, if you play as medic and you actually like the fighting part of 'combat' medic, you can just go and be a loose prowler in any big facility, there (almost) always are enough other medics that stay behind and keep the back of the train pushing forward, whether or not they are xp farmers, there is no real reason to be 1:1 medic vs other ratio
  9. Paulus

    Personaly i have the Cycler TRV with softpoint ammo, a 2x holo red dot and Advanced redot laser. It hits hard at close range, but can still be used with ADS for a bit more range than i'd get from a shotgun. That said, i often wonder if the stopping power of a shotgun would be better for generator clearing in Tech plants.
  10. }{ellKnight

    That's my setup as well and I'm very happy with it.
  11. aRtFuL

    Actually the poster before u was correct. For medic to really matter and keep troops healed we actually get forced into cqc more often then other classes, becausewe need to cover over patients when healing (enemy usually swoops in after a kill. therefore ended up forcing us to cqc). Thus, cqc weaps r actually quite viable for us.
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  12. Ipecac

    An important note about optics for pellet (not slug) shotguns: ADSing with a pellet shotgun provides little or no benefit. It slows you down without really affecting the grouping of the pellets, which is the main limitation to damage at range. Because of this, optics are not actually important for combat use. You can either save certs by not buying any, or perhaps more interestingly, buy optics for their utility value. Notably, a 4x scope can be used as a poor man's binoculars to scout at range, and an IRNV scope can be used to spot infiltrators, sneaky LAs, and explosives before you step on them.

    Obviously none of this applies to slug shotguns since their strengths are only really felt at range while ADSing.
  13. dennaavhien

    So for actual cqc i should just go without slug ammo?
    shotgun with extended clip and IRNV then i guess?
    might indeed get a 4x scope (if those fit on shotguns?) to spot things, dont think ill use it all that much tho
  14. BuzWeaverPS2

    The impression I'm getting from some players that have used Laser Sights is that Laser Sights don't add any additional cone variation or concentration of fire for the shotgun (save your certs). You're correct, ADSing a shotgun is only going to give you a slightly concentrated cone of fire. If you're going to use Slug rounds then using ADS is a lot more significant.

    Slug rounds are pretty darn deadly. A guild mate was demonstrating this yesterday. He was going to demonstrate the damage with me, but he said since I was playing a Medic he could one-shot kill me (head shot) at 21+ meters. Another guild mate switched to a Heavy and was our test dummy. At 21 meters firing a head shot he was nearly killed with the slug.I don't recall the total damage, but my guild mate said he's killed various people quite effectively at range with slug rounds and they work with decent effectiveness in close range too.
  15. Ipecac

    Well, Medics and Heavies have the same HP (discounting overshielding, assuming equal nanoweave), so that shouldn't make a difference. Slug rounds definitely can't be discounted at range, though they require a bit more finesse than an AR. The recoil and projectile drop/speed take some getting used to, but if you can reliably hit your targets they're very rewarding. In close range, the problem you run into is the hipfire COF of the slugs is pretty bad and is worsened significantly by moving, so you basically have to ADS up to extreme close range. If you get good with it they can still perform respectably well in close quarters, but honestly I always had trouble with it.

    For the OP, I just checked and (for TR, but presumably also for NC) shotguns get the standard suite of short-range scopes with two exceptions: no shotgun gets 6x sniper scopes, and the auto shotgun doesn't get 2x reflex sight.
  16. dennaavhien

    ehm, i'm quite new to this game, so i assume ADSing is putting lasersight on the gun?
  17. Ipecac

    ADS stands for "aim down sights", so when you hold/click right mouse. In this game, the natural spread of bullets coming out of a gun is drastically different between firing from the hip and firing from tight aim. The drawback to this is reduced mobility while sighted in. At reasonably close range, some guns are accurate enough to effectively hipfire, while some really don't function well unless you ADS.

    Laser sight attachments tighten up the spread of bullets while firing from the hip but not while ADSing, and I honestly haven't seen good testing for whether they help much with slug shotguns (they're pretty significant on most automatics though). Personally I always go with extended magazine for shotguns though, I think it's too valuable to pass up.
  18. Dryka

    ADS is right click "aim down sight". For info - slug ammo is a single pellet, not a tigher choke. very accurate if you use ADS, but difficult to hipfire. Also, at point blank range buckshot (regular) ammo does more damage than slug. With the spread that becomes quickly much less though.

    Shotguns take a while to get used to, since much of the game happens in the open world. You'll be switching between slug and buckshot depending on the situation. As NC you'd probably be best with the 8 shot sweeper. Get an extended mag first, then get slug ammo once you get a good feel. with slug ammo a scope helps a bit - i took a 1x reflex just because i can see clearer.

    Some people take the higher scopes to "snipe" with slug ammo, but i wouldn't recommend it; shotguns don't have damage falloff (I think) but the projectiles are half the speed of a rifle. More of a gimmick really.
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  19. NullPointer

    I've basically ignored what is said in these forums (like the NS11 is the must-have gun for close and medium range, etc) and go with a shotgun for CQC. The shotgun just destroys enemies; I forget which one I am using but I doubt it matters much. The only mod it really needs is an expanded mag. I do have a 4x scope on it but I only use it for spotting; it is useless for actual combat.
  20. dennaavhien

    This weapon basicly made me get the last doubts away, i am certainly getting shotgun now!
    i guess you wouldnt be NC? If so, please do try to tell me what shotty it is :)