Next player to eject me from their liberator...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Weylin, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. Weylin

    Is going to land nose-first into the dirt when I grab an ESF and knock their fat *** sideways.

    If you want to make your liberator friend-only, squad up and lock it before landing for pickups.
    And SOE, please make locked vehicles have an indicator so players don't even waste their time bothering to get in.

    And to the 3 (and counting) dicks who ejected me to my death in the middle of the fight because they had a friend in the tail gun who couldn't ask first, I hope you enjoyed the 15 minute wait after being flipped on your *** and thrown to the ground.

    EDIT: And before anyone says I wasn't shooting the enemy or was sucking, no, I was consistently hitting targets at the time of the forced eject, as well as relaying information to the pilot via mic.
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  2. TimeyWimey

    I can see you getting pissed if you were ejected mid-flight but if you were ejected at the warpgate you need to take a chill pill.
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  3. Weylin

    No, not at the warpgate, out in the middle of a fight.
    Literally shooting at enemy targets, when just ejected for no good reason whatsoever.

    Why would someone do that? I have never once ejected someone unless they
    1. Fell asleep at the controls.
    2. Were derping around being a dumb**** non-stop.
    3. Are purposefully and incessantly trying to harm our own team.
  4. wolfva

    What Timey said. Of course, since you were in a middle of a fight I guess you weren't at the WG, so I don't blame you for being angry. Heck, if the TGer really wanted the bomber seat he could have just switched places; I bet it was more a case of the pilot wanting to gun as well so he kicks you and takes the seat to rack up the kills. I love running into idjits like that when piloting an ESF since it's about the only time I get a clean kill.
  5. PrincessFrosty

    I fully support punishing idiots and asshats, ejecting people like that is lame and they deserve to be taken down. Carry on soldier.
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  6. Marinealver

    I would hit the lock button when you are inside just for fun ;)

    Heck most of teh times if I am gunnning for a lib I find myself ejecting myself instead. Eitehr the pilot overextends himself and get killed or the pilot panics once he takes a single shot from a bullet and scrambles like crazy making it impossible to hit anything. (and because of render distance code I can only hit vehicles.

    Now yeah greiving is a bad but not as bad as it used to be. anyone remeber a death gal drop?
    (looking for the youtube video but I am flooded with Planetside 2 garbage instead and the new youtube search engine sucks way to go GooGle!)
  7. Escalest

    Are you by any chance engaging targets that are not targeting you?

    I am a Liberator Pilot, and often pick up randoms as tail gunners if they wish. BUT if they start shooting at an ESF the second they spot one in the horizon, attracting unwanted attention to us, he's getting kicked out, instantly.

    Basically a tailgunner should only shoot back when shot upon. Let's face it, you're not going to take anything down, so use the gun defensively and stop getting us killed by attracting attention.
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  8. TimeyWimey

    Also, about that mic thing. Might be there was something wrong with your transmit (i.e too loud, too much noice etc.). But most likely the pilot was just being an ***. :p
  9. Monnor

    Last time i jumped into the gunner seat of a sunderer to defend it , and i got kicked out. Nobody maned guns, and i tryed to repair(still) but it was no use. Funny how dumb people are.
  10. Edgar Allan Bro

    LOL I love letting some random guy get in lib with a friend and me. Then once I get high in the air I just lock the vehicle.

    Seeing his marker on the mini-map falling down and then his name pop up is priceless.
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  11. Gavyne

    Follow it, C4 it, and shoot it down. I did the last liberator that ejected me mid-flight. This is one place where friendly fire is absolutely needed.
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  12. Yetii

    I had this happen to me. Shot the ****** out of the sky afterwards.
  13. Monnor

    Yeah like yesterday, i escape with my fighter near dead, try to land , and a idiot tank driver shoot me. So a sunderer was near him, i respawn, took a rocket launcher, and blast his *** off the ground.
  14. Trysaeder

    Every time I leave my sundy unlocked, it's all out of ammo when we actually need to shoot. There needs to be a way to lock just the gunner seats, and a way to force squadmates to have priority over randoms. Say I wanted to get into the lib tail gun, but somehow we picked up a dude, I don't need to ask for his permission to swap. If he doesn't swap, he's getting kicked.
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  15. Tasogie

    They do this all the time, I take same route as you now. I shoot them down if they do it. because its deliberate. They get up as high as possible then kick you for giggles.
  16. iMartyr

    i ask for good bombers in the warpgate if you don't deliver i drop you for the next
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  17. Tuco

    Back in PS1 when you set your vehicle to squad only, or outfit only, it stayed that way after you get a new vehicle. One of those little things.

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  18. Remeus

    Individually controllable seats would be great, that way I could keep my gunners when I decide to fail to inform my galaxy passengers they are about to participate in a galaxy drop.
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  19. Mishkel

    Most of my comments would be about Sundy's. There are obviously reasons to have a vehicle to squad only. If there is no room, I understand that I can't have a seat. *I* don't like running guns on a vehicle so I don't want to use your ammo up. If you come under fire I am gonna bail because you are going to explode relatively soon anyway. Why? Because Sundy's are the first thing to be blown up.

    A week or so ago I had been ejected about 5 times from Sundy's that only had a driver and 2 gunners. So as I'm walking from fight to fight to find all the other NC dead when I get there... I finally get to the fight while the Sundy I was ejected from was still in once piece (barely) and under fire. Being a tad beyond irritated I put a few rounds through the Engineer Drivers helmet and then a rocket into their Sundy...

    So if any of these drivers ever wonder why they are victims of friendly fire... now you know.
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  20. Madd0g

    Agreed,expecialy with the underlined part.
    I know it seems like a small thing SOE,but if you fix the 1000 anoying little things in this game that would make 1 HUGE difference.
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