No fights during primetime...crisis mode reached

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Dis, Dec 12, 2012.

  1. Dis

    Recorded tonight, 7pm central time on Matherson. Every server either medium or low in pop...3 more weeks of this and this game is dead. Merge servers, remove or add a continent.

  2. Phyr

    Maybe they're downloading the patch today, since it came out today, during the day, when people work/school. Cuz it was today.
  3. bPostal

    The pop is there, it just needs to be concentrated instead of spread around. Look at the pop imbalances; Amerish is almost 50/50 TR/NC with what? Zero percent VS. Esamir looked to be something like 70-80% NC and Indar looked to be mainly VS with a good amount of TR and a smattering of NC.
    As much as I want to start grabbing people and beating the words 'FIGHT DAMN YOU!' into their heads it seems a lot of the focus is on going to where the empire has an overwhelming population advantage.
  4. Dis

    Just tried that on Amerish, got out-zerged like crazy, entire squad ran out of resources. Footzerging into waiting tanks, not my idea of fun.
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  5. ahare89

    I agree with this. I'm on Mattherson too. This game is awesome whenever there's some kind of population balance, but right now it seems that as NC I can't even play on Indar anymore because 60% of its population is TR. I don't know what the solution is but this is definitely a problem.
  6. bPostal

    Nor mine and it's a crap situation because really the most viable and attractive option is to hit up Indar and steamroll mostly empty bases.
    We need a way to rally the excess pop off of a continent and make a coordinated push but I don't think you're going to get the zerg to do that until Indar gets locked. You'd have to get every single coordinated outfit loaded up on resources and do a blitzkrieg on Esamir while the NC aren't paying attention or a mass rush on TR holdings on Amerish and hope the NC keep them too busy to respond. A rough prospect to say the least, coordination like that.
  7. ReaperLSW

    Don't worry bro, one of the 47 servers reached high pop today.
  8. ent|ty

    They're all at the Crown farming XP.
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  9. bPostal

    Mmm...Crown. So fun yet soooo bad for your whole strategic outlook.
  10. ent|ty

    It's true. I was surprised at how dead every other point was relatively, then you come close to Crown, and its a mad battle. But its the same battle over and over and quickly gets boring.
  11. QuantumMechanic

    It's a very valid concern. I've been keeping an eye on the PSU server status page since Monday, and I've only seen a server go on "high" once - Miller (EU). I've NEVER seen any US server go to "high" this week - all throughout primetime on both coasts.

    It's getting very difficult to find a good fight in game. Something needs to be done about this.
  12. centurionvi

    Everyones in the warp gate shooting at the walls.
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  13. Belphan

    While you did pick a bad day to judge it on (patch day) I do think this game is destined to die in 6 months.

    Keep in mind I love this game and I loved planetside 1, but the new player experience is so bad that too much damage has already been done. Every friend I have that I play with all the time quit after an hour of trying to play the game and not understanding anything.

    Anyways the frustration from not understanding anything in the game combined with instant death just isnt fun unless you are a die-hard planetside player like me thats willing to put up with days of learning pain. That will kill the game. Combine that with stupid ideas like making tech plants undefendable (tech plants the only place a low population team can stop a zerg) and im even hearing rumors of orbital strikes coming back (yes that will kill the game for good. Nothing like instant AOE death to everyone every 5 mintues).
  14. Deronok

    It's also a finals week for a lot of people.
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  15. Warlyik

    The Tech Plant nerf is a major component of why I'm not playing right now.

    It's just taking too long to find a good fight. To find something to ******* shoot, as an Infiltrator. Otherwise, all I do is man an MBT - and if that fails, I'm screwed. There's nothing good going on because the one place where you could find infantry in numbers great enough to make it worthwhile got nerfed into oblivion and nobody's going to bother defending it anymore. And why should they? These stupid *** knee-jerk decisions are the kinds of things that kill games.

    Before the patch, it was the Dynamic Render Distance.

    Now you're lucky to find anywhere to shoot at infantry to begin with. I guess you fixed that first problem by killing off any areas where there might be an infantry zerg. The byproduct, unfortunately, is that the rest of the game suffers. Might as well rename PlanetSide into Tanks'n'Planes.
  16. Uben Qui

    Whoa... Dis actually being serious. Them Mayans may be on to something.
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  17. Uben Qui

    Easy there mate. Unplug that toaster and step out of the bath... :(
  18. Xylogenesis

    I think this guy is on to something.

    In all seriousness, I'm puzzled that so many people are surprised by this. I called this in the first couple days after release.
  19. ReaperOne1Two2

    Planetside 2 peaked at 18,422 today down from 27k+ on steam roughly two to a few weeks ago. Not to mention this drops to about 6k at late night for those players.
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  20. Eyeklops

    As much as I want to disagree, I can't :( If SOE doesn't pull a magic population rabbit out of their arrse in the next two months, big problems may ensue as the maps don't play well with low pops. In my mind, if we get server merges before new continents, PS2 will be on it's way into "maintenance mode" relatively quickly so SOE can work on the EQ Next cash cow.