Anyone knows server where NC are not dissorianted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Recca

    no tr wants to fight a magrider tank column with prowlers.

    666 is always giving good fights.
  2. ForeverFree

    I see the NC fighting the good fight on Waterson.
  3. Takoita

    I recommend Cobalt - we have our own share of derps, but our NC has some intense players for sure.
  4. Exaar

    NC was the whipping boy of SolTech for a while, but just within the past week they have started stepping up. I play TR there, and within the past week I have started to see the NC owning big chunks of at least one continent every night (which is about what we manage too, on a server with ~6% more Vanu than anyone else).
  5. W01fe

    from my experience (i only play on matherson) we usually are in process of or have taken one continent at all times, sometimes two (tho i do say sometimes)

    and we put up good enough of a fight that i rarely have trouble getting my xp :), so im happy.
  6. Rabbitofdoom

    On Mallory NC usualy control most or all of Amerish unless TR zerg decides to drop by. VS holds Esamir and Indar usualy is in state of constant flux. Things shift more towards TR favor during euro prime but once kids are going to bed usualy things are fairly even. We seem to have farly large pop of french and german speaking players in NC. Saw some russian outfit and from english speaking i think at this point Death Marines are the largest one. Tho with current mass recruting drive its going to be a while before they can field fully organized platoons.
  7. Fuse

    It's not just about having territory, it's about having USEFUL territory. Cont locking a continent you already have a bonus for it counter-productive. It drives the enemy off to other continents while drawing your players away from them.

    In other words: most of the time the NC take a continent on Mattherson it's one we already hold, and we sacrifice another one (often losing a bonus) to do so.

    Your EXP doesn't really enter in to the equation since that's not the point of a team-based territory control game.
  8. W01fe

    /shrug, so long as i can find action easily im happy
  9. Fuse

    This is why we can't have nice things.
  10. W01fe

    :(, sorry, its not like i dont play the objectives and follow the group and such, im just in it for fun and i have fun when there is lots of kills for me lol
  11. Fuse

    Sorry, I probably should have put a smiley on the end or something. That post was half-joking. It's not up to you, really. The frustrating thing is the big outfits that actually direct their players to the wrong places, meaning we can't find good fights in the places we should be fighting. :)
  12. W01fe

    sall good. when i get some free time im gonna be heading into a outfit soon.
  13. Nytguard

    Wrong/right places to fight is subjective to varying factors and intel that you may not be aware of. So, pushing this blame to "big outfits" because big-brother is not where you are won't help the NC morale on your server. I say this generally, as this tends to be a shared theory/thought among solo players and the small outfits.

    24 ground scouts and 24 air scouts across a continent (or multiple continents) are going to collectively have more intel than the 0-6 scouts in small outfits.
  14. iGamer1990

    so connery a good server to play NC?? im thinking about going there
  15. Fuse

    Intel barely even matters in the situations I'm describing. Pretty sure I explained, but let's try again.
    Let's say you hold two continents. One of them you have 5% pop and are about to be warpgated, losing your bonus. On the other you have 55% pop and are about to gate the other empires again, gaining nothing and forcing the enemy to fight in other places (possibly the continent you're struggling to hold). If your zergfit is fighting on the continent you have a huge pop advantage and the bonus for then they are in the wrong place. Period.
  16. Metsuro

    There is always a right and wrong place. Ps2 hidden meta is about resource denial. Eventually resources run out if make sure to control the correct places at the right times.

    If the opposing army can't supply itself with air/ tanks they will lose footing to attrition and you continue winning.

    This is the problem on Jaeger. Leaders get bored of the defense side and want to go try and push a second cont regardless of what happens to the one we own. Usually ending in us losing our cont lock for a bit. Its also hard when you have a special outfit that enjoys abusing orders for recruiting, and making mess of leader chat because they were called out for giving a poorly timed order.

    All the in fighting.
  17. Durron

    This. I'm just waiting for server transfers so I can get off this server. If you are an NC looking to come to this server by-yourself...don't. If you're an already established, and organized, outfit looking to bring members....please do. As an individual you'll be frustrated by low population (between 24% and 27%) during non-primetime, and poor performance during primetime.
  18. Durron

    My main is NC on Connery and we excel at ghost capping Amerish while we control 70%+ of the population on that continent. We are terrible at territory control when contested. Its a combination of overall low population and outfits that are interested in avoiding contact with other factions in the hopes of ghost capping for XP.
  19. Salaman

    Sounds like a pretty accurate assessment. I don't spend much time on Amerish because I mainly drive Prowlers and the terrain is terrible for tank use and I think I lose just as many tanks due to them tipping over on the rocks and cliffs as I do the enemy. Though I see the TR routinely conquer it. After locking Amerish, most TR roll out to Indar or Esamir instead of camping the warpgates. The TR reinforcements end up crushing NC fronts and they all pile into Amerish (I've seen the population go from hugely TR dominant to NC dominant in less than two hours after we locked the continent).

    As for the 666th I have to agree that I've rarely seen them put up anything related to a defense. Though they are very determined attackers I'll give them that.

    But yea, altogether Connery is a good server and always a decent fight to be had since there are a lot of Asians who play on the off-hours
  20. Enthin

    On Helios the NC tend to do well depending on the day. There also tends to be a decent balance of the 3 empires on the server, so it is rare for any of the 3 to get locked out.