[Suggestion] Bring back the old knife mechanics

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blackout (N-C), Dec 9, 2012.

  1. Blackout (N-C)

    In PS1 this is how knives worked:

    1. Regular knife attack, Quiet, But not much damage, Much like now.

    2. The "Powered-up" mode in-which it is a 1-hit-kill, But it makes the knife emit sounds like a cat's tail being put in a blender.

    To fix all the conflict about "WAAAAA I WAN INSTAKILLZ!!" and "NO, YOU SHALL NAWT HAZ INSTA-KILLS!"

    Why not just bring back in what we had before XD
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  2. Niv

    ye i also prefer this knife way that u can also see ur knife while u hold it but that is not must.
  3. Fuse

    The knife mechanics in PS1 always felt really clunky to me.

    Also, one of my favorite parts of PS2 is NOT hearing a dozen guys run around with their knife on while waiting for a cap.
  4. Blackout (N-C)

    They felt clunky, But at-least they worked, In PS2, More times than not, When I try to slice somebody, It will hit, They dont die; Turn around and blast me skyward (Or it just misses entirely and I suffer the same fate).
  5. Jestunhi

    It works in PS2, it's just not designed to be a OHK.

    Don't stab and wait to be able to stab again, stab and pop a couple of bullets in his head (in whichever order you choose).
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  6. Blackout (N-C)

    But then that begs the question, Why not just shoot them dead in the 1st-place?

    That is the reason I suggested this.
  7. CzechErface

    I never use the knife since even at point blank bullets are more effective. Using the knife adds a cooldown to my primary weapon and I can dish out more damage by ignoring such a useless weapon.
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  8. Blackout (N-C)

    Which is exactly my point.
  9. ZoSoGetsu

    This is exactly how I feel.. I like melee capabilities to be in an fps game, but in PS2 it is nothing more than a novelty.. I had like 6 knife kills throughout beta, and 0 since release..
  10. ImGladUmad

    It could save u bullets if a target is just standing....Use knife then shoot them

    I never do that but theoretically speaking.....I run out of bullets all the time when Im owning people.
  11. Cl1mh4224rd

    I just wish the knife was selectable like the other weapons and tools. It's kind of a pain to hit T while also trying to move with WASD and aim with the mouse.
  12. Fuse

    It doesn't work consistently, knifing still has issues. It seems as if you can swing your knife again before it's really ready to refire. If I spam T it seems like every other hit misses. Maybe it's just bad hit detection. Either way, I never rely on my knife for more than one hit. If I swing my knife a second time it means I'm losing this fight and just trying to get in a parting blow.

    The good thing about PC gaming is that you can re-bind keys!
  13. Jestunhi

    They are not mutually exclusive, it's not stab or shoot.

    Stab and shoot. A stab does high damage but cannot be instantly used again, so work it into a combo of shots and a stab.
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  14. Cl1mh4224rd

    True, but I can't think of a good rebind that allows me to keep one hand on WASD and the other on the mouse. I also don't have a gaming mouse, so I'm stuck with the standard 3 buttons. Middle-click maybe, but I'm thinking about making that the Infantry ability (mainly for HA).
  15. Fuse

    Do you use your scroll wheel for switching weapons? If not, you can bind to scroll up or scroll down and knife with just a flick of the finger.
  16. Pax Empyrean

    This. You can drop people pretty much instantly by firing a couple bullets and then stabbing.
  17. ExarRazor

    on my mouse, i have the 2 main buttons, 2 thumb buttons and the scrollwheel, which also acts as a button.

    all i have to do it click the scroll wheel and boom, instant melee
  18. Blackout (N-C)

    I have MMB-click as it :p
  19. Braken

    Well, I don't know if it's like this for everyone, but somehow my default setup has knife bound to both T AND mouse 3 (clicking the scroll-wheel in). You might want to see if that's the case for you.
  20. Cute-CandyPants

    knife animation is fine.
    the knife damage however could use a little buff