Tanks seriously need to be nerfed

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Aelloon, Dec 7, 2012.

  1. Aelloon

    1. Can easily be dodgeable. Getting hit by HA rockets means they either got really lucky (one hit, no big deal takes like what? 6 of them? Just drive back, pop out and repair). The new decimator rockets are slow too.
    2. Antitank mines only matter if you drive over them and only morons do that. If they become a problem there are these cool things like infrared scope (since you don't use them anyway) which will show you exactly where they are or alternatively you can get mineguard which makes mines utterly useless against your tank.
    3. Sure, if you don't shell them from locations those turrets can't even hit (almost every turret has such locations).
    4. Neither have I, but considering normal grenades don't even damage them, I kind of doubt that would help.

    Right now I was fighting near crossroads, it's just NC and Vanu both sitting in their main tanks and having massive lines of them shelling each other. That's all there is, there are a couple of infantry around and jets fighting above. There's no tactics, no change in lines, nothing. Just tanks shooting each other. Quite literally what World of Tanks matches look like.

    Tanks are the vehicles used most. Mechanized resources are also the easiest to come by and it is also hardest to die in a tank than almost any other vehicle (well, maybe Galaxies are harder).

    Every minor base fight is just tanks surrounding the spawn room and shelling the hell out of it.
  2. Dankshasta

    I agree that tanks, and planes are OP and should be against most infantry. What I'm not digging is that the game has them vastly over represented. It just doesn't feel like a shooter with so many vehicles, and with the XP favoring vehicles so greatly. I didn;t expect a plane, and tank game. I expected more of a FPS shooter, that's all.
  3. CaptainLefty

    If you find yourself getting blown up by tanks, check the suit certification section you might find Flak to be interesting. If you want to kill tanks:
    Get about four people together. Spawn heavy assault. Use your rockets.
  4. Percellian

    The only problem I have with tanks, well on my server at least, is that some of the opposing teams just LOVE to send a non stop trail of heavy tanks. Try playing as a tank sometime, its not as easy as you think it is.
  5. Luberator

    Next week your flak armor upgrade as infantry decreases explosive damage by 50% and also infantry receives the Decimator heavy AV rocket launcher. I'm confident that is enough if not too much for infantry buff, lets hope it works as intented next week.
  6. Sowahka

    Can't you now get flak armor for a 50% damage resistance to tank shells? Seems like good protection to me.
  7. Aelloon

    So I have to get four people with a certain class to destroy one guy who will just respawn and pop out another tank and perhaps go elsewhere? Sounds fine to me indeed.

    If that is as slow as HA rockets only idiots will get hit by it. And 50% off of explosive damage is nowhere near what tanks can get vs infantry, not to mention that the tank can repair itself, while infantry can not if they want to be that effective.

    And I do play as a tank driver, that's the entire ******* problem - there's almost nothing but tanks, because there's almost no cooldown on their spawn AND mechanized resources might as well not exist.
  8. Exmortius

    lmao tanks are incredibly weak compared to ps1. some of you people will seriously whine about anything. tanks are not OP. not even close. rocket pods are only seemingly op cause right now AA is too weak. in beta balance went back and forth. personally i do think that aa needs a slight buff but with new AV weapons i'm cool with waiting and seeing what they give us next week. even with the rocket pod annoyance they aren't really OP'd there's just a ton of aircraft in the air all dumping on grunts non stop.
  9. Garrix

    While I do agree that the costs are a bit off, how do you maths? ATV costs 25, tanks cost 200/250 - that'd be 10x, not 3x. Derp?
  10. Mietz

    I'm just going to sit here and watch this thread, its going to be fun.
  11. Assist

    I'm a tank ***** and I generally agree with you. I think the Anti-Infantry tank weapons are far too strong, but I also think that the current state of toughness of the MBT's is in a very good spot and should not be changed.
  12. alecholman

    I think the mag should either be brought down to the level of the other tanks, or all other heavy tanks boosted. Skygaurd... what a piece of crap.
  13. Compass

    Please, give my Giraffe Prowler more meatbux.
  14. CaptainLefty

    So basically what you're saying is there are ways for infantry to counter tanks, BUT if the tank player wants to they can specifically equip their tank to deal with them? That is a profound statement sir, and underlies the whole concept outlined here: You can counter something in this game if you want to. At the end of the day though: If you're having a problem with tanks as infantry: Get your own tanks.
    In your last paragraph you seem to be complaining "I brought infantry to a tank fight and it looked boring for them and I had nothing to do", here's the sticking point: If a group of tanks has the proper support elements then it will beat just a mob of tanks. We've taken out groups of tanks more than twice our size with concerted efforts and proper planning.
  15. DarthItachi

    Guys, I think you got the wrong idea about what Op wanted to convey. He just being sarcastic. This has something to do with the anti vehicle mine that people are calling and whine Op. Which can easily be countered with a mineguard. Also with some other method such as putting prox mine or having 1 or 2 people guarding it. Although I could be wrong in my interpetration. If so, i am sorry
  16. Dankshasta

    The problem is that there is no way to stop 4 players from just getting 4 tanks, and when those tanks die...getting four more tanks. So while you say get four infantry, you need to understand that there is no premium placed on tanks. So in your example what do you do if they also have four people, and they all get tanks? Do you need to get 16 infantry then? You see what I'm saying. In all but Bio Labs, and a few other situations you are normally better off with a milllion tanks.

    Also when you consider how much slower the game plays with tanks, and how much less demading vehicle combat is, it just dumbs down the whole game. It's Tank Fest 2013, face it.
  17. Aelloon

    Every day until tanks get nerfed.
    Should've left my mines alone.

    This. Whine on the forums about something and it WILL get nerfed.

  18. Hosp

    Tanks are fine.
  19. l0stcause

    im going keep it simple for you.your a squishy its a tank,squishy,tank,squishy,tank....understand???
  20. PraxisMajor

    As someone who enjoys driving tanks but enjoys blowing them up far more, I think they are pretty reasonable how they are. Sure there may be some room for adjustments, as is the case with most things in game, but calling for a nerf seems OTT to me.

    It's certainly true that tanks can seem a bit overpowered at times when you are running around as squishy infantry, but I certainly don't feel helpless. I find tank hunting with HA highly satisfying and it certainly isn't only idiot tanks drivers who get hit by rockets (though sneeking up on the good ones with C4 is far more difficult). If I position myself well and fire accurately I can often take on a tank on my own, or even two or more if it's a busy fight and they have other targets to worry about (and I can resupply on rockets).