Anyone knows server where NC are not dissorianted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Fuse

    When do you play? 90% of the day we are gated on two continents or very close to it.

    Congrats on being in an outfit? No idea what that has to do with anything. You guys are big, and your organization is improving, but you're not capping continents.
  2. Jawa

    Playing against NC all the time I can safely say that they are doing quite well on Woodman, they frequently have continents capped as well
  3. MrK

    See my sig
  4. Kaeldian

    NC on Matterson -- depends on the day. Early morning hours EST we enjoy a modest pop advantage and usually grab territory until the TR flyboys log in and start pushing back. Then things are interesting most of the time.

    I think the problem is most people aren't even bothering to put together decent outfits. I myself haven't even looked until I see one or two that stand out while I'm lonewolfing. All I've seen working together are the Goons, which is no suprise -- they usually do well no matter which game they run to.
  5. Delax

    What do you think we are? Some little scrub outfit with just a tag and no skill? I kid of course. But yes, we do. Our commanders is also very proactive in said chat. We've had the 666th come in with support, but they then immediately leave as soon as the majority of the opposing force has been removed. This is the gripe we smaller outfits have with the 666th, you get your kills and leave, rarely staying to cap. There may be a few stragglers from the 666th running about, at most maybe 6, but the majority of the time you leave while there is reinforcements for the enemy already on their way.

    I'm not telling you how to run your outfit, I'm giving you feedback as an outside NC player. I'm not BSing you, I'm not attempting to make you look bad, I'm attempting to give constructive criticism. Because the fact is that all though your outfit has leadership in place, you can't get 1200 people on the same page. Let alone it wouldn't kill you guys to read your local chats when it's full of "quit TKing me with your tanks" when we are trying to actually assault and cap the base when the most of you just sit there and shell the damn thing for 30 minutes.
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  6. Gambles

    I've found a lot of NC players are in a bad state because they don't really want to play NC but have time and money invested so they don't want to jump ship. So they end up sitting in game being useless, It's understandable but I'm wondering how long it will last or if balance is even coming.
  7. d1spatch

    SOE made a MASSIVE fail by making TR the most OP and most appealing faction. Think of how many noobs are attracted to at least one of the following:

    - Terran Republic (Starcraft fanboys)
    - Their badass red color
    - Their OP weapons

    I'd argue that based on name alone and visual appeal, and being part of the "rebels" alone would make it the favorable choice. On top of that give them OP weaponry, smart choice there SOE.

    Their weapons aren't THAT OP, it just seems they have enough of an edge that it's attracted A TON of people. Most of the time TR has numbers and more quality players.
  8. Nytguard

    During ops, we're conducting large-scale full continent operations and our Ops Commander is coordinating our AOs, moving our force where they see we can make the most impact given our current resources and incoming reports of enemy movement. This is why you'll see us storm a facility/tower, do a sweep and then move out to the next objective. We place a LOT of trust in the rest of the NC on Connery to pull their own victories, including assaults and defense. We appreciate all of the support you can provide for the overall success of NC, with/without the 666th assistance.

    We appreciate the feedback and we have a public area in our forums for this very reason. We're not perfect, and learning more every time we play. We're constantly reflecting and discussing what worked, and what didn't after ops, along with shout-outs to outfit members/divisions that particularly shined. Our leadership spend a ton of their free time organizing, training, leading, etc... sacrificing their advancement in the game cert-wise for the benefit of our outfit and the NC on Connery. Again, we're not looking to carry the server and would rather work alongside our NC brothers, trusting you to take on challenges you're able to handle, while we continuously help push the frontline forward the best we can.

    I have yet to see many of these comments in chat you mention. Also, just because you see vehicles rolling along, they're not all ours. We see many non-666th vehicles, which disrupt our ops just as much as yours. As for the constant barrages from armor, all part of our tactics and expect to see more in the future. We carefully watch the friendly movements up towers and adjust our barrages upward accordingly. Sorry if you're TKed before our adjustments, we're improving with practice and well... mistakes happen.

    It's great hearing reports that NC on other servers are stepping up and stomping the enemy. Carry on.
  9. The Funk

    Your experience is not the same as mine
  10. Mjolnir

    As I said, we ARE capturing continents. My point was that pretty much 100% of the time I play there are people in my outfit (or other outfits like TAS) being organized and doing fairly well.
  11. Fuse

    I can't even tell if you're being serious anymore.
  12. Ashnal

    He is. I also play on Matherson and a couple nights ago we had both Amerish and Esamir locked at about 11 pm EST. I play in the evenings between 9 pm EST and 3 am EST and we usually hold a small portion of Indar, a lot of Amerish, and some of Esamir. Esamir territory tends to fluctuate wildly between NC and VS, while Amerish tends to be a slower back and forth with NC winning out in the long run. I don't play much on Indar, but every time I pop in there it seems to be in a stalemate.

    Overall, there's enough territory to find good even fights any time in the evening if you're willing to hop continents occasionally.
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  13. ProtossMaster

    ADK nearly has 1400 members on genudine now. We are laid back and our platoons are always open to the public but we still are the dominant force on genudine. More we organize it seems the more we improve. Hopefully we can triple cap genudine again tommarrow.
  14. Rivenshield

    TR Markov vet here, 2003-2007, playing Connery now. I'll give you this: the old NC had *discipline.* Not the sort of discipline to supply or heal each other or seed the entire landscape with AMS's, or make suicidal dashes into the road to plant one more mine; that was more our style... but the discipline to point a column of Vanguards at a mined bridge with red and black Reavers and Mossies overhead and DRIVE THROUGH EVERYTHING, shoving the blazing wreckage of the people ahead of them out of the way. The most exciting battles I can remember were against the NC. And there was always this sort of sense that the real war was between us. The Annoying Alien Bastiche Empire just got in the way.

    Lots of cameraderie, lots of user-friendly firepower, and no organization or support whatsoever. That's always been the NC. But when the old school guys came at you, they didn't go EEK when you hit them and roll backwards and crash into each other trying to get out of the way. They came at you like a freaking armor-plated tsunami. And we respected that. The 666th was the apotheosis of that corporate culture, much as the Enclave keeps the old TR Guys In Heavy Assault Jumping Out Of Gals cult alive.

    Maybe the new crowd just needs a few months to adjust to this new gigantically lethal environment they're in. Start up a squad and offer to give some newbies some on-the-job training. Can't hurt.
  15. Fuse

    Indar is a stalemate because most of the large NC outfits on Mattherson are throwing their zergs at continents we already have the bonus for and most of the territory on. The TR and VS leave and let you guys run around feeling leet taking territory you get nothing for. Unless they can warpgate you there is no reason for them to fight on a continent you were the last to lock. Unless you're about to get gated there's no reason for you to.

    Protip: If the TR and VS have like 5-10% pop each on a continent and your outfit leaders are telling you to fight there, find a new outfit. If you already have the bonus for locking that continent call them idiots and then find a new outfit.
  16. Jaradcel

    NC Connery on Oceania prime time (GMT+8 8pm to 2am) sees the NC horrifically outnumbered more often than not. We're almost always gatelocked on Indar (or worse, stuck assaulting Tawrich... oh gods) Esamir is perma-Vanu. The ONE time I was on when we capped Esamir, dem barnies came barrelin' outta their warpgate like a nest of wasps and retook the entire continent *Note: The peeps who capped it were fighting a fallback action against air and ground columns with lots of infantry backup. There's very little you can do without an equally sizable force forming up elsewhere first* in about, what, an hour?

    Amerish is almost perma-ours, though you'd never guess this from the amount of scythe and mozzie spam I see flying around.

    re the 666th: My specialist outfit has come to the conclusion that the 666 are pretty much grunt infantry for the meat grinder at this point. As mentioned, your guys tend to push in, cap, and then leave.... but then don't defend.

    Tawrich pushes usually stall out in the hexes around it due to overwhelming defense advantages there, and then it feels *note: feels* like you guys just.... disappear.
  17. Mezorin

    Say what you will about the 666th, but at least they will give an awesome fight. The 666th are also pretty persistent and will hammer on a base like Tarwich for hours if need be to get the job done. Fighting the TR feels like a chore: you spend half the war doing nothing but swatting mosquitoes or cleaning up ninja hack messes that happened while VS was off fighting the NC, and the TR very rarely will engage the VS zerg head on (unless its at the Crown for the 5 billionth time). Yeah, its smart Sun Tzu worthy play, but NC is way more fun to have a gigantic clash of armor that won't immediately flee to the warpgate because 10 mag riders come up the road.
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  18. omnic

    I think it's funny that people are acting like whether the DD are good or not is the deciding factor on if Connery has competent NC players on it.

    I'm not going to critique the devil dogs but i'll say that the NC on connery has quite a few of pretty good outfits and should be considered a serious contender for best server to play as NC.
  19. Aerius

    What's funnier is that I've seen this situation unfold multiple times:
    Population: NC>TR>VS with TR and VS each holding 1 continent and fighting over the 3rd. Lol. I barely ever get to fight the NC, what the hell are they doing on Matherson?
  20. xPatriot

    ADS coordinates public players here.