Refund everyone who bought an AA launcher

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JonniTheJuicyJ, Dec 6, 2012.

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  1. Jarek

    I think people are just asking for a refund, and only are calling it fraud if they don't get one. There's a big difference. They did fundamentally change the item from what was described at purchase, and for people who bought it because of the original description (which included dumb fire), it's entirely reasonable to ask for a refund since the item is no longer what they paid for.

    I respect their right to change items for the sake of balance. But if they fundamentally alter an item to the point where it's not what someone paid for (and since the AA launcher quite specifically stated it had dumb fire, it qualifies), the customer should have a right to a refund. It would just be good customer service for SOE to provide one, and while I'm not confident that they will, their will be a lot less grief if they provide refunds.

    I won't get into legal arguments because I'm not qualified to speak on that, but I can say it's bad customer service to refuse a refund when the item a customer bought is changed to be something other than what it was described as.
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  2. Compass

    Money was paid for Station Cash, not for a missile launcher. For all SoE could have wanted, they could have called it "Funny Money" or "Monopoly Money." Notice how there is no way to directly purchase the launcher. You must purchase a disposable currency to purchase it.
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  3. hostilechild

    It would cost SOE way more than 7 dollars to face him. Its way things rarely go to court and people get decent settlements.
  4. Jimmy DeSouza

    It is false advertisement. It in in effect the same as just not getting the weapon. People who (were foolish enough to pay for things on a f2p game :p) paid for a product which was advertised as having specific characteristics and performance.

    The product they get does not have those characteristics and does not perform as advertised, thus false advertisement.
  5. Flarestar

    Actually yes, I do. I explained why in another thread, but I'll repeat it here.

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  6. Xil

    See though... it might be worth paying the lawyers to set a precedent so this kind of stupidity doesn't happen anymore (or so that it happens EVERY time a minor change is introduced and then people whine how EVERYTHING has a subscription fee).
  7. VoidMagic

    Also guys, remember SOE has made no statement on how they will handle this yet. Just cause there are a bunch of clueless trolls arguing with folks asking patiently and reasonably for a refund... doesn't mean SOE will do us a dirty... I am giving them the benefit of the doubt. (fingers crossed)

    Do the right thing SOE. Your fan/customers don't want to go away... but we will.
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  8. Xil

    But it's also commonly known that MMOs are routinely balanced and game experiences may change over the course of the game.

    But hey, if that's how it works, when flak armor gets upgraded so my HE shells can't instakill infantry, I can sue for that because my HE shells don't work the same even when it makes your experience better right?

    It's one slippery slope that logic is going down.
  9. Kommissar Klose

    The problem is, where do we draw the line? If something is modified, should you get a cert refund as it could of changed? What if one ability chained to an entire set of other certs I got? Lets say I got the hover performance mod as an aspect of getting rocket pods. Rocket pods are getting a minor nerf, and now I feel they don't behave as advertised, and don't even want the hover mode. Should I get a total refund for all of that?

    Should they refund those that acquired the item via certs? If they didn't, wouldn't that also upset the player population?

    Realize, I'm fine with, and would very much like the SC refund in any case where a purchasable item is altered, but I think its very important that we as a community examine the feasibility of refunds when an item is altered.

    And to do so without using the law as a club to get what we want.
  10. overcorpse

    You do realise that you don't own the weapon right?You just pay for the privilege of being able to use it.
  11. Gedd

    I dont really see this as a nerf
    I have one load out with dumb fire for av+ai and other load out with a nemesis aa launcher for when we are getting pounded by air it takes no time to switch spec at a sunderer/base etc if your away from anywhere to respecc im sure other HA are carrying dumb fire
    longer range+faster reload for my nemesis is win win for me
  12. Stolen_Insanity

    There is an entire section in the UK Sale of Goods Act that discusses currency used to purchase untendered currency i.e. Station Cash etc.

    The amendment was brought in when Facebook Cash came about.
  13. hostilechild

    I think what the OP is saying is he would like the choice and i do think SOE owes the purchasers that. This was done in many other games where cash was paid for "Funny Money" to purchase items or skills that were later changed.
    I for one would purchase the G2A rocket launcher again, my gripes about it were lack of range and slow lock on, slow speed of missile(all buffed!!! :D ) .
    Sure it was nice to see a silly sniper standing still at 100m and be able to kill him with a rocket the entire time laughing. Can count the times i did that on one hand.
    This won't stop rocket spam in biodome/spawn areas/tech plant doors where G2A had no real advantage over dumbfire not having to unequip/reequip it. Everyone will run around with decimator, and equip G2A when outside or G2G if tanks roll in as needed (lots of sunderers and terminals around).

    Personally i think it was just SOE wanting to sell more G2G av rocket launchers that few were buying. 7x2 > 7 now that they won't lock on tanks or be used against infantry. G2G was my next purchase anyway if they do a x2/x3 xmas sale.
    Do you really think they nerfed G2A to make tanks and few infantry killed standing around stop whining???? :rolleyes:
  14. Teribad

    Not what you bought it for? It was ands stucco is an AA weapon. If you wanted it for troops and/or vehicles there are other weapons for that.
  15. Jimmy DeSouza

    Doesnt matter, if being force to buy a "dummy currency" made the SOGA redundant every company would do it.
  16. Xil

    Yes, Facebook Cash is purchasing a service within Facebook that has an intangible value. An item in a massive multiplayer game that gets balanced, I'd still love to see how a case would turn out against that.

    The RIGHT thing to do is refund certs / SC for major changes like this, but that does set off the chain reaction of 'where does it stop' as others are explaining.
  17. Jimmy DeSouza

    The product had set characteristics, dumbfire was one of those. And was advertised as performing in such a way as to be useable against vehicles and ground.

    It is false advertisement.

    Look up the sales of goods act.
  18. Jarek

    I would personally say when an item's core functionality is changed, as was the case with the AA/AV launchers, but I realize it's a blurry line. In your case of hover, well - the performance of hover was not changed, so I don't think a refund is necessary. If they suddenly changed hover to remove parts of its functionality - like removing vertical thrust entirely - then I think a refund is reasonable.

    Again, this isn't about a stat change or balance. It's about removing a core piece of functionality of the weapon - the dumb fire capability which was clearly advertised. If they removed select fire capability from a Gauss S, or made C-4 useless against infantry, I would say the same thing - core functionality of the item was removed which should allow for a refund.

    As VoidMagic noted, though, there's been nothing said by SOE yet, so I think it's entirely possible they will give an SC refund to those who ask.
  19. Xil

    Actually, I can see EXACTLY where this can lead....

    UK PS2 becomes subscription based ONLY so you end up paying for the service and certifications have to be earned to unlock anything (separate servers and all).
    US PS2 remains as such.
  20. Stolen_Insanity

    The description said it had a dumb-fire mode.
    I bought it because it did both G2G and G2A and the fact that in a hurry, I wouldn't have to wait for a lock-on, I could fire it straight away
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