Aim goes up when getting hit - unfair in close 1v1 situations against high rate of fire guys

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Megagoth1702, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Tasogie

    Your obviously using sights, you dont. Shoot from hip, AND get laser sight....problem solved.
  2. BadLlama

    NC dog.
  3. Tasogie

    woof :p
  4. Gungan

    Yep. I'm completely fed up with NC at this point. I want my sc and certs back because the game just isn't fun when you lose encounters in which you have initiative and should be winning but the stupid gun is shaking like I'm having a seizure.
  5. Brok9000

    Try a Vanu HA. Suddenly you'll realize that the SAW is horrible. By far the worst weapon I have tried.
  6. ghnurbles

    I agree that the reticle really needs to match where you're firing in this situation (and ideally when ADS in general). When you're hit it should throw your reticle off if anything, rather than adding to a hidden CoF - players should be able to gauge how accurate their shot will be.
  7. Megagoth1702

    Thank you for bringing ME, the creator of this topic, back to what I was actually irritated by.

    The inconsistency between reticle pointing at point X and the gun shooting at point Y when getting hit.

    I dont give a f*ck about all the different weapons and what's better and what's not, just give me a HONEST representation of where my gun is pointing and I am totally fine with losing to high ROF CQB weapons, as long as I don't feel cheated by the game.
  8. Meiu

    I've been talking about this for a while. This issue is exactly why TR weapons have the perception of being OP, when in reality this mechanic is the problem that needs fixed. Who ever has the fastest ROF has the largest advantage. You can take a few shots, spin around, and then pepper someone with a weapon with a high ROF and there is nothing anyone can do to retaliate while the inverse of using a slow ROF weapon will not give you a chance at recourse. If this poorly thought out mechanic isn't removed it will continue to force nerfs on TR and any high ROF weapon.

    Also, to the people who are saying "don't get hit," you don't play at a level that this mechanic becomes a factor. When you play a class that WILL get hit such as an HA, LA, and Medic this mechanic is devastating and extremely one sided to the point it has a huge population of the game in a witch hunt to completely nerf TR into the ground. Chances are that if you respond with "don't get hit" you spend most of your time as an infiltrator which has no idea about this mechanic in their gameplay or tanker/flyboy. So please, before you add an unsubstantiated opinion, please, think before you post. Eventually, assuming you aren't a straight up bad, you will achieve, maybe, the level of play that this mechanic becomes destructive.
    • Up x 1
  9. Meiu

    Getting shot continually gives you a cumulative accuracy penalty, so the more you are hit the greater your CoF/Bloom goes, which penalizes you. Even if your sights accurately depicted the chance in accuracy the bloom and cone would be so large that the random firing wouldn't hit anything. This is just a really poorly executed mechanic that only penalizes player.
  10. Pax Empyrean

    The Orion can do 7,150 damage between reloads. The NC6 Gauss SAW can do 20,000 damage between reloads. When aiming down the sight, the NC6 Gauss SAW has zero cone of fire for the initial shot; the first bullet goes exactly where you expect. The other factions' starting LMGs do not have this property.

    Everybody takes their advantages for granted and whines incessantly about their disadvantages. Suck it up and change factions if you think it's that horrible.
  11. Ky3217

    You're mad about getting out gunned at close range by superior ROF?

  12. deaded


    As an NC heavy, this is really bothersome. Dot is on target all the time (not shooting from hip) and sometimes very few shots register, this happens at all ranges except like ... melee range. Long ago I stopped aiming at their head if Im getting shot, I aim for solar plexus and still very few "X"-marks for hits pop up.

    Its very frustrating having a higher ttk than enemy engis and medics for instance with "inferior" guns at medium/close range in a fair 1 v 1 where I know I had my gun pinpointed correctly the whole shootout.

    And yes, I have scope, stabilizer and grip.

    I do not know how this plays out for other factions, I have not unlocked stuff for HA there.
  13. deaded

    Btw, recoil isnt rly a problem with the upgrades on gun + compencating for it with mouse - the problem is getting hit while you are shooting. Thats where I seem to miss extreme amounts of shots, even tho the range to target is optimal for gun. Have even tried bursting at close/med range with my HA gun but the "X"-mark (when you hit targeT) still seem to elude me way too often.
  14. Gunnisson

    If they upped the flinching caused by NC guns then this could remedy the lesser flinching caused by lower rate of fire and bring it back into line with the other factions with regard to overall flinching.
  15. Tasogie

    Bullet accuracy is fine once you learn how to aim (not being clever). As an Anti Air HA I can easily shoot ground pounders from max range, by walking my shells onto them.Nothing wrong with the Main heavy machinegun for NC. You just have to get used to it.
  16. deaded

    Good suggestion. Or being more ... "pragmatic"; cause more flinching per shot that connects relevant to the ROF on weapon, regardless of faction.
  17. Gunnisson

    That definitely sounds more pragmatic. Linking flinch to ROF was the point I was getting at and it's something I think we can agree on across the factions as you said.
  18. JP_Russell

    The difference between a starting deviation of 0 and .1 in the game isn't terribly significant. It just makes single shotting at the very edge of the infantry render distance slightly more reliable, in a vacuum. I would actually still give the advantage to VS and TR weapons for long range shooting in practice since recoil dictates how quickly the gun can be fired semi-automatically on target, which I find ultimately outweighs the per-bullet damage advantages NC guns have (as well as the first shot accuracy of the SAW).
  19. deaded

    As a sidenote, I just unlocked (for trial) the GD-7F (for LA and Eng) on NC and enjoyed it for a nice 25 minutes. I trialed it just to try out some insane ROF on NC.

    Ppl arent able to hit me back if I get first shot. I imagine its because of the ROF + flinch. TTK is really low too.

    This is anecdotal "evidence", but still I felt far more powerful with this gun than the NC HA guns in 1 v 1 atm for close/med range. The ROF of this gun renders the target useless. And low ROF renders the target ... less useless.

    This is for NC.
  20. gunshooter

    still don't see why this mechanic is in the game at all