Anyone knows server where NC are not dissorianted

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by SolitarioSoldat, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. SolitarioSoldat

    I'm playing on Jaeger, but since NC are getting seriosly hurt there on all 3 continents and I cant take my soldier to a different server ( HUGE FAIL BY SOE) I'm willing to start all over on a new server where NC are organized and are not in the minority numbers.
  2. Crazedmonk86

    I'd like to know too, quite frankly playing TR on connery is extremely boring IMO.. weapon recoil is so easy to control its just boring I played NC for a few hours testing guns on briggs for lulz and I would not say they are hard but it feels more rewarding... plus vangaurds remind me of an M1 tank so thats badass too.
  3. Morpholine

    The 666th on Connery gives us good fights. From the receiving end they seem fairly organized, although I cannot speak to their leadership style.

    If you come to achieve enlightenment and switch to the future of the human race, I have at least one good suggestion for an organized group of players. ;)

    Until then, may the plasma bolts ever strike your melon.
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  4. Maphreal

    Don't go to Matherson. I fled from the NC there to TR on Jaegar. Between goontards, griefers and kids, we rarely could muster up a reasonable offense. Most of the NC there was having circle jerks in the warpgate, flying galaxies into one another and driving upside down flashes.
  5. Legaeveth

    Genudine is a well balanced server with a good NC population that end in some good fights on most nights.
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  6. hostilechild

    Connery is pretty good, can always find a good fight as NC. Haven't been bored yet. Tech plant fights have dwindled simply due to the non visibility(render distance) and meat grinder they are.
  7. PoopMaster

    Connery does well; NC were the first faction to hold all 3 continents.
  8. Delax

    If you are into the massive armored column zerg, then yes the 666th is the right group for you. However, they are horrible at defending bases because all they do is capture and move along. I hope their leaders are reading this, because the rest of the serious outfits on Connery are getting frustrated with you guys. You capture and move along before doing any cleaning which allows to recap the base because they had a sunderer parked and waiting.

    Plus, if I get shot, bumped, rammed, ran over or TKed randomly by another impatient 666th member I'm going to lose my ****. Honestly, I can not count on two hands how many Vanguards and Lightnings I have lost because some jerk keeps ramming me when I'm low health. Seriously, you guys need to get it together and coral some of your members because they are making you all look like POSes.
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  9. Dr. Allcome

    Same on my server. I think it's because only new players play NC. Dedicated players know about the imbalance and already moved on to another class. Hell even some guys in my outfit are thinking about moving on, even though they have already spent money on their NC char.
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  10. Crazedmonk86

    I am TR on Connery and I approve of this message about the horribad 666 scrubs. They are not good at all all they do is zerg and we rofelstomp slap their noob faces into the dirt.. Plus its hilarious watching their armor blow eachother up constantly. Dont go NC on Connery... They rarely muster up a force that can even leave the warpgate anywhere other than Amerish. Trust me I see the map everyday as TR.
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  11. Delax

    HEY! I'm NC and I can say there is a damn good amount of competent people on our side and that Connery probably has the highest concentration of competent NC players out of the US servers.
  12. FeralCarr

    I play on Matherson with a great group of NC. They go by CML and are very organized and growing. Puuby training on Tuedays, OPS on Fridays. If you want a good group of fun people.
  13. C0WB0Y

    That's why we cap the server almost on a daily basis right?

  14. Piepants

    My NC character is on Matherson and I haven't seen any more or less warpgate crap than I see on all three servers that I play on (Waterson and Jaegar). Also, they seemed to be doing fine the last few times I played that character. I'm not in an outfit or anything though, so this is a lone wolf perspective. It does seem like both the TR and VS have a far more significant ESF presence, which could be due to the Reaver being unpopular or a lack of air based outfits (I don't know, I'm not a pilot).
  15. C0WB0Y

    We are an outfit not babysitters. " You capture and move along before doing any cleaning which allows to recap the base because they had a sunderer parked and waiting." What do these other outfits you speak of do on the server? Do they just watch us roll through and then watch the bases get recapped?
  16. Ronin Oni

    Matherson NC made a comeback recently.

    For several days when I'd log on each day to check things out... they were under pop and losing territory on all 3 conts.

    Last couple days I've seen much better looking battle maps for the NC on Matherson.
  17. Crazedmonk86

    Because you all login when no one else is playing and zerg rush everything then you log off
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  18. Warskull

    Come on now, Mattherson really isn't that bad! We usually control Amerish, and occasionally control Amerish and Esamir. Never Indar though :(
  19. Hosp

    Connery. The zergfits make me cry but there are other smaller outfits that have their heads screwed on straight.
  20. C0WB0Y

    So which is it that we can't muster enough force to leave the warpgate or we cap Connery almost on a daily basis?