Aim goes up when getting hit - unfair in close 1v1 situations against high rate of fire guys

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Megagoth1702, Dec 4, 2012.

  1. Megagoth1702

    Watch out, long post. But detailed description of a complicated problem. So stop being lazy and read this ****.

    Hey guys,

    I am a near full time NC heavy assault and shooting people with the GAUSS SAW feels like going through warm butter for the most part. Amazing damage, very good cone of fire and my aim and recoil control does the rest.

    I noticed one serious problem though - when I am up against enemies with a faster shooting gun the following happens:

    -we both get our crosshair right on target (within 10-15meters)
    -we both get our first shots and HITS off at the same time
    -since his gun shoots faster than mine he can land 1-2 bullets on me before I can shoot off my own bullet
    -my shoots ABOVE what the crosshair is pointing at and even though my holosight dot is RIGHT on his body while getting hit by him my bullets don't him him and go high, I have to aim severely lower, below his feet or even lower to compensate for the kick up of the rifle. So basically I look about 15-20° down... And then I only hit them if they hit ME so the compensation makes sense. Jesus, it's complicated.

    This basically means that high ROF weapons are OP in 1 on 1 up to medium range.

    I don't want their damage or rate of fire nerfed. What I want is that if you PUT your crosshair on target your bullets HIT that target. I am capable of fighting recoil, bullet spread and being hit, I can get the dot on the target at all times. But when I am getting hit and my dot is on target the bullets just MISS. I feel cheated by the game.

    The outcome of the firefight should depend on the player's skill and capability to put rounds on target rather than on the rate of fire and therefore the capability to throw the opponent's aim off in a way that he can do nothing about. It is just not fair.

    Anyone else noticed this?
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  2. Emperor

    Don't get shot.
  3. Nenarch

    I have same problem against terrans all the time, especially now that i'm lvl:ing up the "crap" weapons in medals/kills.

    Yeah.. I aprove the SAW... if I see 2 NC heavies coming at me.. I usually drop few bullets.. then start kiting or trying to run towards my factions players to get support. It's been ages sinces I tried to solo 2 NC heavies.
  4. SunnyDee

    Yeah I talked with my friends and came to the conclusion, that NC should have reduced flinching as a unique trait. This would fix the QQ from a lot of people if they were able to hit when they shoot.
  5. Sdragoner

    Trollo than aim down + dont use the scopes for aiming in this situations. i know a lot more games where you cant see a **** when you been hit. Do you try the other factions to see how they lack of powerful guns? try that first.
  6. badname02

    Not using scopes = win in CQC. I don't care what anybody says but all those people running with more than 1 to MAX 2x optics are not getting it. You'll ''flinch'' much less if you don't use optics. Its actually easier to do CQC with just iron sights most of the times. Also don't be afraid to hipfire whilst aiming at the head... Especially as a light assault. Why? If you run face to face with an enemy LA and he starts aiming down sight and you start hipfiring: you can strafe faster, jetpack even and still stay on target pretty much all the time.

    It's the n00b way of doing things, but hell, it works. Had so many laughs when a heavy discovered me, started firing, I just started spraying back (he can barely move with shield + ADS) and I just jetpack in any direction whilst keeping fire on him -> dead heavy. Doesn't work on more veteran players of course but hell even some level 35+ still fall for it.

    Play around with your tactics and always, always aim for the damn head!
  7. Dankshasta

    Joke right? Oh well i talked with my friends, and we decided that TR should have a reduced recoil unique trait, or more life, or bigger guns, or kevlar boxers. Ridiculous request, man.
  8. gunshooter

    This is implemented to make sure that better players can't retaliate when worse players get the jump on them. Much like the "spawn player directly behind the guy that killed them" mechanic in CoD, it's there to mitigate player skill and make sure that the worse player gets his kill so that he feels better about himself and continues playing, rather than giving the other guy the chance to turn around and nail him with better aim, which would hurt the worse players feelings.
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  9. iller

    Wow, I didn't know we flinched that bad (as NC) even when we're squaring up the Recoil.
    Though it definitely explains why I've seen so many perfect Torso shots doing zero damage (even when I'm only burst firing).

    Yeah that's definitely not a fair way to decide an outcome, that's for sure.
  10. Murderin

    I have this problem as vanu sometimes. I notice it the most when its a light assault using the lynx. It seems like some guns cause way more screen shake and accuracy loss than others.
  11. Megagoth1702

    Thanks everyone for the attention. I am glad to see that I am not the only one who has been noticing this.

    I understand that the NC weapons punch like a mother*** and therefore have slower rate of fire. But imagine this -

    You are TR, you get jumped on by a NC guy, inbetween his bullets you manage to get one bullet on him that shakes his aim off, meanwhile you keep putting bullets into him and your aim is perfectly fine because youre not getting hit anymore. Your high rate of fire saved you. Your skill as well but mainly your rate of fire.

    The damage per second output of all guns should be pretty much the same, unless I see some stats on that I refuse to believe anything else. :p It's basic balancing in my opinion.

    Also, yes, I played as vanu for a while but their weapons are weirdly weak after having played with NC for most of my time.

    I am running 1x holo, never gonna put a scope on my guns. And still while having my dot perfectly on target due to compensation of recoil and getting hit my gun still fails to get rounds on target.
  12. Slyguy65

    Im TR and i compared the NC heavy and TR heavy both default guns have recoil TR has more because of fire rate...pretty balanced to me....
  13. Ghoest

    Its definitely unfair to NC.
  14. Jestunhi

    You seem to be missing the point, ADS makes you flinch more, regardless of whether it's 6x zoom or 1x zoom.

    Hipfire in CQB.
  15. Megagoth1702

    And guess what. I found some data.

    Direct comparison between NC6 SAW and Orion (NC and VANU standart HA weapons):

    NC6 max damage 200, RoF is 500 rounds per minute.
    Orion 143 damage, 750 rounds per minute.

    Calculation: damage * ( RoF/60) = damage output per second.

    NC6 - 1589,28 damage per second at close range
    Orion - 1787,5 per second at close range.

    Not only do VANU have faster projectile velocity, they also have the higher damage output!

    So I say


    No bullet drop, faster bullets, higher DMG/S **** that!
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  16. Megagoth1702

    @Hipfire in CQB - thanks for the tip.

    The cone of fire for the NC6 SAW while moving is HORRIBLE, I rarely get rounds on target. So I rather make sure that every bullet goes where I want it to go by ADS. Oh right, thats not WORKING right.

    I can fight flinching if it was there visually! But there is NO way of fighting it because the crosshair stays on target when you get hit, it's just that your bullets randomly go somewhere else.
  17. Nubcaek

    High ROF weapons have lowered accuracy at longer ranges. They are designed to be superior to your weapons like your SAW in CQB. Its the paper to your rock.

    Try and somehow keep at range rather than closing in, you'll end up being the scissor :)
  18. Jestunhi

    Clueless person looks at 3 stats on 2 guns and thinks they can extrapolate the balance of the whole game from them.
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  19. Jestunhi

    If you want a CQB focused gun you have to do what all factions have to do, pick a the best weapon for the job and build on it with weapon mods (e.g. lasersight for hipfire)
  20. Megagoth1702

    Thanks nubcaek,

    that is exactly what I do in order to survive. I noticed that as well in the charts and that matches my experience. But then again I have been ****** up my *** by vanu heavies up to 50m yet, simply because their bullet spam has a higher chance of hitting me. If you spam your cone of fire full of projectiles some of them are going to hit and throw my "aim" off while I am trying to figure out why the hell my aim dot is on target but my bullets seem to be drunk.

    The whole thing of "your bullets go somewhere else when you get shot" must be gone or severely reduced.