Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Drazen, Dec 3, 2012.

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  1. Phenox

    Drazen wow
    That lash out there is incredible, your exagerating a bit much 20-30 m you get spotted you must be playing against gods or something or what because i don't have that issue, the cloak is important but it is not everything that an infiltrator is.

    Lets say hypothetically you have a 100 % effective cloak that cant be seen except when its off, your inside the enemy base what do you do, you cant do **** to vehicles, cant get into vehicle spawn point because its behind a shield and you cant hack from cloak what do you do inside the enemy base, kill people with your guns sure but in the long run they will respawn and be back in 10 seconds now actively looking and listening for you

    Infiltrators lack the class utility that differentiates every other class, cloak is important but we have no explosives like c4, we have guns and some grenades, wouldnt you like the ability to be able to hack and steal enemy vehicles and to bypass doors other team mates cant go through to cause chaos and distract enemies from the front lines ?

    Heavy assaults have their overshield, but take away the rocket launchers and they are only good for infantry like us, LA without the c4, so what your on the wall, you get to flank the enemy as you shoot them but what proper damage can you do, you wont win a base assault if you dont take out enemy permanently, killing people dosnt remove them from combat permanently, taking out sunderers and tanks removes them from combat for large periods of time, the same cannot be said for infantry

    Infiltrators currently are like medics if they couldn't revive, we have some of the class abilities, but are missing some main core mechanics that make them properly full fill their role
  2. Talizzar

    I did not read the 5 pages of snipes but full invisibility would be terrible. Hiding in the shadows is one thing to get full invis is way too overpowered. I see Infl run up and kill me before I can even get my gun up. Obviously people are macroing the turn off stealth and knife, knife, knife and invis again which I think is probably a TOS violation. There is nothing wrong with the class. If you want to kill tons then be a max heavy inf etc. I find the class very difficult to master, other think it is easy. Maybe they are used to the mechanics from PS1 or other games. I played COD just enough to get aimbotted to death and quit so FPS are fairly new to me.

    I would suggest that there be a delay between coming out of stealth and your shields coming online. Or while stealthed you have no shields, having more shields seems odd to me.

    I would add that the class does need to have more infiltration skills, like vehicle hacking or vehicle sabotage. Where the vehicle can't turn or won't stop accelerating etc. Maybe be able to hack doors open or similar.
  3. Z-Rex

    You keep on saying this Drazen, and I played an awful lot on both West servers in the initial parts of beta (West was changed to "Thebe" if I remember correctly after the first wipe), and don't remember ever running in to you.
  4. Phenox

    Drazen sounds as if he wants to be able to cloak in and kill masses of people, and ive done that, lots of people have done that, but he wants a perfect cloak to do so since he keeps getting spotted, the normal cloak does its job pretty well it has its flaws but so must everything to be balanced, if a perfect cloak does come about expect no more than a few seconds invisibility

    People miss the point of what the inf should be espionage and sabotage which it currently doesn't have the tools to do so

    Talizzard, shields don't recharge while cloaked if that helps
  5. Drazen

    Phenox - yes yes- I would like all those additional things, but the first thing that we need is 100% cloak, and better damage on the artemis, less kick on the nyx ( kick on the nyx , poet and I didn't know it :p)

    Z-rex- yes Thebe, I was in the later stages of beta, also, I don't rememb you either, though I was rank 50 heading for top 10 doing cqc with a kd of like 50 using only cqc no vehicles. This was before the game went live. I don't remember the names of people below top 100 so I doubt I would have remembered your name either. Don't feel bad though Z-rex your name is awesome.
  6. ShinyToyPaladin

    I agree with the OP. I actually enjoy sniping and do fairly well doing so, but i'd also like to be able to INFILTRATE an enemy base. I mentioned some of these points yesterday in another thread. As it is now even if I manage to infiltrate a base there isn't much that I can really do.

    To infiltrate I have to:
    Avoid being seen by the numerous enemies that are easily capable of spotting and killing me in a few seconds.
    Avoid the gunfire from enemies AND allies.
    Avoid the random explosions from grenades and tanks/air (avoid vehicles in general)
    Take a lot of time moving carefully between cover while hoping the sound of my cloak activating and deactivating doesn't tip off me off.

    Then after all that...yay I can now hack an ammo terminal...whoopee. Occasionally I'll hack a turret with someone in it and when they come out i'll be able to kill them but that's about it. However even that is dangerous since usually there are tons of enemies around the turrets anyway, and as soon as I start to hack I get spotted and killed so quickly I don't even have time to say "F***!" before i'm dead.

    Often I make my way to an enemy terminal icon just to discover that the terminal is already destroyed. Or even worse I actually do hack a terminal and my allies will go ahead and destroy it anyway -_-.

    I can't really go to a base and attempt to cap it alone because literally ANY other class can beat me in a 1v1 unless I get the drop on them. When I'm capping a point though i'm a sitting duck and may as well be a free kill. The CQC capability of Infiltrators is laughable. I play Vanu and I really WANT to be able to like the pistol, but I don't. I've heard the NC get a knife that actually kills in 1 hit and they have a much better pistol, and I would kill for the TR pistol. I tried out the Artemis with a trial but didn't get into many fights so I couldn't really give my opinion on it, but from what I hear it's extremely weak AND it costs 1000 cert points. Imo Infiltrators definitely need some CQC love.

    Like I said I do alright sniping but I want that rush to comes from infiltrating a base. I want my extremely high risk gameplay to be equally rewarded. As it is now, I feel like I'm just walking around a danger zone for absolutely no reason. Also, why on earth can't I snipe an opponent who's shooting at me? My aim goes completely wonky, it's so frustrating seeing a heavy kill me, from a ridiculous distance btw, because I can't actually aim anymore while his gun that works in all ranges with a much higher ROF is making me incapable of aiming my precision weapon. Come on..
    • Up x 1
  7. raw

    i wouldn't say that, it's more that the neccessary systems for an infiltrating infiltrator to work aren't in the game yet. lets face it, inflitration falls mostly into ~metagaming~. what would you want to infiltrate right now? hack a few terminals? shoot at a few guys DEEP BEHIND ENEMY LINES OH LORDS YOU'RE A REAL SPECIAL FORCES GUY?

    we need actual stuff to infiltrate in the game first.
  8. Phenox

    Well then you will just have to wait until Sony finally comes out with more cloak types, we know at least one type is coming maybe others

    But with regards to 100% you really want it fair enough, but it will be short duration its the only way i can see it being balanced, or it has an incredibly slow recharge rate, so you may be disappointed when it finally does come out, if it does.

    The the Artemis + 1, nyx its awful recoil is semi manageable but a buff would be nice as well
  9. Phenox

    Metagame not as much, more that we cant actually disrupt base systems and cause proper damage when we get inside, PS1 you would go in and sent base systems hay wire, open enemy only doors, turn off power preventing terminals from operating, that sought of stuff,
    Since there are no doors in the game anymore perhaps allow us to hack shields to allow brief passage so we can enter the vehicle bay and steal terminals spawn a sundy or mbt inside the enemy base, thats the sought of schenanigans you had in PS1 and it was legendary

    We need to be able to do something when we finally get into the enemy base + 1
    STEAL sunderers from the enemy for your team ANYTHING beyond what we have

    Heck just give us an EMP spiker or make the EMP grenades disable vehicles then we have a useful utility other classes don't have

    Edit : On the issue of metagame i read something about being able to do use bases to cause adjacent hexes to shut down and lose functionality or something to that degree
  10. KoSGunny

    Drazen, you keep implying that infils should be able to kill in any situation. You're simply crying for your favorite class to be buffed to where it has an advantage over all other classes in all situations..

    You apply a mask trying to ask for 'infiltration' but they already do this well. You don't want infiltration: You want the infiltrator to be a one-man army that can single handedly overwhelm hundreds and take a base.

    You refuse to see the actual state of things, you act like a child, and you cry for buffs that would apply to any and all scenarios: long range, mid, and cqc..

    While we're at it: Let's buff every other class to fit ALL SCENARIOS as well. Making the infiltrator even more 'useless' because we don't want to leave the QQing medics, HAs, LAs, or engies out. Also, let's make maxes faster and allow them a self-heal button. Don't forget nukes on ESFs.

    Seriously, Infils are not meant for what you're asking for.

    Not going to happen. Cry more. Get better. 9/10 players here disagree with you, and instead of debating with them you go on acting like you're 5 (might be a compliment to you)- then you imply you're the best so it must be the class, while admitting you can't play the class.. Seriously, pay attention to yourself: You might just want to smack yourself lol.
  11. Z-Rex

    Oh you.

    From the sounds of it you did fairly well then without having 100% invisibility, at least as far as K/D goes, but I for one don't care for playing entirely for kills, and honestly enjoy playing Infiltrator and hacking terminals inside enemy bases to deploy an AMS Sunderer and pick people off with the Stalker at medium/close range while friendlys start spawning.

    There seems to be a lot of tweaks that need to be made to all the classes in terms of utility (LA for instance really not having much other than a jetpack and no real help to their squad other than killing). I do get the impression that stealth has been designed very deliberately to give you slight advantage in being seen, but not make it impossible to be spotted whilst using it. Using stealth while in the middle of the chaos of battle rather than being able to sneak around with impunity like for example the Spy in TF2 seems much more balance in a game like PS2.

    While people are always going to get frustrated with their perception of X class being over powered or Y class being under powered I have faith that these things will be ironed out or balanced as the development of the game progresses.
  12. redshirt

    I have used the infiltrator a number of times to harass and pin a group of NC capping a point while the rest of the squad assaults it head on, spotting targets and making kills of opportunity. Generally trying to kill the damn medics O_<

    Engagement range around ~20-70 meters, and relocating while cloaked after 1-2 shots or when fired at. It worked surprisingly well.

    Cloaking in PS1 was far from 100% invisibility unless you were completely motionless and you had all weapon/equipment holstered.
  13. Lokarin

    Maybe Infiltrator could set up an Anti-Tank tripod and do chip damage from a distance? Sniping air targets would be nice since two rockets brings 'em down to like 1% health.
  14. Drazen

    the guy mentioned long range..... I didn't mention nor do I care about long range (only medium and close) in any of my posts. Everyone here agrees with me except for you two trolls. just leave already you clearly aren't infiltrators so you have no idea what you are babbling about.
  15. Tenebrae Aeterna

    I just want long range and melee capabilities...I don't care if I'm terrible mid-ranged, just give me the ability to blow heads off and gut people.
  16. Drazen

    orignally posted by tenablah aeetdhye

    "I just want long range and melee capabilities...I don't care if I'm terrible mid-ranged, just give me the ability to blow heads off and gut people." you're still here?
  17. lastchaplain

    In what way do infiltrators 'infiltrate' better than any of the other classes currently? The argument seems to be the you're doing it wrong and that the cloak is great, as long as nobody is looking. It reminds me of the Invisible Boy from Mystery Men. You can 'infiltrate' as long as no one is paying attention. LAs 'infiltrate' orders of magnitude better than infiltrators atm. Seriously, this class needs love.

    I don't think any infiltrator here has been asking to be OP, just to be able to perform on par with other classes and live up to our namesakes. The sniping aspect of the class is fine, it's the infiltration side that needs work. Although, thinking about it, even the sniping side isn't that strong at the moment. It relies on the chaos to go undetected, and any class can do that. The infantry render distance limitation leaves much to be desired, because snipers are still easily within retaliation distance. Take this in conjunction with the preponderance of vehicles and explosive ordinance, and you can see why even excellent snipers can get frustrated in this game.

    The downside to balancing these two facets is that to empower the infiltrator side of the class, our CQC capability and utility would have to be improved. It will be a difficult act to do so without making the class universal. It may be a matter of weakening the effectiveness of other classes instead, but I'm not a fan of nerfs. I do not envy the devs, this will not be an easy archetype to balance.

    For me, I just want to be as useful as medics and engineers to the war effort. And maybe a little anti-vehicle effectiveness would be nice :D
  18. Drazen

    if you won't listen to me listen to one of my brethren. Guy knows what he's talking about so listen to him. geez.

    Originally posted by Krytical

    "Here are some of my stats: I have over 5 days of play time. My most played class is infiltrator. I'm ranked #7 on the Connery server

    I know how to play Infiltrator. Enough to tell you Infiltrator is the least useful class to bring to a battle.

    Every other class can easily fulfill a multitude of roles.

    For example:

    A Heavy Assault with tricked out T9 Carv S (Foregrip/Compensator/HVA) is deadly from all ranges. I can snipe with it, and I can melt faces in CQC with it. Same thing applies to a Medic with a tricked out NS-11A, engineers, etc.

    In addition to their range versatility, they also bring more utility than an infiltrator. Infiltrator has no way of dealing with vehicles outside from hacking a turret or a terminal and spawning a tank himself, all which are extremely situational. HA is a walking turret, in addition to having the highest effective HP. Medics can rez and heal themselves or their team mates in addition to having what many consider the best weapon selections in the game. Engineers, well, what can't engineers do?

    The only class that is in a comparable position to the Infiltrator is the Light Assault. However, unlike Infiltrators, LA can still deal with vehicles/MAXes thanks to C4/Jetpack. The infiltrator Cloak is only useful for getting around people who are distracted, anyone looking in your direction WILL see you unless they are blind. I see infiltrators trying to sneak around all the time. Then there are the IR/NV scopes which make it even easier. With that said, the cloak is probably the best tool infiltrators get when compared it to hacking/mines/sensor.

    Basically, infiltrator gets the least flexibility weapon-wise, along with the crappiest support abilities. They could definitely use some love by either give them a decent CQC weapon, or abilities we can actually use from a distance if sniper continues to be the only viable playstyle for infiltrators.
  19. Benton!

    Oh I am the troll huh? Yet your typical argument being pointing out spelling mistakes, or posting in HUGE letters UMADBRO is totally not trolling?

    You state that you were one of the best infiltrators, if not THE best, in PS1. First of all, this claim is pretty big to make. But logically, if that is true, your level of skill must be very high. If it is, even when given far inferior tools, you should still be a good player, because your skill would make up for the inferior tools. However, you state that you are ineffective as an infiltrator in PS2. So this means one of two things. The tools given to you in PS1 are a huge crutch, or you are lying. Now, given the fact that PS1 cloak had big downsides like no shields, and the fact that you have given no proof to your standing in PS1, it seems you are lying.

    Now, just today, I played a little bit of infiltrator. I would not say I am the best at all, far from it, but I was able to run around in an enemy base, which was a huge battle on our continent, hack 2 turrets, get like 15 kills, and destroy a Sunderer, all in about 20 mins. All because of Hunter cloak.
  20. Drazen

    I just want to say that we need a better cqc weapon.....and full invis...nothing less than these two things will make this class viable. I don't want to snipe from far away! How are you going to hack a base when you are 300 meters away from it? Infiltrators infiltrate----haters this what we wan't planetside 2 to become? I want to fight in a world with equally balanced classes- but right now infils are getting royally screwed.
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