SOE, please admit your mistakes.

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by illinar, Dec 2, 2012.

  1. illinar

    The game was released unoptimised (which you mentioned on this subforum) with tons of bugs that are complitely ruin the game. It is super frustrating to see all of this in the game, give our input to SOE and recieve almost zero feedback from devs.

    It just gives the impression that you dont care, which must be not true, but thats what alot of players feel, especially those who expirience serious bugs for the long time, and dont see any developers reaction.

    If I was a customer I would very much ensist on hearing apologies from the company, but I'm just a player who is playing this game for free and desperately trying to have fun while game keeps crush, lag, and ruin teamplay with broken VoIP. So I suppose to be gratefull, but I'm also concerned and frustrated by the fact that I, as well as most of the players, can't expirience the game in it's full potential stable form.
  2. Faidwen

    There are about 40948308943204823048 posts like this.\

    SoE knows that you are frustrated, but unfortunately re-posting here when you feel this way simply adds NOISE to the already acknowledged issues.

    Be specific...
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  3. illinar

    I was very specific. I want to hear from developers that they are aware of bugs, I want them to list those bugs and show us, I want to know how is work going on fixing those. I want them to say it youtube channel and in the news.

    I made like 5 threads about specific issues with the game.
  4. OldMaster80

    You didn't pay a single cent and you're playing the largest FPS ever. That's great imho. Of course you're free to submit your feedback but your rants are not helping devs to do their job nor to fix the bugs you found. You should at least be more specific about the problems you're experiencing.
    I recommend you to uninstall and come back to see how's the game later January because optimization and bug fixing take an awful amount of time. o_O
    I think we're not seeing so many patches in these days because the team is focused on stability, which is the very first problem of this game.
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  5. Talizzar

    What you want and what you will get are not going to match up. No game company does this. You want them to list all the bugs/avenues for exploitation? I think not. I would rather have the devs working on the bugs and not wasting their time here. I am sure they get a list of the "issues" regularly from the forum moderators.

    If you want this you should purchase Sony and than you can do what you want :)

    For a game that just came out, I have run into very few issues. I fell through the world once today. Oh well. There are some graphical rendering issues and planes that just disappear. Nothing earthshaking. I wish their documentation of the game and skills were better but that is not a bug just bad the Engineer B key while turreting....I am sure there are other things like that feature that most players don't know about which is a shame. If you didn't expect a few bumps and restarts and server issues during the 1st month of the the game you need to come back to reality.
  6. Deladin

    I understand the OP's post. I played for three months of beta, and some of the bugs that people are experiencing now, were in way back when I joined. They developers were always quick to provide feedback on bugs they were going to fix in the next patch, but NEVER made any feedback or anything of bugs that they did not fix. Take the tanks falling through the world when spawned bug. It was destroying tanks left and right in beta, and it STILL is. Yet I have not seen one single post about them acknowledging this, let alone some sort of temporary fix (remove the faulty terminals perhaps)

    This game released broken. Free to play or not, it released broken. And not just with server issues, which can be expected due to increased players (though they never once tested the servers in beta to full capacity. they had just as many servers as they do now, but with limited beta population).

    But much of what is broken has been broken FOR MONTHS! Yet they always found the time to update the in-game store with new weapons, or fix balance issued that were not their, or fix little itty bugs that even if it did affect someone, was very minor.

    Some sort of admission of "ya we really rushed this game out and it's broken, we are sorry" would be nice, but getting Smedley to admit to any sort of problem would probably cause a super massive black hole to open up over SOE America headquarters.
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  7. illinar

    Guys learn to read. Not you, Deladin.

    And the main post was written in a calm constructive fashion. I described my problem, I offered a solution.
  8. OldMaster80

    I've read, you alrady submitted your feedback about bugs. What do you expect them to do? To reply "You're right Illinar, we're a bunch of a$$holes and we can't do our job, we made a mess with PS2 launch. Thanks god you put us on the right way with your feedback and we realized that we have to fix the game!"
    Because the point is that everyone knew that PS2 was going to be released with a ton of problems. The game has a lot of bugs (no real game breaker for me hoestly) and huge issues with stability and performance. If you read this forum and check Twitter you know they are aware of that.
    Again, if you feel frustrated I suggest you to quit the game and come back later maybe in 2 months.
  9. Marinealver

    The release date was rushed, and they have admitted that they already said and I quote
    So yeah. They are making mistakes and unfortunately in this upcoming society where perception is everything admitting the mistake is often considered worse then committing the crime itself. That is why you see so many politicians, businessmen, commanders, PR spokespeople and other figures of authority will rarely (or never) admit to making any mistake or committing any wrong doing.
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  10. ItchySox

    OP, calm down Mate. Folk are juggling jello and spinning plates at the same time. I'd give them all a two week break myself but I'm not running the show. :) It'll come together.

    /Good grief, I'm in a good mood this morning :)
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  11. Freyar

    Does it matter? They'll work on what they can, and things that don't work like they should are most certainly a high priority. Patches take time, fixes take time. Fixes that don't break anything else take the most time.
  12. illinar

    Hmmm... I beleived I alredy sayd it. Try also to understand when you read. I'm sorry, I just hate it when people dont try to understand what you said, and rush to give their opinion.

    There is standart practice IN EVERY software support service called "The known issues", where you can see which bugs are reported and are on devs radar, so you know that you dont have to keep banging on their door to make them notice issues you are having.

    That is not just a case of couple of bugs on release, this is rushed release, bad buisiness desicion. Beta is beta, but after release, please make life of those who care about the game, and whant improovements, easyer.

    P.S. Who is OP?
  13. ItchySox

    My troll alert just went off. OP = Original Poster.
  14. illinar

    No trolling))
  15. ItchySox

  16. nickkeane

    Wrong. SOE has been completely on the ball when it comes to feedback in the forums, as a great number of moderators have responded to issues in the technical forums in the majority of threads I've read. As well, SOE President John Smedley and their PR department have been very active in being transparent and answering concerns on their twitter feeds. You're just looking in all the wrong places, I guess. Hell, they even made a post a few weeks ago in announcements detailing their current plans for PS2, with the top two points being bug fixes/optimizations and the metagame. They may have a lot to answer for the current state of the game, but not for the effort given in attempting to fix it.
  17. wolfva

    Ummmmmmmm. Yeahhhh. Ok. Let's see. They're not admitting their mistakes, yet in your first sentence you admit they...admitted their mistake. There is absolutely nothing I can do or say to torpedo your argument better then you've already done.
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  18. illinar

    They stick s topic about only one optimisation problem. And after months of constant crashing and silence from the mods or devs in all relatet threads I red, the player proposed solution. Give us the freaking known bug list. Say something about it. All I ask.

    Well rganised feedback system would help them also. And by system I mean the one small document. One thread on the forum. ONE message from dews. "Hey guys, we are aware of this bugs and we are working on them [list of bugs] all reported bugs will be added to this list, thank you for feedback]

    The name of the thread is cousing too much emotional feedback here. Now am I wrong in what I ask from them?Clear organised feedback for players who care to report issues and frustrated buy lack of the feedback of any sort.
  19. sagolsun

    What do you want, access to their bugtracker? For them to hire a CS guy to keep and maintain a thousand page long thread about bugs?

    That makes no sense. Yes, the release date was unreasonable and now the game is broken. We all know that. Yes, there are tons of bugs, crashing issues, the game is extremely poorly optimized. Yes, players have to use hacks to get it to work properly. Yes, this is essentially an open beta.

    The devs are working on ducttaping it all together.
  20. Crazy Airborne

    tanks falling thru the world? only happened to me once in beta, and i played tank heavily. looking around the maps right now, looks like a lot of peoples tanks are doing just fine........ in fact, looks like TONS of people are NOT having issues that are gamebreaking, as they assault this amp station, or that bio lab.

    i would have to disagree with the OP's doomed bias about this game as I have had a few crashes here or there, but I get back online and play with thousands of other people and have a blast doing it. quit sweating the small stuff!