Sorry NC, but I can't take it anymore.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Badboss, Nov 30, 2012.

  1. Darzok

    Oh look another NC whine topic saying they have the worst guns in game i am sick of this lie.

    The TR have the best guns followed by the NC the VS have the worst guns but do you see them whining NO why they get on with it and still kill and kick the crap out of the TR and NC.

    TR is easy mode NC normal and VS hard.

    The problem with NC players is the fact there to stupid and just want to spam fire and kill every thing with out having to aim thats the TR theme don`t like it change to TR or leave the game. The NC are 100% bloody fine you have to burst fire to be good if you are unable to do that tough you did not learn to play so you should be owned.

    As an NC i have NO problems owning VS all day since there guns are lol crap the TR can be tricky since there guns are great but if you trust the small number of massive whiners form the NC on the forums our guns are the worst and that is a lie its just there crap lack of skills mean there easy kills.
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  2. Baby

    Funny because all of the real numbers say TR > VS > NC and the devs have finally confirmed that they will be fixing NC weapons. So you appear to be wrong.
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  3. Aerensiniac

    Roll yourself a rocket flyer like every noob out there and enjoy free kills.
    Thanks to the completely ******** XP system, AA is practically nonexistent. Why would anyone even play AA when you get 1/10 the exp you would get in ANY other role?
  4. Seiha're going to keep switching empires as they get balanced?
  5. Steppa

    All video games are math-dependent and, by definition include mins and maxes. So, yeah, of course those things exist. My point wasn't that they don't, only that FPS players, as a whole, don't obsess over them like the MMO players do. FPS forums aren't full of theorycrafting because, I would think, there are simply not that many combinations of gear/stats/perks to choose from. MMO's revel in exact that aspect of gaming. Everything else always seems to be an afterthought.
  6. Steppa

    When I learned about PS2's business model, I wondered how people two-boxing on the same server with different accounts/different empires would be handled, if at all. Most of the PC gamers I know have two computers handy even if one is their "old" gaming rig and can't handle the visuals.

    Someone out there, maybe a bunch of someones are going to level up TR on a server on one account, then use that 'toon to have access to the other empire's maps and command channels, etc.

    Yes, that seems like an awful lot of trouble to go through just to get what may very well be a tenuous advantage. So is getting a tongue piercing, but that doesn't seem to slow some people down.
  7. Rumless

    The new meta game - claiming to switch sides because your faction is "underpowered".
  8. Darzok

    Yer as paper stats and numbers are never wrong and are all ways 100% proof if some thing is balanced or not.

    You can papercraft number all day long but that will never match what happens in game papercraft says the Vanguard is the best tank and will all ways win any tank battle but it don`t.
  9. ddp

    Im no good at shooting as a NC. I keep trying to shoot the enemy on his boot then end up getting a headshot! :(
  10. Badboss

    Right now until things become balanced and really until the performance issues are dealt with, there really is no penalty for switching if you have nothing but time invested into your character. Also, yes, I swapped to TR because let's face it. Steamrolling for easy certs is a no-brainer decision.

    I want to sub, but I will wait until the game is bit more reliable.
  11. Alduin

    All the real numbers indicate that they are pretty much all equal with +-%5 in TTK when looking at the best weapon in each class. I have played all three sides there is little to no difference between the guns in medium and cqc which is the most important engagement range anyway. Maybe more differences at long range but blah blah blah.
  12. lsp1

    I've been playing fps's since the og wolfenstien and doom. No NC weapons are not fine, they have the slowest ttk out of all three factions, the slowest ROf and the highest COF. go one on one with TR carv against any NC HA weapon with both people being equally skilled and see what happens. I'll tell you what happens, NC gets left click hold dpsed down everytime. And another thing, SOCOM was not a fps.
  13. PoopMaster

    NC technically takes more skill infantry-wise, but if you can get used to it their guns kick ***.
  14. Konstantinn

    In regards to close encounters:

    It's the headshots. If you can't shoot accurately (IE you're an NC with huge recoil) you can't reliable shoot someone in the head. So yes your shots do more damage, but it's mostly body shots. While your enemy calmly shoots body only long enough to spray up to the head and stay there on the head until you are dead.

    Head shot with weaker per shot weapon does more damage than body shot with stronger per shot weapon. In the end ends up NC getting fewer kills overall, and most of those are lucky bursts in the face. Availability of headshots favors weaker more accurate weapons over stronger less accurate ones.

    This wasn't so much the problem with PS1.
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  15. Chenjesu

    NC was OP in beta and the other factions soldierd on and kept playing.

    Now that NC isn't clearly OP they cry.

    I rolled NC last night when my server went down and i like you guns more then the ones i use.
  16. Astafar

    Are you forgetting the fact that if your infantry can't compete well enough to capture territories, you don't gain resources fast enough to consistently pull vehicles?
  17. GamerOS

    Those numbers often forget to include the COF bloom when firing extended periods of time.

    On both the TR and the Vanu this starts decent and ends up good enough you can still go fully automatic and hit at ranges like 50 meters.
    On the NC on the other hand the initial COF is very good, making for good single shot accuracy, however after about 5 shots their COF Bloom far exceeds the TR and Vanu making Bursting a requirement.
    Not much of a problem, but bursting increases or TTK, meaning that although on paper it's balanced, out side of CQC the NC suffers horribly in TTK compared to the other two factions.

    You'd think that the ability to be accurate with Single shot makes up for that but very few weapons do the damage at that range necessary for it and most fights aren't even in this ranges anyway.

    What I'm trying to say is that outside CQC the NC suffer horribly because TTK is balanced around fully automatic TTK despite the fact the NC has to burst fire at most ranges the TR and Vanu can go fully automatic.

    Actually, there were huge whine fests in Beta by TR and VS loyalists about how the NC were so horribly OP and the NC was nerfed because of it.
    Heck the myths that the Reaver has more HP and does more DPS still float around till this day.

    Of course, now that the NC is asking why our guns are lagging behind we are the whiners, for obviously or guns are perfectly fine. We just need to L2P and burst fire at ranges the TR and VS can mow us down with full auto.
  18. KLECKO

    Sorry,but there is no leaving the NC ,If you do leave you were never really NC to begin with.

    If our guns (NC) are the worst guns in game,so be it .We need to move on,and get over it .We need to learn how to play with what we have ,not with what we dont have.
  19. Hael

    When guns aren't getting the job done, there is only one solution:
  20. Badboss

    Well, that's fine. I wish you boys well. *not too well obviously* However, it would be nice to see blue on the map from time to time.